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Izziņoti Sociālās programmas 2019. gada rudens kārtas rezultāti
04.10.2019. 19.30 Ziņa
Jaunais rudens studiju semestris jau ražīgi sācies, tāpēc pienācis arī laiks paziņot Sociālās programmas 2019. gada rudens kārtas rezultātus! Arī šogad Latvijas Universitātes (LU) Studentu padome (SP) un LU Infrastruktūras departaments (ID) īstenoja projektu “Sociālā programma”, kuras mērķis ir sniegt atbalstu Latvijas Universitātes dienesta viesnīcās (DV) dzīvojošajiem LU studentiem, kuri studē pilna laika klātienē un kuriem ir apgrūtināti materiālie un sociālie apstākļi. Pretendenti laika posmā no 29. augusta līdz 20. septembrim varēja iesniegt dokumentus un saņemt līdz pat 50% atlaidi dienesta viesnīcas īres maksai uz periodu no 1. septembra līdz 30. janvārim. Kopumā, pēc izvērtēšanas komisijas lēmuma, īres maksas atlaide tika piešķirta 55 LU studentiem no sešām dažādām dienesta viesnīcām. Ar rezultātiem detalizētāk var iepazīties šeit: lēmums . Neskaidrību vai jautājumu gadījumā raksti:
Angļu valodas mācību metodika
04.08.2021. 18.32 Saturs
10:00 - 14:00 Jūrmalas gatvē 76, A-314. aud. Sekcijas sēde "Angļu valodas mācību metodika" Sociālās zinātnes Vadītājs A. Auziņa A. Auziņa Supervision of a Future Teacher-researcher: Supervisory Style and Process S. Kalniņa Inclusion of global dimension in professional teacher education I. Augustāne How to help students of secondary school develop entrepreneurial skills in English lessons L. Linde Viedokļu paušanas kultūra un pamatota literāru darbu kritika liberāli-demokrātiskas sabiedrības kontekstā S. Vaļka English Studies for Academic Purposes in Teacher Education A. Stavicka, I. Kangro Opportunities and Challenges in the Multilingual and Multicultural Learning Space S. Burcer Turkish ERASMUS Students' Difficulties to Adjust to Latvian Higher Education System and Some Suggestions for Possible Support to Students A.Yemelyanenko Problems, Proposals and Methods for Multilingual Education Implementation in Preschool Educational Institutions
26.11.2023. 22.50 Saturs | 186-197 | PDF Competence of Mathematics of 4thGrade Students of Latvia in International Comparison Linda Mihno, Agnese Mālere, Laima Mitenberga, Marija Rimša University of Latvia, Latvia Abstract. Education in Latvia currently is facing major changes. Learning content is based on acompetences-based approach. Thecompetences approach is wide spreading in thecurricula of other countries, but each country has adifferent approach to implementing thecompetences. Not only in thecontext of thecompetences-based approach, but also in theeducation processes in general, thequality of education is emphasised. Thequality of education receives increased attention, including of analyse various aspects– thestudents’ level of knowledge and skills, theprofessional competence of teachers and principals, theschool infrastructure, theevaluation of theeducation system, etc. In Latvia, theEducation Law defines thequality of education, which is similar
XXI Olympic Winter Games are Over
09.03.2010. 12.13 Ziņa
For almost three weeks the whole world was following the Olympic Games in Vancouver. At the Games among the participants were also the University of Latvia students and graduates. The Olympic Games is the ultimate goal for all athletes where they also hope to deliver the best performance possible. A very successful second year student from the study programme Teacher of Health and Physical Education at the Faculty of Education and Psychology (FEP) is Liene Fimbauere, Olympic alpine skier. Her debut is a great achievement - in the giant slalom from 86 participants Liene ranked 51st, but the slalom she finished as 49th (out of 87). We believe that the personal satisfaction will motivate the athlete to attain spectacular results in future. Biathlonist Līga Glāzere is a third year student in the same programme. The road to the Olympic Games took her four years. Although the results: 69 th place in the sprint, 78 th in the individual race and 19 th in the relay, are not indicative
The UL Student Dmitrijs Jurkevičs Improves Latvia’s Record in 1500m Run
15.06.2011. 19.05 Ziņa
The commemorative competition of the renowned Czech runner Josef Odložil was held in Prague on June 13. At the competition, the University of Latvia (UL) Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art student Dmitrijs Jurkevičs set a new record for Latvia and the UL in the 1500-metre race. Dmitrijs finished 5th with a time of 3:38.71, while the competition was won by a Kenyan athlete in 3:35.93.Dmitrijs Jurkevičs outrivaled his competitors already during the President’s Cup in track-and-field athletics, which took place in Valmiera (Latvia) at the weekend. Several UL athletes qualified in the competition. Dmitrijs Jurkevičs managed to attain the first place with a notable time of 3:43.25.Once again Elvijs Misāns proved that this season he is the fastest in Latvia, finishing the 200-metre run with a convincing victory. Elvijs repeated the UL record of 20.91, which was first clocked by Staņislavs Olijars. E.Misāns also won the 100m race in 10.52.While Solveiga Ozola Ozoliņa set a new UL
Public lecture "EU as a Stronger Global Actor" by Inna Šteinbuka on November 24, 2015
13.08.2020. 00.45 Ziņa
A public lecture and experts’ discussion about the EU current agenda by Inna Šteinbuka, Head of the European Commission Representation in Latvia will be organized at the University of Latvia on the November 24. Dear Students and Colleagues, The Centre for European and Transition Studies (CETS) at the University of Latvia cordially invites you to a public lecture entitled “EU as a Stronger Global Actor ”.Issues related to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership will be discussed. The lecture will be given by Inna Šteinbuka , Head of the European Commission Representation in Latvia. A discussion will follow the lecture. It will be set up between: Inna Šteinbuka , Head of the European Commission Representation in Latvia Andris Kužnieks , Deputy Head of the European Commission Representation in Latvia, & students and colleagues attending the lecture. The moderator of the event: Jean Monnet Professor Dr. Tatjana Muravska, Director of CETS When
Entrance requirements
02.05.2019. 13.22 Saturs
If you would like to study at the University of Latvia for one semester of full academic year and then transfer your credits to your home university, you can apply for exchange studies. You can be considered as an exchange student if there is a valid student exchange agreement between your home university and the University of Latvia or between your home country and the Republic of Latvia.University of Latvia accepts exchange students within ERASMUS+,CAMPUS EUROPAE, Utrech Network (MAUI (Mid-America University International), AEN (Australian-Europea Network) and ISEP (International Student Exchange Program) programmmes, bilateral cooperation agreements with other universities and cooperation agreements between countries. The International Office at your home university can give you more information about the exchange programmes that your university has with the University of Latvia. International exchange students who plan to study at the University of Latvia for up to one year
Entrance Requirements
20.09.2018. 13.46 Saturs
If you would like to study at the University of Latvia for one semester of full academic year and then transfer your credits to your home university, you can apply for exchange studies. You can be considered as an exchange student if there is a valid student exchange agreement between your home university and the University of Latvia or between your home country and the Republic of Latvia.University of Latvia accepts exchange students within ERASMUS+ , CAMPUS EUROPAE, Utrech Network (MAUI (Mid-America University International), AEN (Australian-Europea Network) and ISEP (International Student Exchange Program) programmmes, bilateral cooperation agreements with other universities and cooperation agreements between countries. The International Office at your home university can give you more information about the exchange programmes that your university has with the University of Latvia. International exchange students who plan to study at the University of Latvia for up to one
University of Latvia invites to support excellence and donate to “UL Centenarian Scholarship”
02.05.2019. 12.33 Ziņa
The University of Latvia (UL), awaiting its centenary and honouring the philanthropic traditions, calls for the support of outstanding students and donations for the UL Centenarian Scholarship. Anyone who will buy tickets to the UL Century Night “CARPE NOCTEM” to be held in Arēna Rīga , can also donate to the UL Foundation, using its donation platform . “The history of the UL and the Latvian state is closely related. They unite the idea of free Latvia and smart people. Latvia's independence is based on knowledge acquired at various times and continuously supplemented by the UL. Therefore, patrons have supported our alma mater since its foundation up to the present day. We invite everyone who appreciates the role of the UL and higher education in their lives to donate and support our outstanding students – the creators of our shared future in Latvia," emphasizes Laila Kundziņa , Executive Director of the UL Foundation. Thanks to the generous support of patrons
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