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PHOTONICS+ Virtual Exhibition and Conference
26.02.2021. 09.00 Ziņa
PHOTONICS+ Virtual Exhibition and Conference, in partnership with EPIC, took place on 17 and 18 February 2021. The innovative live, digital event brought stakeholders in the photonics industry together with relevant user areas. The organiser FLEET Events had developed the innovative digital event together with EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium, the largest association in the photonics sector. More than 5,000 online visitors became part of the community in an inspiring and efficient way: more than 280 technology and application presentations and 1:1 video chats enabled direct contact that facilitates the initiation of new cooperation opportunities and projects. 30 top keynote speakers gave lectures about current topics relating to photonics. About 300 exhibitors from 20 countries, among which was MATERIZE, participated in this event. More information Keynote sessions
First FORTHEM Internship realized - read the interview
05.03.2021. 15.48 Ziņa
During the global COVID-19 pandemic, opportunities for international cooperation and mobility are far and few. One possibility to still experience working in international projects is an internship carried out online. We had the chance to interview a student who participated in a remote internship made possible by the FORTHEM Alliance. Antonia Knieps, a student from the Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, carried out her internship at the University of Jyväskylä, but from her home office. Postdoctoral researcher Joni Lämsä acted as her supervisor. Read their interview on the website of the University of Jyväskylä . If you are a student and became interested in finding an internship placement of your own, please see more information about the Company Internships on the FORTHEM Alliance website. If you became interested in offering an internship placement in your organisation, please fill in an offer form and we will contact you for further details.
Invites to submit thesis to the International Scientific Conference on Medicine
24.10.2023. 13.09 Ziņa
We kindly invite to submit abstracts for the International Scientific Conference on Medicine, which is part of the annual 79th Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia and will be held on April 23-24, 2021. The conference will cover a variety of disciplines in clinical and research medicine, pharmacy and public health. The events of the conference are planned in a hybrid form, both online and on-site in Riga. Abstract submission will be possible until 10 January 2021. Abstracts from both seasoned and upcoming researchers are welcome. The abstract requirementscanbe found online . In the spirit of fostering international collaboration, participation is free of charge. Certificates of attendance with credit points for further education will be awarded to those attending the conference. For inquiries regarding the conference, please contact the Organizing Committee via . You can also follow the news related to the conference on Facebook .
15th International Week of Professors "Internationalization and Future"
13.05.2024. 16.50 Saturs
Date: May 14 – 17, 2024 Aim: to welcome and give opportunity to professors from European universities to give classes/lectures/workshops to students, present research, give home institution presentations to would-be exchange students, advertise project initiatives and participate in students’ research conference events ( 23 rd International Students’ Research Conference on May 14 – 16, 2024 ). Language: English. Programme Deadlines: proposal submission till April 30, 2024 For additional information, please contact: Dr. paed., prof. Indra Odiņa E-mail:
Security issues
08.07.2020. 12.55 Saturs
ON STREETS In any public area, one should always be alert. There are accidents targeting foreigners - bag snatching, pickpocketing and petty theft. Airports, train stations, overcrowded public transport and routes to major hotels and the Old Town are prime locations for pickpocketers. Therefore, wherever you are, be aware of your pockets and backpacks. When in pubs and restaurants never leave your belongings unattended. Thus you will be able to avoid some unpleasant moments. If possible, do not walk alone at night and do not make friends with unknown persons. As the university’s dormitories are not situated in the centre of the city, one should pay attention to security issues within late hours. Try to avoid going home unaccompanied at late evening and night. DRIVING A CAR Don’t forget to use safety belts while seated in a car Latvian law requires drivers to use their headlights at all times, including during the day. Drink driving is considered to be a very
LU CFI 2012/28/ERDF
10.05.2019. 01.23 Saturs
Contract price (VAT excluded), LVL Delivery of the Non-Contact, 3D Optical Profiler CPV reference number: 38510000-3. TED No.327440-2012 16/10/2012; Amendments on 30/11/2012 and on 07/12/2012 15.01. 2013 10.00 4 UAB “BIOEKSMA”, Mokslininku str. 11, Vilnius, Lithuania, LT-08412, Registration No.: 300096612 23.01. 2013 4 months 109320 EUR or 76830.53 LVL Contact person: Janis Pinnis, Secretary of the Procurement Commission, tel.+371 67260545, fax: +371 67132778, e-mail: Tender Regulation with Amendments made on 30.11.2012 and on 07.12.2012:
26.03.2019. 14.53 Saturs
for further matters. Master’s degree and PhD students can apply for visa in Georgia and for temporary residence permit here in Latvia. Note! If you are still studying in last semester and don’t have a diploma, you can apply with provisional results from your school. You will need to submit an obtained diploma afterwards. Note! Applicants, who submit documents for temporary residence permit after August 20 th , have to choose express examination of documents for 10 days. If the residence permit obtaining process continues longer than expected, LU makes a decision on the commencement of study options in this or next academic year. If you have questions regarding application procedure, academic or practical matters, feel free to contact us
Epidemiological Safety Measures in UL as of April 1
31.03.2022. 18.46 Ziņa
director or methodologist by sending them a certificate of incapacity to work as a document justifying the absence; to monitor one’s own health condition; if an acute respiratory infection with symptoms characteristic to Covid-19 occurs, it must be immediately reported to the head of the structural unit or immediate supervisor of work, study programme director, methodologist or lecturer of the current planned lecture or seminar, the person must immediately leave the UL premises and contact a doctor; to promptly report any cases of infection with Covid-19 or risks related to the possibility of contracting Covid-19 to e-mail or telephone (+371) 26189898, as well as to provide the head of the labour protection system with all relevant information for communication with the Latvian Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. 3. If an employee or student is found to be a contact person, UL shall ensure that the contact person performs self-testing for 7 days after
02.06.2021. 20.21 Saturs
About AStA is a general student committee (Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss). In order to represent the interests of the students, AStA is divided into different working areas and departments. All tasks that arise are dealt with in the responsible work area/department: for example, the department for finances administers the funds, the department for traffic negotiates the semester ticket, the department for culture takes care of cultural events and parties on campus, etc. Take a look at the list of different student associations at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz which can be reached via AStA. Contact : Philipp Seidel - and .
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