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BA School of Business and Finance to become a part of the University of Latvia ecosystem
24.05.2023. 12.32 Ziņa
by the accreditation of educational programmes and the contracts concluded by BA School of Business and Finance. As of 1 September 2025, we will be an autonomous institution in the ecosystem of the University of Latvia and will continue to implement all our programmes and create new interdisciplinary programmes. Integration into the University of Latvia will enable us to introduce new digital solutions and launch new projects by effectively sharing resources,” says Līga Peiseniece, Rector of BA School of Business and Finance. Education obtained in Latvia in the field of finance is competitive on an international scale. The inclusion of BA School of Business and Finance in the University of Latvia will strengthen the development, without compelling to compromise between excellence and quality in the niche of business schools, offering students an internationally recognized diploma in an internationally regulated sphere. Both BA School of Business and Finance and the University of Latvia are committed
Uniwersytet Opolski, Poland
14.04.2021. 15.13 Saturs
and exchanges (e.g. Erasmus program, Europa Master Studies), funds them with scholarships, gives them the opportunity to pursue their passions in student government, clubs, in the fields of science, culture, entertainment and sport. An extensive list of nearly 80 fields of study offered by the University of Opole guarantees comprehensive and thorough education. The university attracts foreign students from all over the world, giving them the unique opportunity to study in an international setting in the heart of Central Europe. They offer 10 study programmes in English: in Political Science and European Studies, Economics, Sociology Special Studies, Paleobiology as well as in Language and Literature. They also offer Polish and English courses for those who want to improve their language skills before starting their studies (e.g. for studying in English, minimum B2 level of English is usually required). For those who want to learn about Poland before deciding to study here, we recommend the Summer
Extensive research and compilation of good practices in inclusive education has been launched
05.08.2021. 13.15 Ziņa
In January 2021, researchers from the Pedagogical Research Institute of the University of Latvia, together with partners from 10 other countries, started work on the project “DiversAsia: Embracing diversity in ASIA with the adoption of Inclusive Practices”, which aims to develop digital inclusive education materials and personalize the learning process through artificial intelligence and tailor-made software to facilitate the provision of higher education and inclusive education for students in India and Bangladesh. Up to now considerable work has been done to collect more than 200 examples of good practice from other higher education institutions around the world, bringing together colleagues from India and Bangladesh their experiences in the field of inclusive education. Later the results will be analyzed and summarized DIVERSASIA manual to help cope with its inclusion, diversity and cultural diversity issues in their higher education institutions. In parallel, a survey
Mūsu pludmales volejbolists izcīna bronzas medaļu
25.06.2024. 15.33 Ziņa
Grieķijas salā Ijā no 21. līdz 24. jūnija risinās "Beach Pro" tūres “Future” posms, kurā piedalījās Latvijas Universitātes students un pludmales volejbolists Artūrs Rinkevičs. Lieliskās spēles rezultējās ar bronzas medaļu. 20. jūnijā Artūrs Rinkevičs kopā ar komandas biedru Ardi Bedrīti aizvadīja pirmo spēli C grupā pret otru latviešu pāri Svikli/Reliņu. Šajā spēlē mūsu universitātes studenta komanda guva uzvaru ar rezultātu 21:12 un 21:14. Nākamajā dienā tika aizvadīta nākamā grupas spēle pret Grieķu komandu, kur spraigā cīņā norisinājās arī zelta sets, bet uzvaru guva Latvijas komanda ar rezultātiem 21:12, 23:25, 15:7. Uzvara pār grieķiem ļāva izkļūt no grupas un iekļūt ceturtdaļfinālā, lai cīnītos pret austriešiem. Ceturtdaļfinālā Bedrītis/Rinkevičs aizvadīja pārliecinošu spēli un guva uzvaru 2-0 (21:5, 21:18). Pusfinālā LU students un viņa komandas biedrs spēkiem mērojās ar Izraēlas izlasi. Diemžēl Rinkevičs/Bedrītis nespēja izvilkt uzvaru un zelta setā piekāpās Izraēlas izlasei
Paziņojumi SP Āzijas studijas studentiem!
03.09.2010. 16.29 Ziņa
Āzijas studiju nodaļa informē par izmaiņām un precizējumiem lekciju plānojuma sarakstos. Tuvo austrumu studiju arābu moduļa studenti! Nodarbības pie viesasist. A.EL Hadri un doc. S.M.Šerifa sāksies no 09.09.2010. Āzijas studiju nodaļas 3.kursa studenti! Kurss ”Mūsdienu demokrātijas pamatproblēmas” (doc. I.Ijabs) notiks ceturtdienās 8:30 Sociālo zinātņu fakultātē Lomonosova ielā 1a, 335.kab. Pirmā lekcija notiks 9.09.2010. Japāņu moduļa 1.kursa studenti! Lekcijas Hieroglifika I līdz 20.09.2010. notiks pie lektores L.Rozītes.
Latvijas Universitātes Studentu padome aicina: kļūsti par vērienīgāko studentu svētku “Aristotelis” organizatoru!
12.04.2024. 19.01 Ziņa
LU Studentu padome izsludina pieteikšanos lielāko studentu svētku “Aristotelis” organizatoru komandai. Pieteikšanās atvērta līdz 2024. gada 12. maijam! Tradicionālais “Aristotelis” ir plaši pazīstams kā grandiozākais studentu festivāls, kas šogad norisināsies jau 58. reizi! Šie studentu svētki visai Latvijas Universitātes saimei un draugiem asociējas ar pirmo lielo notikumu jauna studenta dzīvē, senu paziņu, draugu un kolēģu atkalredzēšanos, kā arī, protams, neizskaužamu tradīciju, kas iezīmē jaunā studiju gada iesākumu! Mums ir svarīgi, lai šie nozīmīgie svētki kalpo par neaizmirstamu piedzīvojumu un atmiņām ikvienam apmeklētājam un dalībniekam. Tomēr, lai šo mērķi sasniegtu, ir nepieciešama spēcīga organizatoru komanda, kas būtu apņēmības pilna kopā strādāt, sadarboties, radoši domāt un tiekties uz izcilību! Ja esi pieredzējis pasākumu organizēšanā vai arī gluži pretēji - vēlies gūt jaunu pieredzi, kā arī esi ieinteresēts/a komandas darbā, kas aizrauj - piesakies jau tagad
On Bachelor’s, Master’s thesis and Diploma paper development during emergency situation
26.03.2020. 17.14 Ziņa
Due to Cabinet Regulation “On the Declaration of Emergency Situation” of March 12, the study process at University of Latvia is organized remotely, including Bachelor’s, Master’s thesis and Diploma paper development. Faculty deans, programme directors, final examination boards, thesis supervisors and students are encouraged to cooperate in order to promote successful thesis and Diploma paper defence, as well as timely procurement of degrees and qualifications. For this reason: Students: are encouraged to use e-resources provided by the UL Library and other European and foreign libraries and organizations (please see the attachment); contact their supervisor to agree on the appropriate form for remote tutorials; are mindful of the timeframe of their thesis development and consult their supervisor accordingly and consistently, and follow given instructions; if necessary, consult their supervisor on adapting or changing their thesis to adapt it for remote development
International Economics and Commercial Diplomacy
12.05.2021. 18.44 Saturs
International Economics and Commercial Diplomacy is a unique multidisciplinary study programme which not only aims to provide students with extensive knowledge regarding international economics and business but also regarding legislation, politics and foreign languages. The study programme develops the necessary teamwork and presentation skills, capacity to understand and analyse macroeconomic and microeconomic tendencies, as well as practical skills in coordinating work among various institutions and managing organizations. Studies are in English.
Current epidemiological safety regulations in UL as of October 25
05.11.2021. 17.25 Ziņa
of the clinical university hospital council on postponing the vaccination of a person for a certain period of time until the completion of the full vaccination course participate in the study process only remotely. UL does not organise, participate in, support or promote the participation of students and employees in events and activities requiring or involving onsite presence outside the University of Latvia, as well as restricts the stay of third parties in the premises of the University of Latvia. In the period from 21.10.2021 to 15.11.2021 , inviting visitors or guests to the premises of the University of Latvia is prohibited, with the exception of the representatives of companies and institutions, if they fulfil the obligations specified in an agreement concluded with the University of Latvia or the duties provided for in the regulatory enactments currently in force, observing all the current epidemiological safety requirements in the state and at the University of Latvia. The duty of UL
Tikšanās ar 1. kursa studentiem
01.09.2011. 13.47 Ziņa
Pirmdien, 5. septembrī, dekānes prof. Ilzes Rūmnieces un Studentu pašpārvaldes pārstāvju uzruna 1.kursa studentiem: laiks - plkst. 10.00; vieta - fakultātes pagalma dārza pļava. Pēc tam 1. kursa studenti pulcējas pa studiju programmām norādītajās telpās: - Angļu filoloģijas BSP zālē, 401. telpā - Āzijas studiju BSP 431. telpā - Baltu filoloģijas BSP 205. telpā - Franču filoloģijas BSP 402. telpa - Klasiskās filoloģijas BSP 409. telpā - Kultūras un sociālās antropoloģijas BSP 415. telpā - Krievu filoloģijas BSP 214. telpā (Rusistikas centrā) - Somugru studiju BSP 416. telpā - Vācu filoloģijas BSP 305. telpā (Letonikas centrā)
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