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University of Latvia conducts a study on travel habits of Latvian nationals living abroad
14.12.2020. 13.25 Ziņa
plans and needs of our nationals living abroad, assist in improving and popularising what Latvia's tourism sector has to offer, will provide an opportunity to assess the contribution of this part of the tourist sector and its significance to the export of services. For links to the survey in Latvian, English and Russian: LV: ENG: RUS: If you have friends and relatives who live outside Latvia, invite them to fill out the survey as well. More about the study If you would like to reply in interview format (using Skype, Zoom, etc.) or if you have any questions about the survey you are kindly invited to contact our project leader Aija van der Steina. E-pasts: More information: Aija van der Steina, Lead Researcher, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia E-mail:
FORTHEM Valencia Meeting
14.03.2022. 16.15 Ziņa
Emmanuel Macron on September 26, 2017. In that speech, he proposed to establish a European University network by 2024. In the initial pilot phase, 54 networks throughout Europe applied for funding. Of these, by fall 2019, 17 alliances had begun receiving some EUR 85 million in funding. The aim of the EU Commission is to help establish a European Higher Education Area by 2025, in which learning, studying, and research will transcend national borders.   FORTHEM wants to bring together a new generation of creative Europeans able to cooperate across languages, borders and disciplines to address societal challenges and skills shortages faced in Europe.    Related links: – European Universities Initiative (EUI)     Contact  Jocelyne Gerard     Funded by the European Union. Views
Aizritējis V Pasaules latviešu zinātnieku kongress
06.07.2023. 20.02 Ziņa
zinātnieki demonstrēja arī izgudrojumus, kas saistīti ar digitalizāciju. Viens no šādiem pētījumu rezultātiem ir Optiskais temperatūras mērītājs – mūsu institūta zinātnieku izgudrojums precīziem temperatūras mērījumiem augstā elektromagnētiskajā laukā. Fizikas doktors Andris Fedotovs skaidroja, ka augsta elektromagnētiskā lauka ietekmē var tikt nojaukti temperatūras mērījumi, kas nav pieļaujams dažādās jomās, piemēram, medicīnā. Tāpat visa kongresa laikā tika prezentēti gandrīz 200 stenda referāti, starp kuriem par tēmu “Zinātnes ietekme” mūsu institūta EXAFS spektroskopijas laboratorijas vadītājs Aleksejs Kuzmins prezentēja referātu “Non-contact nanothermometry based on X-ray absorption spectra”.
Apply for international online pre-incubation programme “Green HExagon” focusing on sustainable solutions
15.11.2023. 12.10 Ziņa
’s challenges. Application deadline is January 31st, 2024 and the programme duration will be from February 20st till June 12 th , 2024. Apply now through this link: For more information contact organizers at Project activities are funded by the European Union Erasmus+ project “Entrepreneurial teaching partnerships for fostering innovation and green startup development in higher education”, project No. 2022-1-LV01-KA220-HED-000090176, UL registration No. ZD2022/21385. The programme is organized by four partners: the University of Latvia (Business incubator), the University of Tartu (business incubator “Startup Lab”), the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (business incubator “Point One”), the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt (Startup Center). This project is funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed reflect the personal views of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those
Admission for international students is open at the University of Latvia!
08.01.2024. 17.36 Ziņa
experience, and a huge opportunity for personal growth and development, not to mention obtaining a large contact list from worldwide student participants.” Lionel Garçon Professional Master’s study programme “International Business” Currently there are more than 1000 foreign students studying at University of Latvia. To complete admission successfully, one has to pay attention to application deadlines, which can vary depending on the country of residence . Full list of study programme offers with admission requirements and all other relevant information. For bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral study programmes, the citizens of non-EU/EEA countries and citizens of visa-free countries must to apply until 20.06.2024, however, if you are an EU and EEA citizen, your application must be submitted until 23.07.2024. Citizens of the countries with additional assessment must submit their applications until 16.05.2024. If you have additional questions about admission procedure, you are welcome
Course Attendee
12.02.2024. 16.44 Saturs
in the UL Course catalog . Please contact Student services or the specific faculty to confirm whether the course is going to be conducted in the upcoming study semester. Step 2: Fill-out the registration form One can register for courses as a Course Attendee starting the first week of study semester till no later than the third course session. Consult on the University’s academic calendar here. Register for the course by filling out the Course Attendee’s registration form for courses available for download. The filled-out and signed form should be submitted at the Student services or sent scanned to . Step 3: Go to 1st lecture We want to be sure that you have made the right choice with the selected study course so we encourage you to visit the first lecture and get introduced to the professor, course content and requirements for successful completition. Step 4: Sign the agreement After taking the 1st lecture of the chosen course you should visit Student services (UL Main
Russian and Slavic Studies
25.04.2024. 15.16 Saturs
of Slavic language and literature with Latvian language, literature and culture. Within the programme, students will study common study courses and specialization courses of the chosen sub-programme such as Contemporary Russian literature and culture, XX-XXI century current problems of the theory and history of Russian literature, Problems of modern Slavic folklore, Literature in Slavic countries and postcolonial studies, Russian language in theoretical and business aspect, History and theory of Russian and Latvian language contacts, Theoretical grammar of modern Slavic languages, Ethnopsycholinguistics and political linguistics of Russian and Slavic languages, Russian and Slavic literature in the Baltic region, Slavic literature in translations, Russian culture in the Baltic region at the beginning of the 20th - 21st century, Ethnocultural stereotypes in Slavic languages, literature and folklore, etc. Study period and classes time The full-time degree programme covers two academic years
GDPR notice
13.07.2021. 18.03 Saturs
parties related to the organization of the mobility/other activity programme only with the purpose to achieve the objectives of the planned event and with a user’s clear approval. As all the mobility and other activities are planned to take place in EU countries, no data is transferred outside the EU/EEA. Personal data are kept on application portal, at home and host universities within the FORTHEM project period till December 2022 (according to the partner university internal regulations, personal data could be kept within the home university files from 5 to 10 years). Rights of a user according to GDPR EU 2016/679 A user has the following rights within the data processing process: right to access their personal data; right to rectify their personal data (remember to keep one’s contact information up to date); right to erase their personal data in some cases; right to object and to restrict the processing in some cases (e.g. for the purposes of direct marketing
Consciousness of national identity in the life stories of Latvian residents born after World War II
28.08.2018. 13.51 Saturs
individual has assumed in society both before and after the renewal of independence as well as individual ambitions, levels of education, and cultural experience.In order for a larger part of society to become aware of its national identity and for national stability to increase, these differing experiences of history must be brought into closer contact with each other. The study of life stories and the circulation of these stories within the greater society play an important role in bringing together the historical memories of these various groups.
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