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LU Bibliotēka un LibOCS ierosina diskusijas par sabiedriskās zinātnes (Citizens Science) attīstību
02.11.2023. 13.56 Ziņa
26. oktobrī kolēģi no LU Bibliotēkas un citām Latvijas Universitātes struktūrvienībām tikās ar kompānijas Scientific Knowledge Services (SKS) pārstāvjiem, lai pārrunātu sabiedrsikās zinātnes jeb amatierzinātnes (Citizen Science) attīstības iespējas Latvijas Universitātē, izmantojot BESPOC modeli. BESPOC jeb Broad Engagement in Science, Point of Contact ir modelis, kas palīdz attīstīt atbalsta pakalpojumus amatierzinātnes un atvērtās zinātnes (open science) veicināšanai ņemot vērā dažādus aspektus. Modeli var izmantot, ieviešot amatierzinātnes kontaktpunktu vai pakalpojumu klāstu gan institūciju līmenī, gan nacionalā līmenī. Tas ir veids, kā atvieglot zinātnisko darbību, veidojot ciešāku sadarbību un pieredzes apmaiņu starp ieinteresētajām pusēm, sakārtojot dažādus procesus amatierzinātnes projektu realizēšanai un iedzīvotāju iesaistīšanai pētniecībā, veicinot pētnieku mijiedarbību ar sabiedrību, popularizējot amatierzinātnes projektus un amatierzinātnes kustību kopumā
Two possibilities from FORTHEM for Early-Stage researchers
14.11.2023. 18.25 Ziņa
or official stipend/fellowship) Linked to a concrete prospective research project Secondment must take place in one of the nine FORTHEM countries Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (JGU) will be the management university responsible for payments to the beneficiaries or postdoctoral researchers. Each secondment will be co-funded with a maximum of 3.000 €. On an individual basis it may be decided if the total amount for each secondment will be paid as an extra top-up to the salary, directly to cover the travel and accommodation costs, or as a stipend going directly to the postdoctoral researcher. This depends on the status of the applicant. The local FORTHEM Office will be the responsible for helping during the process for applications. If you have questions, please contact Agnese Rusakova ( ). Further information: For partner search you may also contact: For any clarification on Alliance level: info
Simulating Proton Transfer to Charged Electrodes with Reactive Molecular Dynamics Trajectories
06.10.2014. 16.29 Saturs
Prof. Eckhard Spohr , Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Chemie Universität Duisburg-Essen D-45141 Essen, Germany A reactive trajectory approach for the study of proton discharge at charged metal surfaces is discussed. It is based on an extension of a minimalistic empirical valence bond (EVB) model to study proton transfer in the bulk. Quantum mechanical density functional theory calculations were parametrized for the EVB force _eld. The model is used to investigate reactive (discharging) proton trajectories that were started in the bulk of a water _lm adsorbed on charged metal electrodes. We study the electrochemically active Pt(111) surface un- der various conditions.For pure water in contact with the electorde, the results indicate a transition between a reaction-dominated regime at moderate negative charges, where the rate constant increases ex- ponentially, to a \transport limited" regime where the transfer rate is almost independent of the surface charge density (at more nega
19.10.2021. 17.57 Saturs
What can you do? o participate in workshops and pilot projects as representatives of the society, o relate with one of our Labs ’ to work on one of the topics of crucial societal relevance, o join our current and future citizen science projects and assist in research activities, o take part in surveys to help shape European, national and regional R&I policy, o become our multiplier and an ambassador of the FORTHEM Alliance in your community. What can you get? o representation of the citizen voice in an international academic network, o impact on institutional practices and research programs that reflects your interests, o priority access to universities and events (open days), o a voice of your community heard through FORTHEM universities’ media, o residents of one of the regions where are situated our 7 universities will soon be able to benefit from our online courses within our Digital Academy mission. Need more details on how
Visa required to enter Latvia
30.05.2024. 16.17 Saturs
Since you need visa to enter Latvia, you will need to apply for the long-termvisa at the Embassy of Latvia before coming to Latvia.Please contact the International coordinator Sabīne Stepanova to receive detailed information regarding the territorial competence for visa issue of Embassies of Latvia as not all countries have an Embassy of Latvia and not all Embassies are issuing visas. How to apply for long-term visa? Step 1. Contact the International coordinator Sabīne Stepanova and submit a reference which confirms student status at the home university (if you haven’t uploaded it together with the other documents when applying for the exchange studies). Sabīne Stepanova will provide you with an invitation for visa (you will receive an invitation number). Please note that in the invitation the visa will be requested until the end of your study semester/academic year. Step 2. Go to Embassy of Latvia, show the invitation number
Erasmus+ exchange programme
06.10.2022. 18.52 Saturs
You can go abroad in the frame of Erasmus+ exchange programme - every year new cooperation agreements are signed in different fields of studies between our 9 partner universities which permits you to choose among several possibilities. Good to know : it is possible to go abroad several times in the frame of Erasmus+ programme during your studies and your period abroad will be funded by Erasmus+ grant. Who can apply? All students enrolled in one of the FORTHEM Alliance universities . How can you apply? Contact your home university and follow their internal selection procedure to go abroad. Once selected by your home university, apply at the host university according to their application procedure. More information • Contact your home university International Relations Office or your local FORTHEM Office . • See the information material from each FORTHEM university An information session for the faculty-level coordinators of the FORTHEM universities was held on Monday 4
International Baltic Sea Region conference “Functional materials and nanotechnologies” Riga, April 2-4, 2007
30.11.2021. 20.45 Saturs
to 1.03.2007 Submission (electronically to ) of the abstracts (in English, 1 page). 15.03.2007 Availability of the final Program. 02.04.2007 Start of the Conference at the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia. 20.04.2007 Submission of the manuscripts. Proceedings of the Conference will be published in Journal of Physics, Conference Series. Detailed instructions for the full manuscript submission procedure read HERE Proceedings of the Conference are published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 9 PROGRAMME PROGRAMME –POSTER SESSION PROGRAMME –SCHEMATIC Contact for Information Andris Sternber Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia 8 Kengaraga street, LV-1063 Riga, Latvia Phone: (+371) 67 187 810 Fax: (+371) 67 132 778 E-mail: website: website: Do not hesitate to contact me for any further information or assistance
Portatīva ierīce ādas vēža agrīnai bezkontakta diagnostikai
22.05.2019. 12.38 Saturs
. Eiropas Zinātnieku nakts 2018, Atomfizikas un spektroskopijas institūts, Šķūņu iela 4, Rīga, Latvija, 28. septembris, 2018. 2. VII starptautiskā izgudrojumu un inovāciju izstāde MINOX 2018, Raiņa bulv.19, Rīga, Latvija,12.-13. oktobris, 2018. ( ) Saņemta galvenā balva ( Grand prix ). 3. Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija. Konkurss "Nozīmīgākie sasniegumi zinātnē 2018. gadā." Saņemts Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas prezidenta atzinības raksts. (21.12.2018.) ( ) 4. 4th Riga-Cambridge Venture camp. Riga, Latvia, 1 November – 15 December 2018; Cambridge, UK, 21-26 January 2019. “CHECK YOUR SKIN: portable diagnostic aid” D.Bliznuks, E.V.Plorina. Apbalvojums – 1.vieta. 5. IKT industrijas diena 2019, Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte, Rīga, Latvija (25.01.2019) “Check Your Skin” I.Kuzmina, D.Bļizņuks. 6. LU jauno tehnoloģiju & inovāciju diena, Zinātņu māja, Latvijas
Publication Possibilities
30.11.2022. 21.04 Saturs
All conference abstracts and full papers will be double-blind reviewed. Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Conference Proceedings are included in the Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index,EBSCO's Business Source databases and indexed via theEBSCO Discovery Service™. Papers could be considered for publishing in one of the following scientific journals: International Journal of Trade and Global Markets (IJTGM) (indexed in SCOPUS) International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies (IJEPEE) (indexed in SCOPUS) International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance (indexed in SCOPUS) The Journal of Economic and Management Research Humanities and Social Sciences Latvia
Student Council
29.09.2022. 21.44 Saturs
in a multilingual and -cultural environment, even with challenging topics with the strong support from the network. You will gain valuable experience and build your own international network for your future professional life. If you got interested and want to find out how to become a FORTHEM Student Council member, please contact the FORTHEM office of your home university.
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