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UL achieves the highest results in Latvia at World University Rankings
13.09.2019. 16.57 Ziņa
and international recognition. The university will always be associated with students, thus, our university’s popularity among the youth of Latvia and knowledge seekers from abroad, is an important consideration. Hopefully, all of this will contribute to our goal of being among the TOP 500 universities worldwide,” says G.Straube. In comparison with the previous year, the results of UL have improved according to three indicators. The UL has achieved the best results in cooperation with the industry, rising from 873 to 567. For many years, the UL's best indicator has been the international outlook, where the UL retains a good result – this year it has risen from 672 to 571. The UL ranks 646 th in research, while last year it ranked 973 rd . “The number of companies working with the University of Latvia on developing new products or technologies increases annually. Entrepreneurs are also becoming more aware of the need to invest in innovative products that can potentially generate higher profits
Self-Regulated Learning in Remote Educational Context
03.11.2021. 22.01 Saturs
Self-Regulated Learning in Remote Educational Context [PDF] Edīte Sarva, Inga Linde, Linda Daniela University of Latvia, Latvia Abstract: Year 2020 has introduced massive changes in the teaching and learning in traditional classroom settings all around the world as due to the abrupt outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, schools had to introduce remote learning systems and the amount of students’ independent workload increased exponentially. Self-regulated learning plays a crucial role in the learning process, and it is even more significant in remote learning as external regulation is low. The aim of this research was to study students’ self-evaluation on self-regulation processes during remote learning caused by the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic in autumn 2020. This paper presents results of a case study at a secondary school in Latvia. Over aperiod of two months regular surveys were carried out to investigate students’ opinion on their metacognitive, motivational and behavioural
I. Brice, K. Draguns and L. Milgrave speaks in School of Young Physicists
23.02.2023. 13.26 Ziņa
On 16 January 2023, the 1st lesson of the School of Young Physicists was held in Līvāni 1st secondary school. The event was organized by the Education Board of Līvāni region in cooperation with the University of Latvia. The authors of the idea were Rudzātu Secondary School. This time the focus was on optics and vision. Schoolchildren from Līvānu district had the opportunity to learn how human vision works, why the sky is blue and how a light beam is refracted. Lecturers included members of ERA Chair project - post-doc Ingra Brice, PhD students K. Draguns and L. Milgrave Link to School of Young Physicists:
28.06.2019. 01.32 Saturs
The Advanced Social and Political Research Institute (ASPRI) is the research institute of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Latvia. Since its creation in 2004, the task of ASPRI has been to coordinate interdisciplinary research projects involving the academic staff and graduate students of the four departments in the faculty, which are: Political science, Sociology, Communication studies, Information and library sciences. More information in our homepage .
LU PPMF studentus aicina uz lekciju "Izdegšanas sindroms skolotājiem"
11.05.2019. 18.54 Ziņa
Aicinām uz lekciju IZDEGŠANAS SINDROMS SKOLOTĀJIEM17.maijā plkst. 10.15 – 11.45LU PPMF,Imantas 7.līnija 1 310b auditorijā un kopā mācīsimies kā “NEIZDEGT”. “ Mēs visi esam kā sveces! Mēs degam un degam, līdz kādu brīdi mūsu liesmu kāds ar slapjiem pirkstiem nodzēš tā, ka čurkst! Bet mūsos taču vēl bija tik daudz gaismiņas… Neļauj nekam, nekad un nevienam apdzēst tavu liesmiņu ”, uzskata vieslektore Dr. psych. Diāna Zande. Vietu skaits ir ierobežots. Dalība seminārā - bezmaksas . Laipni aicināti visi interesenti! Projektu īsteno LU Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultātes 4. kursa studiju programmas "Speciālās izglītības skolotājs/Skolotājs logopēds" studentes studiju kursa ietvaros ''Projektu vadīšana izglītībā''.
Cilvēka fizioloģija zobārstniecības studentiem
Kurss sniedz pirmo ieskatu cilvēka organisma darbības pamatprincipos. Semināru un praktisko nodarbību laikā studenti apgūs organisma funkciju vadības principus. Kursa mērķis: sniegt zināšanas par cilvēka organisma fizioloģiskajām funkcijām un kontroles mehānismiem - šūnu, audu un orgānu līmenī, kā arī gūt ieskatu sarežģītu bioloģisko sistēmu darbībā. Kursa uzdevums: izprast veģetatīvo, somatisko, sensoro un psihisko funkciju principus. Kurss tiek docēts angļu valodā.
Cilvēka fizioloģija zobārstniecības studentiem
Kurss sniedz pirmo ieskatu cilvēka organisma darbības pamatprincipos. Semināru un praktisko nodarbību laikā studenti apgūs organisma funkciju vadības principus. Kursa mērķis: sniegt zināšanas par cilvēka organisma fizioloģiskajām funkcijām un kontroles mehānismiem - šūnu, audu un orgānu līmenī, kā arī gūt ieskatu sarežģītu bioloģisko sistēmu darbībā. Kursa uzdevums: izprast veģetatīvo, somatisko, sensoro un psihisko funkciju principus. Kurss tiek docēts angļu valodā.
International Young Scientist Conference “Development in Optics and Communications 2013”
05.09.2019. 17.56 Saturs
The purpose of the International Young Scientist Conference “Development in Optics and Communications 2013” is to bring together students and young scientists working experimentally and theoretically in the fields of optics and photonics to share and exchange new ideas and to establish contacts for future collaboration. There are 5 conference topics: Laser Physics and Spectroscopy; Optics in Communication; Biophotonics; Optical Materials and Phenomena; Vision Science.
Vladislavs Nazarenko
16.03.2020. 22.25 Saturs
M.M.V.Petkevičs piemiņas stipendiju (1450 eiro) ieguvis 2008./2009.gadā, studējot LU Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultātes bakalaura programmā. Vladislavu Nazarenko raksturo aktīva izziņa informācijas tehnoloģiju inovācijās. Pēc iestāšanās LU ar vēlmi kļūt par lietišķās informātikas skolotāju students iesaistījās fakultātes sabiedriskajā dzīvē un uzņēmās kursa vecākā pienākumus, vienlīdz aktīvi darbojās akadēmiskajā laukā - piedaloties 7.starptautiskajā studentu zinātniskajā konferencē (International Student’s Research Conference) ar referātu par IP telefoniju (2008.gada maijs), kur ņēma dalību gan Latvijas, gan ārvalstu studenti un pasniedzēji. Draudzenes mudināts un vecmāmiņas atbalstīts, pieteicās stipendijai „Ceļamaize” - līdz rezultātu paziņošanai nebija pārliecināts, vai varēs saņemt šo stipendiju, jo apzinās: LU studējošo rindās ne mazums studentu ir ar apgrūtināto materiālo stāvokli, it īpaši tas saasinājies ekonomiskās krīzes laikā. Topošajam informātikas
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