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Testimonials from the summer school on Symbolic Boundaries at UO
18.10.2022. 16.30 Ziņa
Although the FORTHEM Alliance’s summer school on Symbolic Boundaries ended in the last days of July in Opole, we can still listen to the comments given by the participants. Take a look at the videos presenting the comments from both students and academics. The interviews give an insight into the event that brought together an interdisciplinary group of academics and students from within and without the Alliance. The summer school was organised by the Diversity and Migration Lab and was coordinated by Prof. Anna Ledwina, and Dr. Michał Wanke. Here is what the participants said about the school: Dr Michał Wanke Co-Organizer, Diversity and Migration Lab UO Contact Person, Senior Lecturer in Cultural Studies Angelica Saenz PhD Candidate, UV Dr David Bousquet Diversity and Migration Lab uB Contact Person, Associate Professor in English and Cultural Studies Dr Marlys Peck Associate Professor of Social Work, University of Central Missouri, USA Dr Kay Hearn Lecturer at the School
ESN Palermo
02.06.2021. 20.15 Saturs
About Erasmus Student Network (ESN) works in the interest of international students, works to improve the social and practical integration of international students, represents the needs and rights of international students on a local, national and international level, provides relevant information about mobility programmes, motivates students to study abroad, deals with the reintegration of homecoming students, contributes to the improvement and accessibility of student mobility, cares about its members, values volunteering and active citizenship. There are 42 full members (UniPa students) and 275 Erasmus members (incoming students or trainees participating in mobility programmes). Contact : Luca Adib Tucci - , .
26.03.2019. 14.56 Saturs
Seal. RESIDENCE PERMIT Documents for temporary residence permit have to be submitted: Personally in the Embassy of Latvia in Russia, or It could be provided by University of Latvia. Please contact with admissions coordinator for further matters. Master’s degree and PhD students can apply for visa in Russia and for temporary residence permit here in Latvia. Note! If you are still studying in last semester and don’t have a diploma, you can apply with provisional results from your school. You will need to submit an obtained diploma afterwards. Note! Applicants, who submit documents for temporary residence permit after August 20 th , have to choose express examination of documents for 10 days. If the residence permit obtaining process continues longer than expected, LU makes a decision on the commencement of study options in this or next academic year. If you have questions regarding application procedure, academic or practical matters, feel free to contact us
26.03.2019. 14.57 Saturs
an agreement with insurance company ERGO.You can get healthinsurance from this company forone year. It costs161.40 EUR.Price includes discounts and free doctor appointments. Health insurance is obligatory for process of obtaining a residence permit. More information will be given by study advisor if applicant is interested in this offer. Note! If you are still studying in last semester and don’t have a diploma, you can apply with provisional results from your school. You will need to submit an obtained diploma afterwards. Note! Applicants, who submit documents for temporary residence permit after August 20 th , have to choose express examination of documents for 10 days. If the residence permit obtaining process continues longer than expected, LU makes a decision on the commencement of study options in this or next academic year. If you have questions regarding application procedure, academic or practical matters, feel free to contact us
26.03.2019. 15.00 Saturs
in the Embassy of Latvia in Uzbekistan, or It could be provided by University of Latvia. Please contact with admissions coordinator for further matters. Master’s degree and PhD students can apply for visa in Uzbekistan and for temporary residence permit here in Latvia. Note! If you are still studying in last semester and don’t have a diploma, you can apply with provisional results from your school. You will need to submit an obtained diploma afterwards. Note! Applicants, who submit documents for temporary residence permit after August 20 th , have to choose express examination of documents for 10 days. If the residence permit obtaining process continues longer than expected, LU makes a decision on the commencement of study options in this or next academic year. If you have questions regarding application procedure, academic or practical matters, feel free to contact us
20.01.2010. 16.56 Saturs
The Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Latvia due to support of various organizations and generous efforts of qualified experts has launched a searchable database of recovered names and identities of members of the Latvian Jewish Community who perished during the Holocaust. The technical version of the website is available at Please, note the project is not yet finished, many columns of the personal cards are still empty and the fate of many Latvian Jews still has to be established. We would be grateful to anyone who can help us sharing more information about the fate of perished relatives and friends. For further inquiries, please contact us by e-mail
Ja fakultāte ir nominējusi Erasmus+ praksei
04.11.2022. 19.22 Saturs
Studentam ir jāsagatavo Prakses mobilitātes līgums (Erasmus+ Learning Agreement) Katram Erasmus+ prakses mobilitātes dalībniekam obligāti ir jānoformē trīspusējo Prakses mobilitātes līgumu (Learning Agreement), kas ir viens no svarīgākajiem mobilitātes dokumentiem. Learning Agreement (LA) sadaļa Before the Mobility tiek noformēta pirms prakses mobilitātes. Pildot LA, “Responsible person” ir LU studiju programmas direktors, “Contact person” fakultātes koordinators. Pirms dokumentu pildīšanas jāizrunā ar programmas direktoru un uzņemošo pusi par prakses uzdevumiem un iespējamo kredītpunktu apjomu. Mobilitātes nodaļa aicinās parakstīt Finansējuma līgumu, kad būs parakstīts LA no visām 3 pusēm.
29.03.2022. 12.21 Saturs
JGU has created various offers for students and staff facing accessibility challenges - from basic orientation and technical aid to managing studies with a disability or chronic illness. For an overview, contact info and helpful links you can consult the website of our Office of Accessibility: . Furthermore, JGU is committed to diversity and equal opportunities. We strive to be accessible to everybody, regardless of age, gender, race, national origin, social and ethnic background, religion, sexual identity and orientation, physical abilities and individual life style. To learn more about JGU’s philosophy, you can visit .
30.06.2021. 18.23 Saturs
Selected projects will benefit from several financial aids: → 1.000 euros subvention per project; → travel and subsistence cost for two meetings for 8 participants per team (total of 16 travel costs for four nights per project). If your event is entirely carried out virtually, extra funding may be available. Contact your local FORTHEM Office to see if further options are possible…; → in addition to the FORTHEM subventions mentioned above, each university will assess the possibility of supplementing the project costs with its own funds. Please keep in mind that if you will receive funds from several sources, you must check if these are compatible as double funding is not permitted in certain cases.
Brief overview of Canada – Latvia relations
28.08.2011. 18.13 Saturs
: aerospace, machinery, seafood, lumber) whereas imports were $431.7 million (top industries: petroleum, furniture, minerals, textiles). Both countries have a good potential to further extend their trade and economic co-operation. ACADEMIC RELATIONS Canada actively promotes scholarly links and develops fruitful contacts with Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The academic relations initiatives of the Embassy and its local Offices strive to increase awareness of Canada through the encouragement of Canadian Studies programmes in Baltic universities. The International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS) is a federation of national and multinational Canadian Studies associations to support research, education and publications in all fields of Canadian Studies in host countries. In the Baltic Sea region, Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Canadian Studies Associations have been functioning since 1992. The University of Latvia has a long standing co-operation with the University of Dalhausie
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