Atrasts 851 ieraksts
Current Epidemiological Security Measures at the University of Latvia
08.09.2020. 13.41 Ziņa
-isolation; be vigilant of your health condition; if an acute respiratory infection with the symptoms of Covid-19 occurs, immediately report to the head of the main structural unit or work, the director of the study programme, methodologist or lecturer of the current planned lecture, leave the premises of the University of Latvia and contact a doctor; as far as possible, reduce the use of shared surfaces and objects, such as touch screens, computers, keyboards, etc. Do not transfer such devices, tools and equipment, including stationery, from one person to another; the UL recommends using the application “Stop Covid” ( Apturi Covid ). Organisation of study process The UL, in compliance with all epidemiological safety regulations, provides on-site studies at the UL. In order to exclude the simultaneous gathering of large groups of students in auditoriums and common areas, the studies in undergraduate study programmes must be planned with a time lag at the beginning of lectures. Studies
19.12.2023. 19.42 Saturs
of the article into Latvian can be provided by the publishers of the collection. All scientific articles in the collection have been double-blind peer reviewed. All parties involved in the creation of the collection (editor, editorial board, authors and reviewers) must adhere to the ethics of publication. The guidelines for the actions of the editor, editorial board, and authors are in accordance with the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors ( code-conduct). Responsibilities of the editor, reviewer and author The collection editor ensures the anonymity of the review. Based on the reviewers' evaluations, as well as making sure of their quality and objectivity (the reviewer's opinion follows only from the content of the article), the editor decides on the publication of the article in the collection, and the decision is notified to the author. It is the duty of the reviewer of the article to maintain objectivity, confidentiality, to verify in good conscience
Insurance and Medical Treatment, Emergency Assistance
12.10.2020. 14.18 Saturs
get the above mentioned insurance policy at the local insurance companies, for example, Ergo (Republikas laukums 3-13), If (Republikas laukums 2A), BTA (K. Valdemāra str. 63) Gjensidige (Brīvības str. 39) or Balta (Brīvības Blvd. 32). Health insurance If you are interested to apply for health insurance and have any questions, please contact with International student advisor by e-mail: Emergency call: 112 a toll-free number. The operator will connect you with the necessary emergency service. Find some of the clinics below: Medical Care Centre “ARS” / Medicīnas sabiedrība „ARS” (Skolas str. 5, Phone No. 67201006, 67201007, 67201008). Pauls Stradins Clinical UniversityHospital / Paula Stradiņa Klīniskās universitātes slimnīca ( Pilsoņu str. 13, Phone No.: 6706 9600) "Health Center 4" / „Veselības centrs 4” (Kr. Barona Street 117, Phone No.: 67847100) Pharmacies in Latvia are called „Aptieka”.
LU CFI 2012/18/ERDF
10.05.2019. 01.25 Saturs
Contractor Date of decision of Procurement Commission Contract validity term Contract price (VAT excluded) Delivery of Transmission electron microscope (TEM) CPV reference number: 38511000-0. The subject of the procurement is the same, which was for procurement LUCFI 2012/5/ERAF Lot 1, which was suspended without selecting any tenderer. 11.06.2012. 26.10. 2012. 11:00 2 Consortium: Vildoma JSC, Zirmunu str.139 Vilnius LT-09120, Lithuania Reg.No.: 110736215; VAT payer No.: LT107362113 and FEI Europe B.V. Achtseweg Noord 5 P.O.Box 80066 5600 KA Eindhoven Netherlands Reg.No.17097158 30.10. 2012. 12 to 24 months 715900,00 EUR = 503137,38 LVL Contact person: Janis Pinnis, Secretary of the Procurement Commission, tel. +371 67260545, fax: +371 67132778
Medicīna. 806. sējums
17.06.2015. 19.21 Saturs
Medicine. Volume 806 PDF fails (8,6MB) Satura rādītājs / Contents Līga Saulīte, Vadims Parfejevs, Mārtiņš Borodušķis, Una Riekstiņa Neirotrofo faktoru ietekme uz neiroektodermas marķieru ekspresiju ādas mezenhimālajās cilmes šūnās The impact of neurotrophic factors on the expression of neuroectodermal markers in skin mesenchymal stem cells Diāna Zandere, Aldis Puķītis Pirmreizēju un atkārtotu endoskopiskās retrogrādās holangiopankreatogrāfijas (ERHP) datu analīze postholecistektomijas pacientēm Latvijā Analysis of therapeutic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) data of post-cholecystectomy female patients in Latvia Līva Šperla-Skritņika, Kaspars Peksis, Tālis Kauliņš Deguna elpošanas obstrukcijas saistība ar elpošanas traucējumiem miegā Relation Between Nasal Patency and Sleep Disordered Breathing Nadezhda Berzina, Jurijs Markovs, Gundega Knipse, Dzanna Krumina Iron absorption and oxidative stress in the gut mucosa Dzelzs uzsūkšanās un oksidatīvais stress
State Administrated Internet Communication: Usability Barriers in the State Revenue Service Homepage
28.08.2018. 13.51 Saturs
as a partly structured interview with a SRS public relations employee were carried out.During the study as a whole, we concluded that the SRS has falsely assumed that the homepage target audience includes all residents of Latvia. A productive and user friendly homepage should be divided into various socio demographic groups, in which content is adjusted to their needs and abilities. Secondly, providing all state administration agencies with the same homepage structure and content decreases homepage usability. Likewise, all semantic communication barriers must be taken into account. The circle of people involved in homepage development is so broad, that it includes some who do not have the special communications proficiency required to prepare universally understandable information. Agencies must pay special attention to this, because not all website users have an extensive enough vocabulary, for example in accounting, to successfully use the e-service meant for them. Finally it must also
State Administrated Internet Communication: Usability Barriers in the State Revenue Service Homepage
28.08.2018. 13.51 Saturs
as a partly structured interview with a SRS public relations employee were carried out.During the study as a whole, we concluded that the SRS has falsely assumed that the homepage target audience includes all residents of Latvia. A productive and user friendly homepage should be divided into various socio demographic groups, in which content is adjusted to their needs and abilities. Secondly, providing all state administration agencies with the same homepage structure and content decreases homepage usability. Likewise, all semantic communication barriers must be taken into account. The circle of people involved in homepage development is so broad, that it includes some who do not have the special communications proficiency required to prepare universally understandable information. Agencies must pay special attention to this, because not all website users have an extensive enough vocabulary, for example in accounting, to successfully use the e-service meant for them. Finally it must also
26.03.2019. 14.56 Saturs
options in this or next academic year. If you have questions regarding application procedure, academic or practical matters, feel free to contact us
Doctoral programme in Natural Sciences (Biology)
09.02.2024. 17.13 Saturs
, specialization and language. The degree is awarded on the basis of Thesis, which are presented in an open seminar. The research results have to be published beforehand. The graduates have wide opportunities of academic and industrial employment. ERASMUS+exchange possibilities UL full-time students, regardless of their citizenship, have the opportunity to apply for the ERASMUS + exchange program for studies or/and traineeship. More information: ERASMUS + study mobility ERASMUS + traineeship moblity Admission requirements Master’s Degree or equivalent in Life Sciences, Medicine or Chemistry As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview. Autumn Intake ( application start: 02 Jan 2023; studies start in Sept 2023) Full-time Contact persons for more information about the programme: Programme director Dr.h.biol. Indriķis Muižnieks Programme secretary Vita Brusbārde
15.02.2023. 14.19 Saturs
education of law science As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview. Full-time Contact persons for more information about the programme: Programme director Dr.iur. Jānis Lazdiņš Programme secretary Agnese Šteinberga
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