Atrasts 851 ieraksts
16.06.2010. 18.54 Saturs
sign-up form and wait for your account to be activated. Then post all your vacancies. If you need any assistance, please contact Andreas Kasper at or Helpdesk at . The heading of the advert should be in English. The body of the advert cain be in native language.
Taisnīgs līdzsvars starp privātumu un drošību kibertelpā: stingru datu aizsardzības standartu izveide Eiropā
13.04.2021. 01.29 Saturs
Projekta XI ceturksnī (01.10.2020.-31.12.2020.) veiktās darbības: Turpināts darbs pie monogrāfijas rakstīšanas. Zinātniskais raksts "The Global Flood of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps: Sailing with Human Rights and Data Protection Standards against the Wind of Mass Surveillance" publicētsŽilinas Universitātes konferences "The 20thInternational Scientific Conference Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2020" atvērtas piekļuves rakstu krājumā SHS Web of Conferences92, 01035 (2021). Pieejams: 1. oktobrī dalībaKauņas Tehnoloģiju Universitātes rīkotajā tiešsaistes starptautiskajā zinātniskajā konferencē “Forum on Innovative Technologies and Management for Sustainability – 2020” (ITMS’20) ar referātu"Stop COVID-19 with or without Digital Technologies: Beyond Privacy and Data Protection Requirements". 21. oktobrīdalība Žilinas Universitātes rīkotajā tiešsaistes
PATRON OF THE MONTH. Enabling UL seniors to enjoy benefits of modern society
19.05.2020. 12.27 Ziņa
members are grateful to the University of Latvia leadership, Rector, Professor Indriķis Muižnieks and the UL Foundation for the opportunity to maintain contacts with their alma mater , socialize, participate in important university events, to feel needed and appreciated. Seniors value the support of JTI as a special gift : “Without the support of the patron, we would not be able to travel so much. During the excursions we have the opportunity to explore the history of Latvia, visit cultural and historical objects, to get acquainted with today's achievements, to obtain information about different regions of our homeland, the people and their traditions. Trips to Lithuania and Estonia allow us to compare what is common and different in all three Baltic countries. The positive emotions that we gain strengthen our health, enrich us with joy of living and endow us with the awareness that what we have done during our working years is appreciated. We delight in the successful cooperation
Courses offered by the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Opthometry
04.04.2022. 16.37 Saturs
The organization of the courses depends on the number of participants. Courses are mainly offered on individual basis, namely, consultations on the chosen/offered topic given in English. Contact persons: Physics - Doc. Imants Kaldre, e-mail: Mathematics - Doc. Olga Grigorenko e-mail: Optometry - Ms. Dace Rutkovska, e-mail: dace.r
Visual identity
19.04.2022. 14.36 Saturs
FORTHEM visual identity style guide to be respected in all digital and printed materials. FORTHEM’s logo CMYK .jpeg format CMYK (full name) .jpeg format CMYK .eps format CMYK (full name) .eps format RBG .png format RBG (full name) .png format black .png format white .png format For any question, please contact our local FORTHEM offices .
Planned outputs of the Lab and current work in progress
10.12.2020. 12.50 Saturs
heritage, history, and memory; · representations and narratives on Europe and the European in (social) media, culture, and art; · hate speech Photo Exhibition entitled “My Europe” , initiated by University of Jyväskylä Contact Person, Tuuli Lähdesmäki The idea of this project is to organize in all participating partner universities a small workshop for students in which they are advised to take photographs of such environments/phenomena that represent Europe for them and discuss their notions of Europe. The project will be based on a comprehensive way to explore, reflect, and impact Europe, stemming from visual elicited data and the core themes of Experiencing Europe Lab. It utilizes students’ personal representations of Europe as the canvas for researching, teaching and outreaching within three main perspectives: the educational, the critical and the political. The objectives of the project are to encourage a dynamic dialogue on Europe and European values among students; to facilitate
Izdota grāmata par baltu un somugru valodu pētījumiem
08.06.2022. 19.28 Ziņa
Apgādā “Peter Lang” publicēta jauna grāmata "Insights into the Baltic and Finnic Languages. Contacts, Comparisons, and Change" (2022) Helles Metslangas (Helle Metslang, Tartu Universitāte), Mīnas Norvikas (Miina Norvik, Tartu Universitāte, Upsalas Universitāte) un Andras Kalnačas (Latvijas Universitāte) redakcijā. Grāmatā ir apjomīgs ievads par Baltijas jūras apkaimē runātajām valodām, to tipoloģiju un vēsturi, kā arī 12 rakstu, kas veltīti baltu un somugru valodu pētniecībai gan valodu kontaktu, gan sastatāmā aspektā. Autoru loks ir ļoti plašs, jo ar pētījumiem piedalās ne tikai Tartu Universitātes un Latvijas Universitātes, bet arī Helsinku Universitātes, Upsalas Universitātes, Vīnes Universitātes un Viļņas Universitātes valodnieki. Grāmatas "Insights into the Baltic and Finnic Languages. Contacts, Comparisons, and Change" idejiskais pamats ir “Societas Linguistica Europaea” 51. konferences sekcijā “Circum-Baltic languages: varieties, comparisons, and change” nolasītie referāti
Jauna grāmata par baltu un somugru valodu pētījumiem
09.06.2022. 12.51 Ziņa
Apgādā “Peter Lang” tikko publicēta jauna grāmata – “Insights into the Baltic and Finnic Languages. Contacts, Comparisons, and Change” (2022) Helles Metslangas ( Helle Metslang, Tartu Universitāte), Mīnas Norvikas ( Miina Norvik, Tartu Universitāte, Upsalas Universitāte) un Andras Kalnačas (Latvijas Universitāte) redakcijā. Grāmatā ir apjomīgs ievads par Baltijas jūras apkaimē runātajām valodām, to tipoloģiju un vēsturi, kā arī 12 rakstu, kas veltīti baltu un somugru valodu pētniecībai gan valodu kontaktu, gan sastatāmā aspektā. Autoru loks ir ļoti plašs, jo ar pētījumiem piedalās ne tikai Tartu Universitātes un Latvijas Universitātes, bet arī Helsinku Universitātes, Upsalas Universitātes, Vīnes Universitātes un Viļņas Universitātes valodnieki. Grāmatas “Insights into the Baltic and Finnic Languages. Contacts, Comparisons, and Change” idejiskais pamats ir “Societas Linguistica Europaea” 51. konferences sekcijā “Circum-Baltic languages: varieties, comparisons, and change
Collaboration partners
29.10.2021. 03.55 Saturs
Current collaboration partners: Nongovernmental organisationRiga Photonics Centre Riga, Latvia Center for Soft Nanoscience ,University ofMü nster Munster, Germany Contact person: Helmut Zacharias Lund Laser Center , Lund University Lund, Sweden Baltic Scientific Instruments, Ltd. Riga, Latvia Light Guide Optics International, Ltd. Livani, Latvia European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC) Page updated: 28.10.2021.
05.09.2022. 12.52 Saturs
zinātniskās konferences arheoloģijas sekcija/Elīna Guščika. Archaeology in the Baltic in the Early 21st Century: Latest Research, Topical Discussions and Present Challenges. Archaeology Section of the 80th International Research Conference of the University of Latvia 157 Kaspars Zellis. Sabiedrības un vēstures saskarsmes jautājumi LU konferencē: diskursīvas piezīmes/Kaspars Zellis. Issues of Contacts between Society and History at the Conference of the University of Latvia: Discursive Remarks 167 RECENZIJAS/REVIEWS Matthias Asche, Werner Buchholz, Mathias Niendorf, Patrick Schiele, Anton Schindling (Hrsg.). Protestantismus in den baltischen Landen und in Litauen. Nation und Konfession vom 16. Jahrhundert bis 1918 (Reformationsgeschichte Studien und Texte, Bd. 170). Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2021 (aut. Gvido Straube) 176 Aivars Stranga. Latvijas un Padomju Krievijas miera līgums 1920. gada 11. augustā: Latvijas–Padomju Krievijas (PSRS) attiecības 1919.–1925. gadā. Rīga: Mansards, 2020
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