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2014. gads
07.04.2016. 22.45 Saturs
Symposium on Pragmatic Aspects of Translation „ Translation, Quality, Costs” 2014. gada 30.-31. janvārim. 31. Veisbergs A. Parateksti. LU 72. konference, Rīga, 2014.gada 3.februārī. 32. Veisbergs A. The Role of Translation and Political Agendas in the Baltic Global Communication. The Yale Conference on Baltic and Scandinavian Studies. 2014.gada 13-15.martam. 33. Veisbergs A. The Image of Latvians in the Anglophone Sources . Starptautiskā konference ”NATIONS AND STEREOTYPES 25 YEARS AFTER NEW BORDERS, NEW HORIZONS”, Krakova, Polija 2014. gada 7. jūnijā. 34 . Veisbergs A. The Image of Latvians and Estonians in Anglophone Sources. Konference Typology and contacts of Baltic and Finnic languages and literatures . Tartu Universitāte, Igaunija. 2014. gada 13.-14. jūnijam. 35. Veisbergs A. Interference tulkojumvalodā un tās pienesums valodā. LVA zinātniskā konference. Rīga, 2014.gada 26.septembrī. 36. Veisberga A . Lielās Latviešu angļu vārdnīcas papildināšanas un pārbūve. VVK
Dabaszinātņu studentu un akadēmiskā personāla mobilitāte starp Latviju un Norvēģiju
17.09.2019. 12.59 Saturs
apmaiņa; kopējs granta pieteikums sadarbības ilgtspējai. Projektu līdzfinansēts no Eiropas Ekonomikas zonas finanšu instruments un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenta 2009.-2014.gada perioda programmas LV05 „Pētniecība un stipendijas” līdzekļiem ----- Mobility of students and academic personnel of Life Sciences between Latvia and Norway Project No EEZ/NFI/2015/S/2015/031 Project implementation period : 01.10.2015.- 30.09.2016. Project total costs : 41 302 eur Lead partner : University of Latvia Cooperation partners : Institute of Clinical Medicine and Institute of Basic Medical Sciences as a part of University of Oslo The project anticipates a deep integration of students and academic staff into collaborative project between Biology Faculty of University of Latvia and two world-class research institutions, including Institute of Clinical Medicine and Institute of Basic Medical Sciences as a part of University of Oslo. The infrastructures and facilities available at University
Career Opportunity Day Guides Students to Professional Future
04.04.2011. 14.30 Ziņa
All students of UL were invited to visit the Career Opportunity Day which took place at UL main building on March 24, 2011. In the Small Assembly Hall of UL representatives of different companies and organizations such as AIESEC, the Baltic-American Freedom Foundation (BAFF), Rimi, Coca-Cola Hellenic, the State Employment Agency, Lattelecom, DnB NORD Bank and others offered students placement, job and study-abroad opportunities. At the fair students could meet their would-be employers, find out about companies’ expectations and job requirements, as well as submit CV and apply for a placement or job.Nikita, a third year student of the UL Faculty of Computing attended the Career Opportunity Day and was of the opinion that such an event is a much better chance of getting a job or placement; “if students have face-to-face contact to potential employers, it helps them decide whether they want to work for a particular company and to what degree expectations coincide with reality.” Lasma
Three concerts in one evening - Radio NABA celebrates its 16th anniversary
09.11.2018. 16.01 Ziņa
for purchase at the buffets. Tickets for pre-sale are available at As the event approaches, the ticket price will increase. You can follow the event at Radio NABA broadcast of the celebration will help to warm up for the event. On December 1, all day long from 9:00 to 23:00, Radio NABA programme will feature studio concerts, broadcast instructors, toasts and greetings. This is also the final day of the photo contest " Sakari " (“Contacts”) announced by Radio NABA, solemnly opening the travelling exhibition of the best works "16x16".
The 1st DigiBEST study visit: Portugal inspires with practical examples on SME’s digitalization
29.01.2020. 14.41 Ziņa
and will be the region to evaluate the implementation of information technologies in the optimization of productive and organizational management processes of SMEs. The study visit was opened by the President of the Intermunicipal Council of Tâmega and Sousa Mr. Armando Moorish and the first secretary Mr. Telmo Pinto. They introduced with the region, its strategy in SMEs digitalization and potential within the framework of DigiBEST project. The visit continued at the municipality Pacos de Ferreira – Public Services Espaco Empresa/ Business Space LAPMEI that introduced with their public services contact-point that provides services both for enterprises and population. Activities continued with two companies visit to learn in practice about good practices in digital transformation: the first company was Atlanta, a company of the development of production of soles for footwear industry that is committed to digital transformation in the production process thus saving on human resources. The issue
Application for Scholarships Open to the Prospective UL Students
11.06.2020. 19.50 Ziņa
whose origins can be traced back to Latgale, whereas, M.M.V. Petkevičs Memorial Scholarship grants a priority to those first-year students who lack material resources. The number and types of scholarships vary from year to year, and the scholarships can be provided by different patrons. The amount of each scholarship is EUR 2200 per academic year – the scholarship is paid out proportionally during one academic year or 10 months. For example, in academic year 2019/2020, the patrons ensured support to 20 first-year students of the University of Latvia. Conditions for application All the applicants must submit their applications until August 16, 2020, at 23:59 EEST: Documents required for scholarship application: completed electronic scholarship application form available at (in the menu “For students” choose “Apply for scholarship”); two letters of recommendation from school directors, teachers at school or out-of-school and/or interest education institution, etc
Jauns Horizon Europe projekts par gēnu rediģēšanu augos
05.09.2022. 17.08 Ziņa
FN3PT/inov3PT, France INRAE, France Euroseeds, Belgium Danish Technological Institute, Denmark Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia EV ILVO, Belgium Plants for the Future ETP, Belgium Wageningen University, the Netherlands BVL, Germany Universität Bayreuth, Germany Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação, Portugal HZPC Research BV, the Netherlands INVE Belgie, Belgium WBF-Agroscope, Switzerland For more information, please contact: Dennis ERIKSSON, Project Coordinator Department of Plant Breeding, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden E-mail: Website: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Debates on "EU relations with Eastern Partnership countries and Canada"
15.02.2013. 17.49 Saturs
to back political and socio-economic reforms in the Partner Countries, facilitating their approximation and convergence towards the EU. It implies the Association Agreements, including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements, allowing for the Eastern Partnership countries’ political association and economic integration with the EU. The Eastern Partnership also promotes democracy and good governance, strengthens the energy security sector reform and environment protection, encourage people to people contacts, support economic and social development and offer additional funding for projects to reduce socio-economic imbalances and increase stability.Currently, the EU together with the Eastern Partnership countries elaborates the Road Map of the Eastern Partnership in order to implement commitments adopted at the Eastern Partnership Summit in Warsaw last September. This Road Map will include objectives, concrete commitments and specific steps to be taken until the next Eastern
Accommodation offers
24.04.2019. 19.10 Saturs
Accomodation prices offered by hotels located near the conference venue or close to the Old Town. The July is the high season and Riga is a host for many other events in 2019!!! We encourage you to apply in time to get the best accomodation deals. Don't forget to apply the code - ICVS2019! Please, contact Ilze Ceple regarding the accommodation or reservations Mercure Hotels Elizabetes iela 101, Centre Please, make reservation till May 1st . In order to receive special offers,write a reservation request to e-mail Starting from 105 EUR / night Ibis Riga Centre Marijas iela 5 Please, make reservation till May 1st. In order to receive special offers,write a reservation request to e-mail H9436-RE
Iepirkums LU CFI 2018/31/ERAF
10.07.2019. 15.34 Saturs
information about registration to EPS is available in the SRDA or the EPS webpage: Please note that the SRDA is responsible authority for registration and use of this EPS. Therefore in case you need any assistance in the EPS, please contact the SRDA (e-mail: ). The Tender Regulations and other procurement documents are available in:
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