Atrasti 23644 ieraksti
Graduation papers submission and defence schedule
29.04.2020. 17.11 Ziņa
In order to ensure the procedure for elaboration of the final graduation paper of the students of the University of Latvia Faculty of Business, Management and Economics in an emergency situation, a new calendar plan has been prepared. This will allow students, supervisors, study programme directors, reviewers and study secretary to successfully implement defence procedure. Students must upload by the due dates graduation paper in LUIS and send to the study programme study secretary a digital version of their final degree work by the set due dates signed with a secure electronic signature or as a digital copy (without electronic digital signature). However, if the final degree work is submitted as a digital copy without secure electronic signature, students must submit their final degree work in printed form (bound with hard covers) to their faculty after the end of the state of emergency following the instructions issued by its dean. Graduation papers submission and defence schedule
Participants of the Jessup Baltic Cup will dispute before the International Court of Justice
22.02.2012. 11.45 Ziņa
The Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition Baltic Cup 2012 will take place in the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia on 24th and 25th February. Although the competition will be held in the Baltic region, law students from all across Europe are welcomed to participate as well. The Jessup Competition is the world's largest and most renowned moot court competition with a history of over a half century. The first competition was held at Harvard University (USA) by international public law enthusiasts. Now, the court competition gathers participants from over 500 law schools in more than 80 countries. After the national and regional selections teams will earn the rights to participate in the international rounds in Washington D.C., USA.Last year the International Law Students Association delegated organization of the Baltic Cup to the University of Latvia - Student Council of the Faculty of Law. The previous year championship received positive feedback so the Council
Bioinfromatics Excellence Scholarship awarded to our colleague Santa Prikule
31.10.2020. 15.26 Ziņa
of ideas can take place faster and be more innovating” says Santa. “I am thankful to the University of Latvia Foundation for its work in managing and issuing scholarships and for improving the development of philanthropic culture in Latvian society. I sincerely thank the scholarship patron, the Latvian company "MikroTik", not only for donations to student scholarships, but also for all the other persistent and selfless work of this company in supporting the development of science in Latvia!” The Latvian company “ MikroTik ” was founded in 1996 and it develops wired and wireless network routers, network switches, access points and software for their routers. In the academic year 2020 / 2021, the Bioinfromatics Excellence Scholarship was awarded to five students with biological or computer science backgrounds. More information about MikroTik and Santa Prikule
Studiju programmas un formas maiņa
11.01.2022. 23.43 Saturs
Students ir tiesīgs mainīt studiju programmu, ja viņš ir apguvis pašreizējās programmas daļu vismaz 40 kredītpunktu apjomā un izvēlētajā studiju programmā ir brīvas vietas. Lai mainītu studiju programmu, students līdz kārtējā semestra reģistrācijas nedēļas pirmajai dienai raksta iesniegumu pašreizējās un jaunās studiju programmas direktoram. Pēc abu studiju programmu direktoru piekrišanas saņemšanas students slēdz līgumu par studijām jaunajā studiju programmā. Studiju programmas maiņa notiek saskaņā ar studiju uzsākšanas kārtībā vēlākos studiju posmos LU noteikto kārtību. Studentam ir jāapgūst jaunajā studiju programmā paredzētie studiju kursi un jānokārto pārbaudījumi (papildu prasības), ja pašreizējā studiju programmā viņš tos nav apguvis vai apguvis mazākā apjomā, nekā to nosaka jaunā studiju programma. Jaunajā studiju programmā paredzētos studiju kursus, kurus students nav apguvis iepriekšējā studiju periodā, viņš var apgūt LU klausītāja statusā.Studijas LU organizē pilna un
LU fonda stipendijas šogad ieguvuši seši SZF studenti
07.11.2019. 18.26 Ziņa
7. novembrī svinīgā pasākumā LU Lielajā aulā tika sumināti visi 2019./2020. akadēmiskā gada LU fonda stipendiju ieguvēji. Kopumā šogad tika sveikti 94 stipendiju ieguvēji no sešām Latvijas augstskolām. Lielākais stipendiātu skaits ir no Latvijas Universitātes, tai līdzās ir arī Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes, Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes, Rīgas Ekonomikas augstskolas, Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijas un Vidzemes augstskolas studenti. No Sociālo zinātņu fakultātes studentu vidus stipendiātu pulkā tika sveikti seši studenti: Jaunizveidotās Diplomātijas stipendijas (mecenāti Dagnija un Kaspars Krēsliņi) ieguvušas divas maģistra studiju programmas "Diplomātija" 2. kursa studentes – Signe Gerinoviča un Lauma Cīrule . Minnas Matildes Vilhelmīnes Petkevičs piemiņas stipendijas 2019.2020 mācību gadā saņems divi Politikas zinātnes bakalauru studiju programmas 1. kursa studenti – Jēkabs Kārlis Rasnačs un Pauls Pencis . Portālā Delfi augsto novērtējumu un stipendija šajā mācību gadā
Register your team for LU Student Cup 2023
07.09.2022. 13.46 Ziņa
As part of this school year, there will be an sports event tournament where students in self-created teams will be able to compete for valuable prizes by participating in as many LU sports and active recreation events as possible. The competition will take place in 3 stages: 2 qualifying stages (each stage in its semester of the school year) and the grand final in May of 2023. During the qualification stages, the involvement of teams and the results shown in all events organised by the sports Centre of the University of Latvia shall be taken into account. At each stage of the qualification, the attendance of the activities of a given semester and the results presented therein shall be assessed. Teams from 6 to 10 participants can apply for the LU Student Cup, completing an electronic application questionnaire. You can apply for your team until the end of the second qualifying phase, but we remind you that registering your team membership faster and engaging in events
FORTHEM Buddy Programme
31.08.2022. 18.52 Saturs
The programme is held entirely online and is open to all FORTHEM students who would like to connect with fellow students from other FORTHEM universities. It is a great opportunity to gain international experience in an easy way, by participating in different activities and online events such as movie nights, language exchange groups, book clubs and more! By connecting with students from other FORTHEM universities through the Buddy programme, you will also have a familiar face to greet you if you choose to travel to another campus through one of the many opportunities for international mobility offered by FORTHEM. How to Join? To join the Buddy programme, you can sign up through this form . After you sign up, you will receive a link via email to join other participants online. As our 9 universities start their academic years at different times (from the end of August to the end of October), you will receive a link to join by November at the latest. Why should you join? All
New exhibition space in Riga dedicated to science and innovation
30.09.2022. 10.00 Ziņa
A new interactive exhibition space at Riga’s Origo shopping centre aims to showcase the latest innovations and achievements in science from Latvia. Named the RTU and Origo Future Stop, the initiative will cast light on the work of the students, engineers and scientists of Riga Technical University. Located on level two of the new Origo building, the space is freely accessible. More than an entertainment facility, it allows members of the public and prospective students to not only see but also get a feel for what scientists, researchers and students are working on and how such solutions take shape. It is hoped that the initiative may foster interest in studying, as well encourage new interdisciplinary collaborations and commercialisation of the ideas. More information
Studenti atbild topošajiem studentiem
09.03.2021. 15.56 Ziņa
Februāra beigās studētgribētāji bija aicināti uzdot jautājumus sociālajā tīklā "Instagram" un saņemt uz tiem atbildes tiešsaistē no LU studentiem. Nedēļas garumā arī četri Humanitāro zinātņu fakultātes studenti – Simona, Daniels un divas Patrīcijas – piedalījās pasākumā "LU studenti atbild" un sniedza atbildes uz dažādiem jautājumiem par un ap studijām. Vislielākā studētgribētāju interese bija par to, cik viegli ir iestāties Humanitāro zinātņu fakultātes studiju programmās, kāda ir konkurence uz budžeta vietām, kādi centralizētie eksāmeni jākārto, kāda ir absolventu pieredze darba tirgū, kur dzīvo fakultātes studenti, kas nav rīdzinieki, un ko vēl var darīt ārpus studijām. Nedēļu iesāka un noslēdza Moderno valodu un biznesa studiju 2. kursa studente Simona Elfa Skangale . Viņai visvairāk tika vaicāts par angļu filoloģijas studiju iespējām, par to, kādu studiju formu labāk izvēlēties (klātieni vai neklātieni, kāda ir atšķirība) un par jauno studiju programmu Anglistika, Eiropas
Studentu korporāciju 18. novembra gājiena tradīcija
17.11.2020. 13.43 Ziņa
ir 23 studentu korporācijas, no kurām 17 reģistrējušās pie LU: Lettonia, Lettgallia, Talavija, Fraternitas Lettica, Latvia, Tervetia, Beveronija, Philyronia, Fraternitas Metropolitana , Fraternitas Academica, Fraternitas Latviensis, Patria, Vendia, Lacuania, Gersicania, Fraternitas Cursica un Fraternitas Vanenica . Latvijā ir 13 studenšu korporācijas, no kurām 12 reģistrējušās pie LU: Daugaviete, Gundega , Dzintra , Imeria , Selga , Gaujmaliete , Varavīksne , Aurora , Sororitas Tatiana , Spīdola , Zinta un Staburadze . Studentu/šu korporācijas, kurās iestāties, ir daudz un dažādas, bet visbiežāk studenti izvēlas savu īsto korporāciju, balstoties uz racionāliem aspektiem. Piemēram, LU students/e visbiežāk izvēlēsies korporāciju, kas darbojas Rīgā, nevis Jelgavā, lai lieki nemērotu tālo ceļu. Studentu/šu korporācijas izvēlās arī pēc draugu vai paziņu ieteikuma. Studentu/šu korporācijas ne tikai apvieno studentus un absolventus, bet nodarbojas arī ar labdarību
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