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Call for Papers. Scholarly Readings of Young Historians IX
22.05.2023. 15.09 Ziņa
Students from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are invited to participate in the international conference to develop their academic skills by presenting their research results. It will also be an opportunity to learn about the research interests of other colleagues and to communicate with like-minded as well as experienced historians. After the conference everyone is invited to submit papers to a peer-reviewed collection of conference papers “The Scholarly Readings of Young Historians IX”. The Scholarly Readings of Young Historians IX will be held on 1st–2nd December 2023 and are organised by the Institute of Latvian History of the University of Latvia (LU LVI) and Valmiera Museum, in co-operation with Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, the Lithuanian Institute of History and the Institute of History and Archaeology of Tartu University. Research topics can be related to the history in the broadest possible contexts: archaeology and pre-history; the auxiliary sciences of history
Stipendija Ukrainas studentu atbalstam
29.08.2023. 12.37 Saturs
Stipendija Ukrainas studentiem ir izveidota pateicoties Latvijas iedzīvotāju atbalstam, kuri 2023. gada pavasarī veica ziedojumus iekš Ukrainas atbalsta koncerta Latvijas Universitātē (LU). Stipendija atbalstīs studentus, kas no Ukrainas piedzīvotā kara ir pārvākušies uz Latviju un studē LU. Stipendija paredzēta : jebkuras Latvijas Universitātes fakultātes bakalaura, maģistrantūras un doktorantūras studentam. Stipendiju skaits: tiks precizēts. Stipendijas apmērs : tiks precizēts.
Stipendija Ukrainas studentu atbalstam
29.08.2023. 12.37 Saturs
Stipendija Ukrainas studentiem ir izveidota pateicoties Latvijas iedzīvotāju atbalstam, kuri 2023. gada pavasarī veica ziedojumus iekš Ukrainas atbalsta koncerta Latvijas Universitātē (LU). Stipendija atbalstīs studentus, kas no Ukrainas piedzīvotā kara ir pārvākušies uz Latviju un studē LU. Stipendija paredzēta : jebkuras Latvijas Universitātes fakultātes bakalaura, maģistrantūras un doktorantūras studentam. Stipendiju skaits: tiks precizēts. Stipendijas apmērs : tiks precizēts.
Stipendija Ukrainas studentu atbalstam
29.08.2023. 12.38 Saturs
Stipendija Ukrainas studentiem ir izveidota pateicoties Latvijas iedzīvotāju atbalstam, kuri 2023. gada pavasarī veica ziedojumus iekš Ukrainas atbalsta koncerta Latvijas Universitātē (LU). Stipendija atbalstīs studentus, kas no Ukrainas piedzīvotā kara ir pārvākušies uz Latviju un studē LU. Stipendija paredzēta : jebkuras Latvijas Universitātes fakultātes bakalaura, maģistrantūras un doktorantūras studentam. Stipendiju skaits: tiks precizēts. Stipendijas apmērs : tiks precizēts.
Komandu pieteikšanās 8 nedēļu programmas "Demo dienai"
06.12.2021. 13.49 Ziņa
Komandas, kuras šī gada rudenī uzsāka dalību LU studentu Biznesa inkubatora rīkotajā “Brīvās pieteikšanās pirmsinkubatora programmas” 8 nedēļu fāzē, ir aicinātas pieteikties un piedalīties "Demo dienā", kurā tiks izlemts, kuras komandas turpinās savu dalību inkubatorā un kuras trīs komandas saņems naudas balvas. "Demo diena" norisināsies 21. decembrī, sākums plkst. 17.30, tiešsaistes režīmā LU studentu Biznesa inkubatora Facebook lapā. Komandām, kuras vēlas piedalīties "Demo dienā", ir nepieciešams iesūtīt atskaiti , kurā apraksta paveikto šajā 8 nedēļu periodā, un pieteikumu dalībai "Demo dienā" . Abus dokumentus līdz 15. decembrim plkst. 23.59 iesniedz elektroniski, nosūtot uz epasta adresi Atskaites formu un pieteikumu iespējams atrast nolikumu “Pirmsinkubatora programma” un ““Brīvās pieteikšanās pirmsinkubatora programmas” 8 nedēļu programmas noslēguma konkursa vienreizējo stipendiju par godalgotu vietu” pielikumā. Katrai komandai ir
Angļu filoloģijas studenti iepazīst Kanādas kino
29.10.2019. 18.15 Ziņa
HZF angļu filoloģijas studenti zināšanas par galvenajiem anglofonajiem reģioniem un to kultūru apgūst ne tikai lekcijās un semināros auditorijās, bet arī kopīgi apmeklējot kino. 24. oktobrī Angļu filoloģijas bakalaura studiju programmas 1. kursa studenti kopā ar studentiem no Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijas devās uz kinoteātri “K.Suns”, lai noskatītos filmu “Vilkokss” (“Wilcox”). Filma ir eksperimentāls kinopar cilvēku, kurš nolemj doties dzīvot mežos, prom no ārpasaules, un tā tika rādīta “New Canadian Cinema” programmas ietvaros starptautiskajā filmu festivālā "Riga IFF". Tā bija lieliska iespēja studentiem iepazīt Kanādas kino, kā arī iepazīties ar vienu no Kanādas slavenākajiem režisoriem Denī Kotē, jo pats režisors komentēja filmu pirms seansa un pēc seansa piedalījās diskusijā. Pasākumu atbalstīja Kanādas vēstniecība, nodrošinot bezmaksas kino apmeklējumu mūsu studentiem.
The second Transnational Project Partners meeting in Erasmus+ KA220-SCH “Teachers’ Action for Health” project
18.07.2023. 15.28 Ziņa
The second Transnational Project Partners meeting of Erasmus+ KA220-SCH “Teachers’ Action for Health” project, was held on 29th of May 2023 online with the participation of partners from Türkiye, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, Bulgaria, and Greece. During the meeting all questions for students, teachers and educators included in need analysis were prepared to be applied in surveys in all partner countries. They included 22 questions for students and 35 questions for teachers and educators. Surveys were conducted during June in every partner country in local languages, then translated to English to be sent in for assessment. Since then, all the results have been collected and are being assessed by partners from Greece. Next project partners meeting will be dedicated to preparation of evaluating survey results. ­­ The target groups of the project are preschool and primary school teachers. Project duration: 31.12.2022. – 30.12.2024. The leading partner: Cigli Ilce
Organisation of the Doctoral School
11.09.2020. 12.33 Saturs
Students enrolled in the UL Doctoral School of Lifelong Learning will be offered involvement in comparative research projects, including in the ASEM Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Learning. Within the frameworks of these projects, doctoral students can conduct practice-oriented and cross-disciplinary research using international methodologies on learning benefits and impact. The UL Doctoral School In LLL will provide young researchers and their research supervisors with opportunities to improve their competences by using English language and media and help them to create independent institutions, enterprises or systems of education for the future by offering innovative solutions for raising human capacity and, as a result, for employability, life-skills and sustainability. The UL Doctoral School in LLL provides a path for the development of research results and the direct impact on education policy, and finding solutions for life-wide learning, human capacity, employability
Crearteducación comunitaria
02.06.2021. 20.51 Saturs
About Crearteducación comunitaria main motivation are alliances for a network that would be made up of students and professional university teams from different countries. The four fields in which they intend to work are: holistic education; social art; sociocultural management; community, psychosocial and emotional health. Its members have experience and would like to work and intercede with women, migrants, children, intergenerational teams and groups (from little children to seniors). Contact : Sara Galán .
Webinar: Practical tools for commercializing ideas
29.05.2020. 12.03 Ziņa
The Latvian Investment and Development Agency invites scientists, university representatives, doctoral students and idea authors to participate in a webinar to learn how to commercialize innovative scientific discoveries and new technologies. The online seminars will be led by Daniel Brandts, Innovation Champion from Gothenburg. In 2019, Daniels was also a guest of the iNovuss festival. The organizers invite to attend three lecture course on June 1, 3 and 5 , but it is also possible to register for one lecture separately. There will be an opportunity to learn practical methods how to prepare idea for its potential commercialization and marketing. Webinar working language - English. Membership - free of charge . Pre-registration open until May 30 . More information
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