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FORTHEM Student Conference 2020
08.02.2021. 17.48 Ziņa
With its first Student Conference, the FORTHEM Alliance devoted three whole days to the important aspect of student involvement. The goal of the exchange was to strengthen links between students andto empathize theirvoice in the FORTHEM Alliance. Using a creative and collaborative approach, the participants set out to develop new ideas for involving more students in the Alliance’s many activities. The FORTHEM Student Conference 2020 took place from 7th to 9th of December 2020 and was hosted online by the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz Around 25 students from all 7 partner universities took partinthe conference. The conference waschairedbyLudmilaSamochwalow, FabianStephan,JolinaHartmann& Anna-LenaRoppeltfrom University of Mainz.They decided to use the three days as a Kick-Off Meeting for an ongoing collaboration within the student groups over the next two monthsto work on all 4 phases of the Challenge in their detail. TheongoingChallengegiven to all student groupsis
Researchers and students of LMI KPMI participate in the international scientific conference of medicine
24.10.2023. 17.55 Ziņa
This year, the International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia celebrates its 80th anniversary and its meetings in medicine and pharmacy will take place on 25-26. in March. This year's event takes place remotely on the Zoom platform. Researchers of the Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine and students involved in research work have been participating in the conference for several years already, and this year is no exception. Those interested can follow the conference work virtually. The program of the event and Zoom access links, as well as e-stand reports are published on the conference website . The theses prepared by the participants are compiled in a revised thesis stock and issued in Annex 1 to number 58 of the internationally quoted journal “Medicina” .
PATRON OF THE MONTH. Three local governments motivate and support the most talented students
30.07.2020. 12.19 Ziņa
of the current election term. Jana's dedication and activity has always been a great example to aspire to. There are many scholarship recipients whose success inspires pride. The municipality will continue this support, believing that this work has already borne fruit. Such an excellence scholarship is not only financial support for the young people of the region who want to study – it raises the prestige of education in the region and promotes the recognition of Salaspils throughout Latvia,” emphasizes R. Čudars. Salaspils Municipality Scholarship recipient 2020 – Laura Ramza obtained a bachelor's degree. Photo from personal archive. How to receive a scholarship this year? All applicants must submit applications by 16 August 2020, 23:59: completed electronic scholarship application form available at (in the menu “For students” choose “Apply for scholarship”); two letters of recommendation from school directors, teachers at school or out-of-school and/or interest
UL condemns Russia's aggression in Ukraine and is ready to provide support to Ukrainian students and researchers
02.03.2022. 19.15 Ziņa
The University of Latvia (UL) expresses its support to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people in the fight against Russia's brutal aggression. The University of Latvia (UL) asserts support for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people in the battle against the barbaric invasion by Russia. The UL will provide all possible support to the Ukrainian students studying at the University, as well as the academic staff. The University of Latvia governance and the Senate have discussed further possibilities of assistance to Ukrainian scientists, offering them the opportunity to continue their research at the University of Latvia. Rector, Prof. I. Muižnieks: “We have a very close and productive cooperation with several Ukrainian universities, we know our colleagues well, they are our friends. We have contacted the citizens of Ukraine who are studying or working at the University of Latvia, and consulted them regarding the types of support they currently need. We will act accordingly. We will help ensure
MyHUB researchers remind not to forget about pupils and students with special needs and inclusive education even in a crisis caused by Covid-19
11.06.2020. 16.12 Ziņa
A state of emergency has been declared in Latvia and throughout the European Union – schools and universities work remotely. This situation poses innumerable challenges for teachers and university lecturers – they need to learn new skills at a very fast reorient their daily work from offline to online communication. This is not an easy task for anyone – neither teachers nor pupils and students. The research team of the ERASMUS + project “My HUB – an online repository of inclusive good practices, resources, methodologies for educators in formal and non-formal education” remind – pupils and students with special needs and learning difficulties not to be forgotten in this tense situation. It is necessary to continue efforts to implement inclusive education in Latvian schools and universities also in the conditions of the crisis caused by Covid-19. “In a crisis situation, it is especially important to remember and take into account that students who have difficulty learning the content
New planners in Latvian language available for students in the centenary of the University of Latvia
03.09.2019. 13.47 Ziņa
This year, the University of Latvia has produced two planners in different designs – the classic blue with the symbol of UL centenary and the boldly colourful planner for flight of creative thought. Open planner shows a calendar on the left with name days to be celebrated and the space for writing down the events and tasks, while the right-hand side provides a large space for notes, creative expressions and drawings. The planner is perfect for students as it indicates the highlights of the study year, such as registration week, exam session time, holidays, and upcoming University of Latvia centenary events. The planner also contains the most important facts about UL history, addresses of faculties, opportunities for participation in cultural and artistic collectives, sports and the UL Student Council. The planner ends with information on where to go for assistance with the study process or career choice. The UL new planners for 2019/2020 are available for purchase
Call of the Scientific Committee of the Congress for scientists, doctoral students, students
04.04.2023. 20.03 Ziņa
The Scientific Committee of the Congress has developed a two-day programme that includes thematic discussions, speeches, seminars, demonstrations and other activities of different formats. In addition, scientists, doctoral candidates and students from Latvia and of and Latvian origin all over the world are invited to submit abstracts in an open call for poster presentations. Applications shall be submitted in Latvian and English or only in English by 16 April 2023 via the Congress website . Abstracts for posters The Scientific Committee of the Congress is pleased to invite submissions of abstracts for poster presentations. In order to submit a poster to be exhibited at the Congress, an abstract (max. 200 words long) is to be submitted. In the abstract in between other crucial information, authors are encouraged to specify the potential of the research results to boost Latvia’s growth, e.g. technological development, improvement of people's wellbeing
University of Jyväskylä welcomes FORTHEM Alliance students to Survival Finnish course
25.11.2022. 11.21 Ziņa
Go ahead, give it a go! It is not so difficult - we help you to do it in six weeks.Learn the unique language that inspired elvish in Tolkien’s writings!Sign up by 31st January 2023. FORTHEM Digital Academy and the Centre for Multilingual Academic Communication at the University of Jyväskylä proudly present the annual Survival Finnish (2 ECTS*) elementary course in Forthem Digital Academy. Teacher-led Moodle-course combining interactive and independent study elements (active participation required, 80% attendance) will be organised on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 16.15-17.45 (Finnish time) from 21 February to 30 March 2023 - Course description - Enroll/show your interest by filling in the form by 31 January 2023. Selected students will be contacted later regarding the next steps. - E-mail for more information: *PLEASE NOTE: The course is worth 2 ECTS credits and every FORTHEM university makes individual decisions about the recognition of these credits
European Studies Master Students joint event - University of Latvia and Institute of Europe, Kaunas University of Technology
02.11.2022. 19.45 Saturs
With the first snowflakes and candle lights in the windowpane, and smell of the Christmas tree in houses, step by step the winter is drawing closer. This is the time for mutual understanding and development of new friendship. It is a pleasure for European Studies Master Programme to host guests from Institute of Europe, the Kaunas University of Technology. We sincerely believe that it will be the continuation of good and deep-rooted friendship. Place : University of Latvia, Raina Blvd. 19, the University Cafeteria’s Private Hall Date : Monday, December 13th, 2010 Time : 18.00 Evening’s Programme 1) Welcome of students from Kaunas; 2) Students’ presentations and discussions; 3) Winter season reception followed by greetings, an intellectual game and informal gathering. Programme’s faculty and students are kindly invited to the meeting!!!
"Jurista Vārda" pētniecisko darbu konkursa galveno balvu iegūst LU Juridiskās fakultātes students Ernests Grabusts
02.12.2022. 16.22 Ziņa
1. decembrī LU Juridiskās fakultātes konferenču zālē notika “Jurista Vārda” 17. studentu pētniecisko darbu konkursa apbalvošanas pasākums. Klātesot konkursa dalībniekiem, žūrijas komisijas locekļiem un redakcijas pārstāvjiem, tika paziņoti četru sekciju uzvarētāji, galvenās balvas un Cerību balvas ieguvēji. Šogad par vairākiem darbiem tika piešķirtas arī veicināšanas balvas. Šogad konkursam tika iesniegti 35 darbi, no kuriem 28 darbi sacentās konkursa vispārīgajā daļā, bet septiņi darbi pretendēja uz Frīdriha Georga fon Bunges Cerību balvu. Vispārīgajā daļā darbi tika vērtēti četrās sekcijās: Krimināltiesību, Civiltiesību, Starptautisko un Eiropas Savienības tiesību, kā arī Valsts tiesību, tiesību teorijas un vēstures sekcijā. Konkursā tika piešķirta Galvenā balva, kas nosaukta prof. Kalvja Torgāna vārdā. Šogad konkursanti pārstāvēja piecas augstskolas un vienu koledžu: Latvijas Universitāti, Rīgas Stradiņa universitāti, Daugavpils Universitāti, Rīgas Juridisko augstskolu, Rēzeknes
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