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Exchange students evaluate the work performance of the UL academic staff
10.08.2020. 19.00 Ziņa
Each academic year the Mobility Division of the Student Services department conducts a survey for incoming exchange students in order to evaluate their level of satisfaction of studies at the University of Latvia regarding the following aspects: course offer, quality of lectures, methodology, study environment, availability of study materials, administrative support and other UL services. In addition, 224 respondents have nominated 49 academic staff members for the “Best Teaching Award in 2019/2020”: Jevgenija Ņečajeva, Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševiča, Jānis Supe, Jānis Priede, Leonardo Pataccini Alvarez, Annija Apsīte, Andrejs Cekuls, Jūlija Bulatova, Vadims Danovičs, Inese Vorončuka, Mārtiņš Zemītis, Kārlis Purmalis, Kristīne Bērziņa, Oļegs Krasnopjorovs, Inna Romānova, Juris Krūmiņš, Julija Zakemo, Jurģis Šķilters, Andris Antuzevičs, Normunds Stivriņš, Kristīne Āboliņa, Evelīna Zilgalve, Jeļena Sevastjanova, Jeļena Marčenko, Anastasija Vedela, Dace Liepiņa, Valdis Muktupāvels, Alla
The topic of the discussion was „The costs of green lifestyle and development of biological agriculture and eco products”
30.01.2012. 19.03 Ziņa
On the 25th of January a video conference with Fulda University College (Hochschule Fulda ) took place in the Faculty of Economics and Management. The topic of the discussion was „The costs of green lifestyle and development of biological agriculture and eco products” Students of Master’s study programmes of the Faculty of Economics of University of Latvia - Business Administration, International Business MBA and International relations (economics) – Zane Lase-Lasmane, Jānis Supe, Elīna Ladinska, Olga Ļašuka, Ieva Norīte, Jūlija Maļceva un Ilona Lempa, along with professor Baiba Savrina participated in the conference with their colleagues in Germany, Fulda University College. German students had made a presentation about eco - products and green issues in Germany, whereas students of the faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Latvia informed their colleagues about the correlation of the green environment with the life quality in Latvia, the costs of social
Norisinājusies videokonference par zaļo dzīvesveidu
30.01.2012. 16.22 Ziņa
Šī gada 25.janvārī Ekonomikas un vadības fakultātē notika videokonference ar Fuldas Universitāti (Hochschule Fulda) Vācijā. Konferences tēma bija zaļais dzīvesveids, tā izmaksas, bioloģiskās saimniekošanas un eko produktu attīstība. Videokonferencē profesores Baibas Šavriņas vadībā piedalījās studenti no maģistra līmeņa Vadības zinību programmas (virziena Starptautiskā ekonomika un bizness), Starptautiskās attiecības (ekonomika) programmas, kā arī Starptautiskā biznesa (ar specializāciju eksporta menedžmentā) programmas – Zane Lase-Lasmane, Jānis Supe, Elīna Ladinska, Olga Ļašuka, Ieva Norīte, Jūlija Maļceva un Ilona Lempa. Fuldas Universitātes studenti pastāstīja par zaļo vidi Vācijā, eko produktiem, elektromobiļu attīstību, atjaunojamās enerģijas izmantošanu Vācijā. Savukārt Latvijas Universitātes studenti stāstīja par dzīves kvalitātes saistību ar zaļo vidi, zaļā dzīvesveida ekonomiskajām un sociālajām izmaksām, latviešu tradīcijām, kā arī prezentēja pašu veiktā pētījuma
Collection of conference abstracts “Session of Ph.D students in Communication Science”
10.12.2021. 16.31 Ziņa
The collection of abstracts from the 79th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia “Session of Ph.D students in Communication Science” has been published. Edited by professor Vita Zelče, the collection is available both in Latvian and English in the repository of University of Latvia. The collection includes the following abstracts: "Motherhood challenges of the 21st century: topical research on communication of experience on social media", Elza Lāma "Connotations and denotations in the semiotics of Latvian and world cinema of the 20th century. Theoretical background", Daira Āboliņa-Ilješāne "Media criticism in Europe - the main theoretical traditions", Sarmīte Kolāte "Library challenges in the mids of Coivd-19: promoting information literacy", Santa Draģe "Changes in the cultural journalism forms influenced by media transformation. Theoretical background", Juta Žvira-Kundrāta "Digital archives and artificial intelligence: speech
Doctoral students of the Faculty of Computer Science will present at the seminar of the doctoral school
23.10.2023. 19.11 Ziņa
Doctoral students of the Faculty of Computer Science of the University of Latvia will present their topics at the next seminar of the Doctoral School "Translational research in medicine": 1. Maxim Ivanov with the topic "From neuronal morphology to sensorimotor integration: why to study the rat brain" 2. Aleksandrs Levinskis with the topic "Application of Kalman filter for sensor data processing" The seminar will be held online, via ! Please send your application to participate in the seminar in time to our school's e-mail ( ) or by sending a letter on the Facebook page ( ) Every participant who applies for participation will receive an invitation link to in their e-mail on the day of the seminar (10 minutes before), where they can join the seminar online. The seminar will take place on 11.06. 16:15 - 17:45. Facebook page of the seminar - HERE .
My Erasmus students all said, “Latvia is great!”. Interview with Laura Dean
17.08.2020. 17.14 Ziņa
I can’t tell you how many doors have been opened in my life because I speak Latvian – says Laura Dean, a guest lecturer at University of Latvia in the Social science faculty this semester through the Fulbright program sponsored by the US government. Laura Dean has a long history with University of Latvia – she taught the first course at University of Latvia on gender and politics at the faculty. She was also a former international student at University of Latvia in 1999 when she was an undergraduate student from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and again as a master's student in 2007-2008. How did Latvia become a place for your research and work? I was an undergraduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and I went to a study abroad fair my first semester of university. I studied political science and I always knew I wanted to study abroad. There were basically two programs where I could study Political Science in English. I had taken Spanish in high school
Ministers of Germany and Latvia will give a public lecture about digital development to UL students and everyone interested
16.02.2023. 11.08 Ziņa
Live stream will start at 10.45 On Thursday, 16 February, in the framework of the 81 st international scientific conference of the University of Latvia (UL), the students and everyone interested will have the opportunity to listen to a public lecture by the Minister for Digital Infrastructure and Transport of Germany, Dr. Volker Wissing, and the Minister for Environmental Protection and Regional Development of Latvia Māris Sprindžuks about the joint path of the European Union countries in creating a digital Europe. The guest from Germany, Dr. Wissing, will explain the advantages of the single digital market in the European context, whereas Mr. M. Sprindžuks, will focus on digital transformation as a window of new opportunities in the EU. The lecture will take place in the UL Small Hall (Raiņa bulvāris 19), starting at 10:45. A live broadcast will be offered on the UL portal The lecture will be held in English, simultaneous translation into Latvian will be available
Students LU KPMI zinātniskās asistentes vadībā ar izcilību pabeidz studijas LU
20.09.2023. 02.23 Ziņa
Maija izskaņā Latvijas Universitātē noritēja medicīnas fakultātes diplomdarbu aizstāvēšanas sesijas. Students Alexander Nyrén, kas savu diplomdarbu izstrādāja LU KPMI zinātniskās asistentes Olgas Sjominas-Gubarevas vadībā, saņēma izcilu vērtējumu un Dr. med. Prof. Daiņa Krieviņa atzinību par labāko diplomdarba prezentāciju. Jaunā absolventa darbs "The value of pepsinogen I/II ratio, ghrelin and trefoil factor 3 in diagnosing precancerous gastric lesions" balstīts LU KPMI pētījuma GISTAR datos. Apsveicam un vēlam turpmākus panākumus!
Collection of conference abstracts “Session of Ph.D students in Communication Science”
29.11.2021. 17.39 Ziņa
The collection of abstracts from the 79th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia “Session of Ph.D students in Communication Science” has been published. Edited by professor Vita Zelče, the collection is available both in Latvian and English in the repository of University of Latvia . The collection includes the following abstracts: "Motherhood challenges of the 21st century: topical research on communication of experience on social media", Elza Lāma "Connotations and denotations in the semiotics of Latvian and world cinema of the 20th century. Theoretical background", Daira Āboliņa-Ilješāne "Media criticism in Europe - the main theoretical traditions", Sarmīte Kolāte "Library challenges in the mids of Coivd-19: promoting information literacy", Santa Draģe "Changes in the cultural journalism forms influenced by media transformation. Theoretical background", Juta Žvira-Kundrāta "Digital archives and artificial intelligence: speech
Doctoral students are ready to realize their scientific ambitions
10.01.2019. 18.20 Ziņa
The main motivation for young researchers is the desire to understand complex things and help people around to comprehend them. It is a desire to contribute to science and the development of new technologies. Five first year doctoral students of the University of Latvia (UL) in the field of natural sciences have received a scholarship from the patron “Mikrotikls” Ltd. for the implementation of their research ambitions. When evaluating the applicants, such aspects as the uniqueness of the research, the environment of the researcher, including the equipment, the content of the application and the credibility of the realization, the academic maturity (previous scientific activity) were taken into account.Scholarship of the patron “Mikrotikls” Ltd. for the UL first year doctoral students in the field of natural sciences, administered by the UL Foundation, is awarded for the second year. Last year, six doctoral students received it. The amount of each scholarship is 1000 euros per month
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