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SZF komunikācijas studenti iejūtas tiesnešu lomā
01.10.2019. 14.07 Ziņa
Lai iepazītos ar Latvijas tiesu sistēmu, Augstāko tiesu un izprastu tiesu komunikācijas principus, 26. septembrī Augstāko tiesu apmeklēja Latvijas Universitātes Sociālo zinātņu fakultātes Komunikācijas studiju nodaļas trešā kursa studenti – topošie žurnālisti un sabiedrisko attiecību speciālisti. Ar studentiem tikās Augstākās tiesas priekšsēdētājs Ivars Bičkovičs. Priekšsēdētājs iepazīstināja ar Augstākās tiesas lomu Latvijas tiesu sistēmā, kā arī pārrunāja vairākus mītus un puspatiesības par tiesu darbu, kas izskan publiskajā telpā. Uzsverot, ka tiesas spriedums nav dabisks konflikta risināšanas veids, un pēc tā vienmēr viena puse būs neapmierināta, priekšsēdētājs norādīja uz komunikācijas lomu tiesas spriedumu izpratnē. Priekšsēdētājs mudināja studentus aizdomāties par to, kāpēc ne pašu tiesnešu, bet sabiedrības interesēs ir tiesu un tiesnešu neatkarība. Esot tiesā, studentiem bija iespēja arī iejusties tiesnešu lomā un spriest tiesu, balsojot par viņuprāt pareizākajiem
Akadēmiskā angļu valoda ārvalstu studentiem
Kursa mērķis ir pilnveidot integrētās valodas prasmes dažādos ar akadēmisko vidi saistītos kontekstos, lai students spētu brīvi un mērķtiecīgi lietot apgūtās prasmes studijās. Kursa uzdevumi: 1) veicināt teksta uztveres prasmes informācijas ieguvei un analīzei; 2) attīstīt rakstveida prasmes; 3) pilnveidot klausīšanās prasmi un akadēmiskās prezentācijas un diskusijas prasmes; 4) paplašināt akadēmiskās leksikas krājumu un sekmēt izteiksmes precizitāti. Kurss tiek docēts angļu valodā.
Akadēmiskā angļu valoda ārvalstu studentiem
Kursa mērķis ir pilnveidot integrētās valodas prasmes dažādos ar akadēmisko vidi saistītos kontekstos, lai students spētu brīvi un mērķtiecīgi lietot apgūtās prasmes studijās. Kursa uzdevumi: 1) veicināt teksta uztveres prasmes informācijas ieguvei un analīzei; 2) attīstīt rakstveida prasmes; 3) pilnveidot klausīšanās prasmi un akadēmiskās prezentācijas un diskusijas prasmes; 4) paplašināt akadēmiskās leksikas krājumu un sekmēt izteiksmes precizitāti. Kurss tiek docēts angļu valodā.
Researcher of the Month: Andrejs Vasks speaks about mediators between mute things and live stories
24.08.2012. 19.21 Ziņa
of the historic period. Our students’ theses are very diverse, although it must be said that up until now the Stone Age has been insufficiently studied, so we must encourage students to take up that period so that all prehistoric periods are covered. Generally speaking, the new generation of archaeologists is just fine. They are people who know what they want, and they put their heart and soul in their work. About series of articles Researcher of the Month Many researchers from various fields work at the University of Latvia with science in mind and soul. Among them are both those who already have a significant amount of scientific publications on their record and those just discovering the full beauty of scientific research. To say a word of grace to science and also have a look behind the curtain of faculties and institutes of the University of Latvia and tell the researchers’ stories to our friends and all others, the series Researcher of the Month has started in January 2012. Each month
The Livonian Summer University opens in Kuoštrõg (Košrags)
30.07.2021. 13.46 Ziņa
The Livonian Summer University will take place in Kuoštrõg (Košrags) from 30.07.2021 to 08.08.2021 and is the only university-level programme in the world devoted to the language, history, and culture of Latvia’s indigenous Livonian nation. The summer university is being organised by the University of Latvia Livonian Institute in cooperation with the University of Tartu. Its participants will include 40 master’s and doctoral students and researchers from Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, and Latvia. During the Livonian Summer University, students will have the opportunity to begin studying Livonian or expand their existing knowledge as well as learn about Livonian history, culture, and life today. They will also discover the last territory historically inhabited by the Livonians – the Livonian Coast, which is the reason why this was chosen as the location for the summer university. At the same time, the summer university will give researchers
LU Library invites to seminars on scientific publishing
23.10.2023. 18.44 Ziņa
The Library of the University of Latvia invites LU academic, research, and doctoral students to participate in workshops on scientific publishing, retrieval of various scholarly indicators from citation databases (Web of Science, Scopus), and reference management tools (Mendeley, EndNote Online). More about the topics here . The seminars will take place at the Science House of the University of Latvia, Room 209, Jelgavas Street 3 (the room is equipped with computers). Seats are limited! You are welcome to apply: March 4, 16.30-18.00 Introduction to the scientific publication process. APPLY FOR March 11,16.30-18.30 "How to use the databases of Web of Science and Scopus for study and research work?". APPLY FOR March 18, 16.30-18.30 Reference Tools: A Handy Solution for Writing, Quoting, and Preparing References. APPLY FOR
Horizon Europe Training at University of Latvia
21.11.2023. 03.27 Ziņa
University of Latvia organised an online traning seminar for the preparation of Horizon Europe projects. It was aimed to reseaerchers and students of the University of Latvia. Seminar title: "Proposal Writing for Widening Participation and Spreading Excellence actions under Horizon Europe" Seminar was held online on 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 13th October 2023. Lecturer:Carole Maignan, Senior Expert Horizon Europe Proposal Writing,European Fund Management Consulting OÜ There were about 28 - 35 attendees. According to self evaluation, 60% of them were beginners in project writing, 32% had some ecxperience, and 8% had a significant experience. Seminar was organised by the University of Latvia Project support Centre. Seminar was funded by ERA Chair project (ERDF No.
22. martā dodies virtuālā ceļojumā pa BF telpām
17.03.2021. 23.41 Ziņa
Latvijas Universitātes (LU) Atvērto durvju nedēļā, 22.–26. martā, īpašās Facebook tiešraidēs būs iespēja virtuāli paviesoties visās 13 LU fakultātēs un LU Cēsu filiālē. 22.martā savas durvis skatītājiem plkst. 16:00 vērs Bioloģijas fakultāte. Facebook tiešraide studētgribētājus aizvedīs ceļojumā uz Bioloģijas fakultāti LU Dabas mājā Torņakalnā. Virtuālā ceļojuma laikā ar skatītājiem būs kopā divas atraktīvas studentes - Paula Luīze Biteniece un Justīne Puriņa , kā arīmoderators, fizikas students Andis Poļaks . Tiešraidē pievienosies arī Bioloģijas fakultātes mācībspēki, kas vairāk pastāstīs par savu fakultāti, studiju programmām un jau sniegs ieskatu studenta dzīvē. Tā būs lieliska iespēja paviesoties LU Bioloģijas fakultātē un iepazīties ar mājīgo un moderno studiju vidi, lekciju auditorijām, atpūtas stūrīšiem, plašajām bibliotēkām u. c. studentiem nozīmīgām vietām. 22. martā LU Facebook lapā varēs vērot tiešraidiun komentāru sadaļā uzdot sev interesējošos jautājumus par
“Spotlight” summer school launches on place attachment and identity through visual methods
21.09.2022. 15.46 Ziņa
Students from all over Europe will be shooting in Opole"Spotlight - Audiovisual capturing of dynamics of place attachment and identity in Central European borderlands", a one week long summer school on documentary filmmaking in social sciences, is taking place in Opole, between 11th-17th September 2022. The intensive program offers a strong theoretical basis and practical skill training for university students. The organizers planned activities designed to empower the participants with audiovisual skills, which they can use both as a research method and as a dissemination of their research results. Twelve participants were selected from seven countries with diverse educational backgrounds (Arts, Humanities, Social sciences) and skill sets. They will work in groups and create 5-10 minutes’ long audiovisual etudes in collaboration with the citizens of Opole, and with experts working in local institutions. Any citizen of Opole is kindly welcome to contribute to their work: if you have
Vacancy: Researcher in Micro and Nanodevices Laboratory
30.04.2024. 19.08 Ziņa
An ability to work in a fast-paced, cross-functional group environment; Ability to manage multiple assignments effectively in a quickly evolving environment; Excellent communication, presentation and social skills; Excellent command of English Desirable Previous experience in scientific project writing and management will be considered as an advantage Previous experience in industry/start-ups will be considered as an advantage Selection process Send an e-mail with your cover/application letter, CV and a publication list to The Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL) is an internationally recognized leader in materials science and cross-disciplinary topics, conducting competitive research, educating students and offering innovative solutions for industrial needs.
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