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Sadalītas LU SP Gada balvas 2015
08.12.2015. 14.29 Ziņa
pašpārvaldes ģeneratora īre; Gada students – Marta Suveizda (Sociālo zinātņu fakultāte); Gada fakultātes studējošo pašpārvalde – Vēstures un filozofijas fakultātes Studējošo pašpārvalde. Tā balvas sadalītas šogad, lai tagad tās kalpo par motivācijas devu nākamajā gadā sasniegt vēl vairāk, labāk un veiksmīgāk, bet šis gads un Gada balva lai paliek siltā atmiņā. Tā noteikti būs - neierastais formāts, norises vieta un brīvā noskaņa pasākumu padarīja unikālu. Par smiekliem, kas pāršalca apmeklētāju rindas, jāsaka paldies fantastiskajiem pasākuma vadītājiem Rihardam Blesem un Artim Ozoliņam. Jāpiemin arī grupa “Triis”, kura rūpējās par muzikālo nodrošinājumu oficiālās ceremonijas laikā un “The Loudstones”, kuru mūzika pēcāk lika griezties dejā un izlocīt kājas visiem apmeklētājiem. Un, protams, paldies visiem, kuri ieradās!Lielu paldies organizatori saka arī saviem atbalstītājiem un draugiem: Swedbank, Iespējamā misija, “Ģertrūdes ielas teātris”, “Cita Rota”, “”, “Skrīveru saldumi”, „Dove
Graduations Start at the University
22.09.2009. 12.53 Ziņa
From June 6th to July 4th students will be graduating from the University of Latvia. In total, 5,200 new specialists will graduate this academic year. This summer approximately 4,000 students from the 14 faculties of the university will receive their diplomas in 41 formal graduation ceremonies. This academic year's first round of graduations took place in the autumn, and to date 1,200 students have already graduated. The majority of this year's graduates are students of the Faculty of Economics and Management - 1,400 in total. Regarding the other faculties, 500 students will graduate from the Faculty of Law, 450 from the Faculty of Social Sciences, 400 from the Faculty of Modern Languages, and 340 from the Faculty of Education and Psychology. Traditionally, the graduation ceremonies take place in the heart of the Alma Mater - theGrand Hall, and this year being no exception, this is where most of the graduates will be receiving their diplomas. Indeed, almost every day until
DF studenti Aleksandrs Zajakins un Aleksejs Zajakins piedalījās programmēšanas sacensībās Indijā
21.03.2019. 16.35 Ziņa
No 14. februāra līdz 17. februārim Indijā, Bengalūru notika programmēšanas sacensību “SnackDown 2019” fināls, kurā piedalījās arī Latvijas Universitātes Datorikas fakultātes studentu komanda: 2. kursa students Aleksandrs Zajakins un 4. kursa students Aleksejs Zajakins. “SnackDown” ir starptautiskas programmēšanas sacensības, kuras organizē CodeChef – bezpeļņas izglītības iniciatīva, ko izveidojis programmatūras uzņēmums “Directi”. Sacensību formāts ir līdzīgs pasaules studentu komandu programmēšanas sacensībām (ACM ICPC), tikai komandā piedalās divi dalībnieki. Komandas piedalās vairākās kārtās, līdz pēdējā kārtā pirms fināla no reģistrētajām27875 komandām ir palikušas vien 500, kas sacenšas par dalību klātienes finālā. Finālā piedalījās 38 komandas, ieskaitot 8 dažādu gadu pasaules programmēšanas sacensību ACM ICPC pirmo vietu ieguvējus piecās no komandām. Datorikas fakultātes studentu komanda finālā ierindojās 19. vietā. Sacensības norisinājās uzņēmuma-organizatora “Directi
UL student Laura Ikauniece qualified for the 2012 London Olympics
08.06.2012. 17.48 Ziņa
On May 27 and 28 University of Latvia (UL) Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art (FEPA) student Laura Ikauniece made a strong start at the Hypo Meeting heptathlon in Götzis (Austria) and reached a new personal record – 6,282 points. Thereby she has met the London OlympicA qualifying standard of 6,150points and joined the list of UL track-and-field athletes going to the Olympic Games in London, which already includes FEPA students Dmitrijs Jurkevics (Dmitrijs Jurkevičs) (1,500-metre run), Zigismunds Sirmais (javelin throw) and Aiga Grabuste (heptathlon).The first day of Hypo Meeting brought Laura a series of fine achievements: a new personal record of 13.90 seconds in 100-metre hurdles followed by a repeated personal best in high jump – 1.82metres. By the end of the day two more personal records came with a 12.67-metre throw in shot put and a quick 24.43seconds in 200-metre sprint. On the second day, Laura earned another personal best in 800-metre run with 2:13.68, as well
4th International Student Conference (ICON) was a success
09.12.2021. 11.43 Ziņa
From 17th to 19th November the International Student Conference (ICON) took place at JGU Mainz for the 4th time, allowing exchange in a hybrid format. Under the headline "Reaching One Another: Language as Interface and Performance" the conference addressed various aspects of communication, introduced by an international line-up of researchers from various disciplines. Organised as part of the FORTHEM Short-Term Mobilities the conference was open to students from all partner universities, providing most lectures as a digital format for those who could not travel to Mainz. Dr. Daniel Schmicking, responsible for ICON and the interdisciplinary programme "Studium generale" at JGU, called the event a success, facilitating a tighter network between FORTHEM and ICON - and resulting in the formation of a highly motivated team for planning next year's conference. For a look at the 2021 programme check out the ICON homepage .
UL Students Achieve Victory at Quarterfinals of International Programming Contest
03.07.2019. 16.56 Ziņa
On Thursday, October 24, the Belarusian capital Minsk hosted the Quarterfinals of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) for the western sub-region of the Northern Eurasia, where the University of Latvia (UL) student team – Aleksejs Zajakins, Aleksandrs Zajakins un Kristaps Čivkulis – achieved the victory in competition with 55 participating teams. This year, among 55 teams from Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania and Kaliningrad region of Russia participating in the quarterfinals of the Western sub-region of Northern Eurasia, the University of Latvia was represented with six teams. The team “LU 2” – Aleksejs Zajakins, Aleksandrs Zajakins and Kristaps Čivkulis – solved the greatest number of the exercises within five hours (10 out of 11) and for the second subsequent year became the champions of quarterfinals, leaving behind the strong 1 st team of Belarusian State University. So far, UL had achieved the victory in the quarterfinals twice – in 2005 and 2018. “This year
UL Students Achieve Victory at Quarterfinals of International Programming Contest
31.10.2019. 14.39 Ziņa
On Thursday, October 24, the Belarusian capital Minsk hosted the Quarterfinals of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) for the western sub-region of the Northern Eurasia, where the University of Latvia (UL) student team – Aleksejs Zajakins, Aleksandrs Zajakins un Kristaps Čivkulis – achieved the victory in competition with 55 participating teams. This year, among 55 teams from Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania and Kaliningrad region of Russia participating in the quarterfinals of the Western sub-region of Northern Eurasia, the University of Latvia was represented with six teams. The team “LU 2” – Aleksejs Zajakins, Aleksandrs Zajakins and Kristaps Čivkulis – solved the greatest number of the exercises within five hours (10 out of 11) and for the second subsequent year became the champions of quarterfinals, leaving behind the strong 1 st team of Belarusian State University. So far, UL had achieved the victory in the quarterfinals twice – in 2005 and 2018. “This year
UL Students Achieve Victory at Quarterfinals of International Programming Contest
04.02.2021. 18.27 Ziņa
On Thursday, October 24, the Belarusian capital Minsk hosted the Quarterfinals of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) for the western sub-region of the Northern Eurasia, where the University of Latvia (UL) student team – Aleksejs Zajakins, Aleksandrs Zajakins un Kristaps Čivkulis – achieved the victory in competition with 55 participating teams. This year, among 55 teams from Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania and Kaliningrad region of Russia participating in the quarterfinals of the Western sub-region of Northern Eurasia, the University of Latvia was represented with six teams. The team “LU 2” – Aleksejs Zajakins, Aleksandrs Zajakins and Kristaps Čivkulis – solved the greatest number of the exercises within five hours (10 out of 11) and for the second subsequent year became the champions of quarterfinals, leaving behind the strong 1 st team of Belarusian State University. So far, UL had achieved the victory in the quarterfinals twice – in 2005 and 2018. “This year
Successful Winter School class on Cellular Signalling
20.12.2021. 13.26 Ziņa
The Winter School: Cellular Signalling, organised by the University of Valencia for advanced students from the FORTHEM Alliance universities was a great success. The winter school took place in a hybrid format. Most speakers were onsite. They were with students from the University of Valencia and covered topics such as signal recognition at and transduction across membranes, signalling within the cell and the initiation of a cellular response across various organisms. During these two days, around one hundred students had the opportunity to attend (both onsite and online ) four sessions with four lectures each, most of them were Master’s degree students. The feedback from the students was very positive. They gave the event a score of 4.65 out of 5. Most students expressed the wish to attend this event again next year and if possible in a hybrid way again. Both the students who attended the event and the organisers felt that this event has been a great success. These events
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