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Professional Master's Degree Programme CLINICAL OPTOMETRY
25.04.2024. 15.23 Saturs
: ERASMUS + study mobility ERASMUS + traineeship moblity Admission requirements (2-year study programme) 1. Bachelor degree in Optometry* 2. English language proficiency . *Complies with the requirements of the Latvian Professional Standard for Optometrists Admission requirements (3-year study programme) 1.First or second cycle higher education* in healthcare field, or first cycle higher education* in life sciences, chemistry or physics, medical engineering. 2.The average grade in study courses must be 60% of the maximum. 3. English language proficiency . 4.Pass of entrance examination *Bachelor’s degree or a diploma proving equivalent level of education As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview. Autumn Intake (application start: 1 Nov 2023; studies start in Sept 2024) Full-time Full-time (+OptoBasic) Contact person for more information Director of the Programme Assoc. prof. Aiga Švede E-mail:
18.12.2023. 18.28 Saturs
with the use of this website. Every effort is made to keep the website up and running smoothly. However, the project team takes no responsibility for and will not be liable for the website being temporarily unavailable due to technical issues beyond our control. All offers are not-binding and without obligation. Parts of the pages or the complete publication including all offers and information might be extended, changed or partly or completely deleted by the author without separate announcement. If you notice information on this website that you believe should be corrected or updated, please contact us and we shall try to remedy the problem. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. REFERRALS AND LINKS The author
FORTHEM internationalisation possibilities for students
05.11.2021. 10.45 Ziņa
still sign up! How? Registration form and more information FORTHEM Collective Short Term Mobilities Who? All FORTHEM Alliance students. What? It's a 5-day intensive programme organised in the partner universities and/or other local actors. Students are invited to apply to these programmes according to their interests. See the list of the programmes organised in 2022 Why? If you are seleceted, you will receive a travel grant covering travel costs, accommodation and meals. This a great way to travel and learn more about your favourite subject abroad. When? The application deadline is 6th December 2021 for the mobilities during spring and summer 2022. How? Detailed information and application instructions More? Students can also go on individual short term mobilities to a FORTHEM university for up to 10 days. A travel grant is also given to students who go on individual short term mobilities. More information and application instructions. Read a blog post about
Bachelor’s degree programme Cultural and Social Anthropology
25.04.2024. 15.10 Saturs
+ exchange program for studies or/and traineeship. More information: ERASMUS + study mobility ERASMUS + traineeship moblity Admission requirements General secondary high school diploma; English language proficiency. The average grade of the secondary education document in all subjects must be at least 6 (on a 10-point scale). Enrollment criteria (for students competing for the state-financed study place) 1. The grade in English (60%); 2. The grade in Mathematics (20%); 3. Grade point average (20%); 4. Additional points (10%) may be received for a grade in social studies. Please note! Only EU/EEA/Swiss citizens and EU long-term resident status holders can competefor a state-financed study place. As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview. More information: Autumn Intake (application start: 1 Nov 2023; studies start in Sept 2024) Full-time Contact person for questions about
The DeSTination project kicks off
02.07.2020. 20.35 Ziņa
for an integrated food waste valorisation system where the availability of feedstock, its bioconversion efficiency, and the related environmental and techno-economic effects are considered. The novelty of the project is the selected hybrid modelling methodology that provides the possibility to test and assess a variety of food waste valorisation scenarios before their implementation. The DeSTInation project is funded under theEuropean Regional Development Fund Specific Objective 1.1.1 “Improve research and innovation capacity and the ability of Latvian research institutions to attract external funding, by investing in human capital and infrastructure” measure “Post-doctoral Research Aid”. Project application selection round No.3.Project No. To get more info about the project, contact the post-doc researcher Elina Dace:
Does your organization need an international student trainee? FORTHEM Alliance is available for you!
10.11.2021. 13.50 Ziņa
university are there to help and support both the organization and the student in the practical details. Testimonials: A German student carried our her FORTHEM internship virtually in Jyväskylä A French student carried out his FORTHEM internship physically in València Did you get interested? Please contact your local FORTHEM office for further details: Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz: / local FORTHEM webpage Jyväskylän yliopisto:  / local FORTHEM webpage LatvijasUniversitāte: / local FORTHEM webpage UniversitàdegliStudidi Palermo: / local FORTHEM webpage UniversitatdeValència: / local FORTHEM webpage Universitéde Bourgogne: / local FORTHEM webpage UniwersytetOpolski: / local FORTHEM website
FORTHEM Campus on Digital Transformation in Valencia
21.07.2022. 20.03 Ziņa
, as well as for the creation of a waiting list, if needed. Afterwards, the UV will contact the nominees to complete the process. Deadline for student nomination is 14 October 2022. This FORTHEM Campus, organised with the collaboration of the Digital Transformation Lab , has as its main objective to address digital challenges in the context of the European Union. Everyone's access to technology has brought about substantial changes in human relations, both at a professional and personal level. Therefore, from an international and multidisciplinary perspective, it aims to analyse and investigate current and relevant issues related to the digitalisation process in which societies are immersed, especially after the Covid-19 health crisis. This is a semester programme of a minimum duration of 3 months and 30 ECTS and financed by Erasmus funds . But unlike an ordinary ERASMUS semester, the FORTHEM Campus offers together with a block of regulated courses in various areas of knowledge, other
The Institute of Latvian History of the University of Latvia organizes the section "Ethnographer, Society, Art. 1940–1990" on March 22, 2024, within the framework of the 82nd International scientific conference of the University of Latvia
04.01.2024. 18.42 Ziņa
period, to the conference section "Ethnographer, Society, Art. 1940–1990" by submitting reports related to any of the following topics: The political, administrative and legal regulation affecting the development of the field of ethnography; Creation of ethnological knowledge and its use for the purposes of Soviet ideology; Ethnological knowledge as a resource for strengthening national identity under colonialism; Points of contact between ethnography, archaeology, folkloristics, and other fields of science during the Soviet occupation period; The symbiosis of ethnographic cultural heritage and art; Ethnographic cultural heritage and its use in education during the Soviet occupation period. The conference section will be held in person, in Riga, Kalpaka blvd. 4, in room 108. The working language of the section is Latvian and English. Please submit your proposal to the conference by February 19 by filling out the registration form . Acceptance of papers
An outstanding place for scientific research in the Baltic Sea region
29.02.2024. 17.34 Ziņa
and sensors; Energetics; and Medical technologies (diagnostics) and microfluidics. ISSP UL created the industry collaboration platform Materize in 2018 to establish a single point of contact where science can benefit businesses. The platform provides access to the expertise and resources of the Institute. Accessible research and an innovative environment make an excellent combination for local and international companies to develop cutting-edge ideas and meet the needs of the industry. One of the ten projects to receive funding through the WIDESPREAD 1- 2014: Teaming competition was CAMART2, the biggest project in the history of Latvian science at the time. CAMART2’s aim is to establish the ISSP UL as a significant centre of modern materials research and technology transfer in Latvia and the Baltic Sea region. The material science centre was established with world-class innovation and technology transfer experts and project partners – the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (KTH
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