Atrasts 851 ieraksts
Spring 2024
29.01.2024. 22.20 Saturs
Timetable for Spring 2024 Courses can be offered on individual basis, namely, consultations on the chosen/offered topic is given in English. For more detailed information, please, contact Ms. Gunta Vigule (
FORTHEM R&I Services & Policy Office
26.07.2022. 20.15 Saturs
Contacts: Dr. Nina Straub → Justine Biettron → You can write us in any language of the FORTHEM Alliance and we will forward it to our colleagues.
Share funding project ideas
22.12.2021. 12.18 Saturs
Projects proposed by staff members who are looking for partners A list of collaboration proposals forshare funding projectsfrom different staff members of FORTHEM Alliance universities. If you are interested in any of the projects, get in touch with the contact person and start negotiations!
Secondment from the University of Latvia to NanoPrime
06.02.2023. 13.24 Saturs
The engineer Aleksand Kapralovs worked on a previously self-developed Plasma device – improving the plasma electrooxidation process and updating the settings. This equipment is used for sample processing. Accordingly, the quality control of the samples was performed by measuring the contact angle and analyzing the results.
Civic engagement project ideas
28.05.2021. 13.47 Saturs
Projects proposed by students or associations who are looking for partners A list of collaboration proposal ideas for civic engagement projects from different organisations and student associations of FORTHEM Alliance universities. If you are interested in any of the projects, contact the association and start negotiations!
Monogrāfijas, rakstu krājumi, tulkojumi
09.06.2022. 13.29 Saturs
Insights into the Baltic and Finnic Languages. Contacts, Comparisons, and Change . Helles Metslangas ( Helle Metslang, Tartu Universitāte), Mīnas Norvikas ( Miina Norvik, Tartu Universitāte, Upsalas Universitāte) un Andras Kalnačas (Latvijas Universitāte) redakcijā. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2022
Col•lectiu d’Estudiants per la Facultat d’Economia Ètica
02.06.2021. 20.45 Saturs
About The Collective of Students for the Faculty of Ethical Economics (CEFDEE) is a local association that promotes ethics in the business world. It provides students with training sessions and fun activities to raise awareness of sustainability, the effects of offshoring, child labour, etc. Contact : Pau Sendra Pons .
Outputs Go Ahead in Multilingualism in School and Higher Education Lab
06.07.2020. 16.47 Ziņa
The FORTHEM Alliance’s Multilingualism in School and Higher Education Lab organized three output planning meetings to chart future outputs of the Lab. The meetings were very fruitful and multiple outputs are now going ahead. The Multilingualism in School and Higher Education Lab began the planning of its outputs with three output planning meetings on 23, 25 and 30 June. The outputs follow several topics, including genres and multimodal meaning-making in higher education, implementing EMI programs, the inclusion of immigrant and minority languages in education, and the utilization of online chatbots and easy languages to facilitate smoother interaction both in the FORTHEM Alliance and beyond. Concrete outputs that the Lab will develop on these topics include webinars on theoretical considerations that are the basis of planning chatbots and study easy languages, a summer school about multilingual learners (in collaboration with Diversity and Migration Lab), the development of learning
Outputs Go Ahead in Multilingualism in School and Higher Education Lab
22.10.2020. 12.39 Ziņa
The FORTHEM Alliance’s Multilingualism in School and Higher Education Lab organized three output planning meetings to chart future outputs of the Lab. The meetings were very fruitful and multiple outputs are now going ahead. The Multilingualism in School and Higher Education Lab began the planning of its outputs with three output planning meetings on 23, 25 and 30 June. The outputs follow several topics, including genres and multimodal meaning-making in higher education, implementing EMI programs, the inclusion of immigrant and minority languages in education, and the utilization of online chatbots and easy languages to facilitate smoother interaction both in the FORTHEM Alliance and beyond. Concrete outputs that the Lab will develop on these topics include webinars on theoretical considerations that are the basis of planning chatbots and study easy languages, a summer school about multilingual learners (in collaboration with Diversity and Migration Lab), the development of learning
Work experience with FORTHEM Labs
13.07.2021. 18.50 Saturs
You can participate in the FORTHEM Labs to gain work experience in international and multidisciplinary expert networks. Labs are FORTHEM’s expert networks that consist of teams of researchers, students and external partners that work together to address pressing societal challenges in Europe. Student participation in Labs is highly encouraged. Working in the Labs can provide several benefits to you, including ECTS credit compensation, internships in other Alliance universities or their partner organisations, short-term mobility opportunities, etc. Labs provide valuable experience of working in an international and multidisciplinary setting with many nationalities and academic fields. More information Visit different Labs web-pages and read this FORTHEM Labs: What are they, really? article. If you are interested in joining a Lab or want to know more about them, you can contact the respective Lab ’s local coordinator at your home university. Contact
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