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Student essay contest on the contribution of Gustavs Zemgals and his contemporaries has finished
28.03.2022. 13.00 Ziņa
essays, and one essay was received from both Jelgava 5th Secondary school and Jelgava Music Secondary School. 15 works were also received from various schools in Riga. Several essays were sent from Valmiera State Gymnasium, Andrejs Upitis Skriveri Secondary School, and Riga State German Gymnasium. In general, these essays were sent from different schools in all regions of Latvia: Rezekne, Limbazi, Zasa, Livani, Cesis, Madona, Riebini, Aglona, Daugavpils, Ozolnieki, Rekava, Ergļi, Akniste, Talsi, Broceni, Ogre and Liepaja. The authors of the essays include 57 high school students and nine 9th grade students. When evaluating the submitted works, the jury praised the authors' ability not only to work with historical literature and sources, but also to substantiate their thoughts and judgments. The best works were quite different from each other in approach and content, but at the same time proved the young people's ability to find the proper words to express their message. The main prize
Maģistra studiju programmas „Starptautiskās attiecības (ekonomika)” studentu vizīte Gotlandes universitātē
14.03.2013. 21.16 Ziņa
No 8.marta līdz 11.martam mēs, starptautisko attiecību maģistrantūras studenti, viesojāmies nelielā Zviedrijas salā – Gotlandē, kas ir pasaules slavena ar savu universitāti un augstu izglītības līmeni. Brauciena laikā mēs uzzinājām kā rakstīt ne tikai maģistra darbus, bet arī zinātniskus rakstus, prezentējām savas pētījuma idejas, kā arī uzzinājām, ka viduslaikos Gotlande bija viena no svarīgākiem tirdzniecības centriem Eiropā. Piektdien pēc ierašanās un jaukām pusdienām Gotlandes universitātes kafejnīcā sākās jau pirmās lekcijas, kur mūs no sākuma iepazīstināja ar dienaskārtību tuvākajām dienām, kā arī mazliet pastāstīja par Gotlandes salas un universitātes vēsturi, kas bija ļoti interesanti, jo lielākajai daļai no mums šī bija pirmā viesošanās Gotlandē. Sākums bija patiešām daudzsološs, jo varēja noprast, ka turpmākās dienas būs notikumiem bagātas un intensīvas. Iepazināmies arī ar mūsu kolēģiem, maģistrantiem, no Gotlandes universitātes, secinot, ka ir jauki un interesanti
Studenti satiekas ar potenciālajiem darba devējiem
18.10.2018. 19.57 Ziņa
Karjeras iespēju dienā 18. oktobrī Latvijas Universitātes galvenajā ēkā un Akadēmiskā centra Dabas mājā 50 uzņēmumi LU studentiem stāstīja par darba un prakses iespējām. Studentu vērtējumā karjeras diena ir ļoti nepieciešama, jo gadu no gada studenti atrod sev piemērotas darbavietas. Karjeras iespēju dienai ir savi veiksmes stāsti – ir studenti, kuri izstādē atraduši savu sapņu darbu. “Pērn karjeras iespēju dienā mani interesēja darba piedāvājumi finanšu un grāmatvedības jomā, un, ieraugot, “Deloitte” stendu, es sapratu, ka darbs audita departamentā ir tieši tas, kas atbilst manām interesēm. Pašlaik es strādāju audita departamentā jau 10 mēnešus un man pat grūti iedomāties sevi kādā citā profesijā,” atzīst Jeļena Picilēviča, “Deloitte Audits” analītiķe.Uzņēmumi izstādē labprāt piedalās, pat rezervē vietu stendiem nākamajiem trim gadiem, skaidro LU Karjeras iespēju dienas organizatore Anda Paegle.“Šogad uzņēmumi stendu ziņā ir kļuvuši ambiciozāki. Pērn, ienākot telpā, uzņēmumu stendus
Girls4STEM Summer School
17.09.2021. 18.01 Ziņa
Girls4STEM Summer School, organised by the University of Valencia, finishes with success The Girls4STEM Campus ( Girls for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics , STEM), which took place at the School of Engineering-ETSE of the University of Valencia, offered the student participants the chance to share experiences through different workshops and activities that included tours to emblematic places in the city of Valencia. The students who participated in the event were selected on the basis of equal opportunity criteria from the 7 universities that are part of the FORTHEM Alliance . Under the slogan, what can you do to build a better world, will you be able to imagine a technological or engineering solution that brings together equality, diversity and sustainability? the event has been successfully implemented, allowing the students to enjoy the different actions planned. The main objective of the campus, which lasted 5 days, was to develop a proposed solution
Exchanging cultures in the Sea Battle
16.05.2011. 13.52 Ziņa
Spring for Erasmus students from Baltic States and Scandinavian countries started with an annual trip Sea Battle from Tallin to Stockholm. This year a record number, one hundred, exchange students from Latvia were participating in the trip Sea Battle. In total around two thousands students from Baltic Sea coast countries were traveling two days from the Gulf of Finland to capital of Sweden.The home countries of Erasmus exchange students in Riga include neighboring Baltic States’ countries, European Union countries, USA, Russia and South America.“The main aim of the trip, besides having fun and enjoying excursions, is to gather together people from all the world at one place,” says Dita Bogdane, Erasmus Student Network – Riga (ESN-Riga) member and main Sea Battle coordinator from Latvia. “Sea Battle was one of the highlights of my entire Erasmus study abroad experience,” says Karlene Griberg, half Latvian by nationality and a visiting student from USA, Nebraska State, at the moment
28.05.2024. 00.05 Saturs
Mobility Division - First Contact Point for Exchange Students The staff of the Mobility Division serves as representatives and advocates for foreign exchange students in dealing with Latvian government agencies, other university’s offices and departments. We are responsible for your admission as an exchange student. We make sure that exchange students obtain university’s housing. We organise the orientation course and in cooperation with Erasmus Student Network and Student Council - a variety of excursions and events for international exchange students during the semester with the participation of Latvian students. Advice and support regarding your enquiries and problems are available for you at any time. Mobility Division Raiņa bulv. 19, room 122 Phone: +371 67034713 E-mail: Head: Beāte Ramiņa Lo-Bello Contact person for incoming exchange students: Justīne Vītola Phone: +371 67034706 E-mail: Contact person for incoming
Actions at the partner universities
30.06.2022. 17.08 Saturs
specialized medical assistance free of charge for refugees from Ukraine; → organization of integration events (e.g. Integration Picnic "Polish-Ukrainian Meeting"); → individual counseling, help with formal issues (kindergarten, school enrolling, help with finding a job, etc.) University of Jyväskylä → all Finnish universities are currently collecting information on studyon programmes in English that can be offered virtually and/or as contact teaching in 2022-23 for Ukrainian students free of chargeand a system for enrolling students to these programmes and courses is being set up; → Ukrainian students can take English-taught Open University courses free of charge; → Ukrainian students who are admitted to the English-medium Master’sdegree programmes get free tuition; → Ministry of Education and Culture is planning a scholarshipprogramme for Ukrainian students; → universities (like UEF) with official partnership exchange agreements with Ukrainian
LU students Uvis Alonderis iegūst galveno balvu Latvijas Optikāru olimpiādē
16.05.2024. 16.34 Ziņa
8. maijā norisinājās pirmā Latvijas Optikāru olimpiāde, kurā piedalījās optikas konsultanti, optiķi un optometrista asistenti. Par olimpiādes uzvarētāju kļuvis Uvis Alonderis, Latvijas Universitātes Optometrijas un redzes zinātnes nodaļas 1. kursa maģistrantūras students. Sveicam un lepojamies! Pirmā Latvijas Optikāru olimpiāde norisinājās 8. maijā Latvijas Universitātes Rīgas Medicīnas koledžā (LU RMK), kurā tiek realizēta profesionālās augstākās izglītības studiju programma “Optometrista asistents”. Pasākumā piedalījās 10 optikāri – optikas konsultanti, optiķi un optometrista asistenti. Žūrija sastāvēja no Latvijas Optometristu un optiķu asociācijas (LOOA), LU RMK optometrista asistenta studiju programmas, SIA ”OC VISION” un SIA “Optic Guru” pārstāvjiem. Vairāku stundu garumā optikāri pildīja dažādus uzdevumus, demonstrējot savas prasmes un zināšanas. Rezultātā pirmo vietu un galveno balvu ( 100% Optical izstādes apmeklējumu Londonā) ieguva Uvis Alonderis, Optometrijas un redzes
Students’ Punishment Cell at UL Main Building is being Restored
23.10.2009. 15.50 Ziņa
On October 5, 2009, the second stage of restoring the students’ punishment cell begins and it will take two weeks. A small room at UL main building preserves the evidence of the first educational establishment in Latvia – Riga Polytechnic Institute. Time gives things value, as well as damages them – the punishment cell during its 135 years has suffered losses - a great part of historical inscriptions and drawings have gradually faded away because of the dust, humidity and human impact. The University students put in the punishment cell for violations of internal rules used to kill their time by drawing and writing things, expressing themselves on the walls. The attractiveness of these inscriptions and the punishment cell as such has been confirmed by more than 2,000 people who visited it during ‘Museum Night 2009’ - the very first time UL Museum of History participated in it. The restoration work began in 2008; in cooperation with the UL Museum of History and the Academic
Jaunums! LU pasākums “Studenta kurpēs” notiks jau rudens semestrī
16.09.2022. 00.43 Ziņa
Aicinām studentus un skolēnus pieteikties pasākumam “Studenta kurpēs” un vienu dienu no 24. oktobra līdz 4. novembrim aizvadīt kopā, apmeklējot lekcijas un citas nodarbības un iepazīstinot skolēnus, kā noris studiju dzīve Latvijas Universitātē (LU). Pasākums “Studenta kurpēs” sniedz iespēju studentam pavadīt laiku ar skolēnu, kopā doties uz studijām, gūt pieredzi, jaunus kontaktus un draugus, un, protams, arī gandarījumu, ka esi kādu motivējis studijām, un, iespējams, tieši Tavu ieteikumu vadīts skolēns izvēlēsies studēt tieši pie mums, LU. Savukārt vidusskolēnam šajā dienā ir lieliska iespēja iejusties studenta lomā, piedalīties studiju procesā – lekcijās, semināros un laboratorijas darbos, iepazīt mācībspēkus, fakultāti, uzzināt, kādas prasmes nepieciešamas, studējot konkrētā studiju programmā, un kādas ir iespējas izpausties radoši ārpus studijām. Pēc anketas aizpildīšanas katram skolēnam tiks piemeklēts atbilstošākais students, balstoties uz izvēlēto fakultāti un studiju
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