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LU PPMF studentu diplomdarbi atzinīgi novērtēti konkursā “Dizaina arēna 2020”
30.10.2020. 18.40 Ziņa
Latvijas Universitātes (LU) Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakult'tes (PPMF) profesionālā bakalaura studiju programmas “Māksla” studentu diplomdarbi atzinīgi novērtēti konkursā “Dizaina arēna 2020”. Ik gadu oktobrī Latvijas Dizaineru savienība piešķir Gada balvas dizainā. Balvu konkursa ietvaros notiek arī skolu un augstskolu konkurss “Dizaina arēna”, kurā piedalās PPMF studiju programmas “Māksla” diplomandi. Šogad augstskolu konkursā Saziņas dizaina kategorijā pirmo vietu ieguva Nora Kuncīte par darbu “GET UP fizisko vingrinājumu kartiņu komplekts” (vadītāja: lektoreAgata Muze). Savukārt, otro vietuSaziņas dizaina kategorijā ieguva Justīne Daiga Melbārde par dzejas grāmatas “Frekvences” dizainu (vadītāja: lektore Agata Muze). Savukārt dizaina pētniecības kategorijā augstu novērtēti veseli trīs mūsu studentu diplomdarbi kategorijā “Bakalaura pakāpe”. Pirmā vieta piešķirta diviem darbiem: Noras Kuncītes “Cilvēka figūras attēlojums fizisko aktivitāšu ilustrācijās
“Body Positivity – Against Body Shaming”: The share-funding project has kicked off
10.05.2022. 13.40 Ziņa
The idea to join FORTHEM academics and students to explore body positivity was first proposed by University of Opole in January 2022. After an international team of collaborators was assembled, an engagement project was developed. It won funding through FORTHEM WP6 share-funding call in March. Objectives This project aims at encouraging young people, who tend to be the most vulnerable to body shaming, to see through the constructed nature of mediated body imagery . It raises their awareness of media trends that call for undue attention to body esthetics understood in a very narrow way. This project targets young media-users both in the school system and in the university and is in line with recent initiatives devoted to mental well-being and public health of digital natives. It aims to showcase recent body positive trends and expose the commercial nature of mediated and actual body shaming, as well as the social pressures on slim body. Team The core project team
FORTHEM summer school on Symbolic Boundaries has come to an end
29.07.2022. 13.35 Ziņa
The FORTHEM alliance's Diversity and Migration Lab summer school, Symbolic Boundaries & Multidisciplinary Perspectives: A Summer School on Diversity, Distinction and Difference (Frontières Symboliques et Perspectives Multidisciplinaires, Une Université d'Été sur la Diversité, la Distinction et la Différence) concluded on July 22, 2022. The guests were welcomed by the UO Vice-Rector for Research, Prof. Jacek Lipok, who attended the opening of the school at the UO Museum, together with the Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Izabella Pisarek, the Dean of the Faculty of Philology, Dr Elżbieta Szymańska-Czaplak, and the Director of the Institute of Literatures, Prof. Ryszard Wolny. The students listened to an inaugural lecture by Prof. Benno Herzog, president of DiscourseNet - International Association of Discourse Studies. The lecture dealt with the consequences of reification and was inspired by a quote from Pat Parker: The first thing you do is to forget that i
Testimonials from the summer school on Symbolic Boundaries at UO
18.10.2022. 16.30 Ziņa
Although the FORTHEM Alliance’s summer school on Symbolic Boundaries ended in the last days of July in Opole, we can still listen to the comments given by the participants. Take a look at the videos presenting the comments from both students and academics. The interviews give an insight into the event that brought together an interdisciplinary group of academics and students from within and without the Alliance. The summer school was organised by the Diversity and Migration Lab and was coordinated by Prof. Anna Ledwina, and Dr. Michał Wanke. Here is what the participants said about the school: Dr Michał Wanke Co-Organizer, Diversity and Migration Lab UO Contact Person, Senior Lecturer in Cultural Studies Angelica Saenz PhD Candidate, UV Dr David Bousquet Diversity and Migration Lab uB Contact Person, Associate Professor in English and Cultural Studies Dr Marlys Peck Associate Professor of Social Work, University of Central Missouri, USA Dr Kay Hearn Lecturer at the School
Influence of Factors Promoting Financial Literacy on the Achievements of Financial Literacy of Students in Latvia
03.11.2021. 22.01 Saturs
Influence of Factors Promoting Financial Literacy on the Achievements of Financial Literacy of Students in Latvia [PDF] Linda Mihno University of Latvia, Latvia Abstract: The literature suggests that financial literacy depends on factors such as socioeconomic status/sociodemographic status, psychosocial and psychological factors, experience, and access to financial education, language skills, mathematical literacy and other factors. The aim of this study was to identify the factors that influence the financial literacy achievements of students from Latvia, focusing on the possibility to improve these achievements. The data analysis was performed with PISA 2018 Latvian data, which there were selected 25% of the participating students whose financial literacy performance was lower than the mean performance in mathematical and reading literacy and 25% of students whose financial literacy performance was considerably higher than the mean performance in mathematical literacy
First FORTHEM Campus at University of Burgundy has started!
09.09.2021. 14.42 Ziņa
"The students of the first edition of the FORTHEM Campus which will be held throughout the semester at the University of Burgundy (uB) have arrived in Dijon! It was with a smile and under the Burgundy sun that these students from Valencia, Palermo and Riga were able to discover the unique program that awaits them for the months to come. They are also delighted to be able to meet their future classmates from the uB in the various fields participating in the FORTHEM Campus. Welcome everyone and have a good start!" Want to know more about "FORTHEM Campus" programme? Visit Forthem Allianceon Facebook and on the website . Text prepared by University of Burgundy
Studentiem iespēja pieteikties FORTHEM īstermiņa mobilitātēm
25.03.2021. 16.00 Ziņa
FORTHEM alianse aicina pieteikties uz īstermiņa mobilitātes pasākumiem 2020./2021. gadā. FORTHEM mērķis ir pavērt studentiem jaunas iespējas ceļot un studēt FORTHEM alianses universitātēs. Studentiem Laikā no 2021. gada 15. marta līdz 20. aprīlim visu partneru augstskolu studenti tiek aicināti pieteikties kolektīvai vai individuālai īstermiņa mobilitātei 2021. gadā. Sīkāka informācija par projektiem, biežāk uzdotie jautājumi un pieteikuma veidlapa ir pieejama šeit . Kolektīvās mobilitātes programmas ir paredzētas dažādu līmeņu un studiju jomu studentiem, dažas no tām ir atvērtas visiem, citas ir vairāk specializētas un paredzētas konkrētām studentu grupām. Programmā, kas notiek klātienē kādā no universitātēm, studenti satiekas 35 lielā cilvēku grupā, kurā pieci studenti nāk no katras universitātes. Laikā no 2021. gada septembra līdz 2022. gada februārim tiks organizētas astoņas jaunas kolektīvās īstermiņa mobilitātes programmas, kas sniedz studentiem iespēju piedalīties
I am on the waiting list, what next?
25.10.2021. 15.40 Saturs
Students on a waiting list may be contacted if and when places become available for them, after the first round of confirmation has been completed. They will also need to confirm their participation within one week after being contacted. Students who no longer want to remain on a waiting list should notify the FORTHEM office of the organising university.
Starptautiskās ekonomikas un komercdiplomātijas studenti dodas mācību komandējumā uz Kufšteinu Austrijā
13.12.2012. 16.04 Ziņa
Katru gadu Ekonomikas un vadības fakultāte organizē mācību braucienuuz partneruniversitātēm ārzemēs Starptautiskās ekonomikas un komercdiplomātijas bakalaura studiju programmas studentiem. Šogad mācību brauciens notika no 10. līdz 18. novembrim uz Austrijas pilsētu Kufšteinu un tajā piedalījās 13 studenti no trešā un ceturtā kursa, kā arī fakultātes mācībspēki. Sākot braucienu agrā sestdienas rītā un ceļā pavadot divas dienas, svētdienas vakarā nonācām skaistajā Kufšteinā. Četras dienas pavadījām Kufšteinas Lietišķo zinātņu universitātē dažādos semināros un lekcijās, kuras vadīja doktorantūras studenti, kuri arī zinības apgūst Latvijas Universitātē. Tika izspēlētas dažādas simulācijas spēles saistībā ar mūsdienu situācijām uzņēmumu vadībā, marketinga politikas veidošanā, ražošanas procesu norisē, kā arī aizvadītas lekcijas kopā ar vietējiem studentiem, vairāk iepazīstot studiju vietējo kultūru un paradumus. Brīvais laiks tika veiksmīgi izmantots dažādām ekskursijām uz Kufšteinas
„Open Readings 2015“
15.02.2015. 20.36 Ziņa
International conference for young students of physics and natural sciences "Open Readings 2015", will take place in Lithuania, Vilnius on the 24-27 of March, 2015. The deadline for registration is 6th of February . Participants can take part in oral and poster sessions presenting on extensive range of topics. Participation is free of charge. We believe that such experience is essential for students, especially those seeking a career in science. Our team is strongly motivated to improve with each successive conference. So far we have hosted more than 200 participants from different countries each previous year. Contact: OPEN READINGS'15 58th Scientific Conference for Students of Physics and Natural Sciences
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