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MSP Fizika
03.06.2024. 14.33 Saturs
University of Latvia invites prospective students to submit applications for studies for the Master's programme "Physics"at the University of Latvia for Autumn intake2024/2025: Citizens of non-EU/EEA countries have to apply till 20.06.24. EU/EEA/Swiss citizens have to apply till 12.07.24. Citizens of Visa-free countries have to apply till 12.07.24. Citizens of countries with additional assessment have to apply till 16.05.24. EU/EEA/Swiss nationals may apply for budget places (25 in total)! To complete your admission successfully, please pay attention toapplication deadlines (above). For further information please contact Mrs. Darta Antane Postgraduate Studies Application → Admission procedure →
ISSP UL studies transparent antimicrobial coatings as one of the solutions to Covid-19
23.11.2020. 18.54 Ziņa
of the project is to provide medical institutions with up-to-date information and technologies that would help reduce the risks of infection and reduce the workload of medical staff. Within the framework of the project, the ISSP UL carries out the fabrication of new antimicrobial coatings and research of physical properties. Viruses and bacteria can be killed with hypochlorite, peroxide or bleach solutions, or even soap and household cleaners. However, such methods are either difficult to apply, time-consuming and, most importantly, inefficient and short-lived. Another strategy is to cover surfaces with materials that either prevent pathogens from adhering or kill them in contact. Such surfaces are commonly referred to as antibacterial surfaces, but most of them are also active against viruses and other pathogens. Today, however, the introduction of such protective antibacterial coatings is limited. The reasons for this are cost, questions about their long-term effectiveness and the fact
26.03.2019. 14.58 Saturs
; It is recommended to submit all education documents for more qualitative recognition of education. Documents (education diploma and statement on punishability) must be legalised with an Apostille certificate. RESIDENCE PERMIT Documents for temporary residence permit have to be submitted: Personally in the Embassy of Latvia in Turkey, or It could be provided by University of Latvia. Please contact with admissions coordinator for further matters. Master’s degree and PhD students can apply for visa in Turkey and for temporary residence permit here in Latvia. Note! If you are still studying in last semester and don’t have a diploma, you can apply with provisional results from your school. You will need to submit an obtained diploma afterwards. Note! Applicants, who submit documents for temporary residence permit after August 20 th , have to choose express examination of documents for 10 days. If the residence permit obtaining process continues longer than expected, LU makes a decision
Tasks of the office
26.07.2022. 19.37 Saturs
→ serves as a central contact/first entry point, has contacts/expert networks in the background and connects people seeking support; → centralizes outputs of all WPs in FIT FORTHEM for further implementation and consideration. The type of archiving and the accessibility of results will be discussed in the context of FIT FORTHEM / FORTHEM. A secure user administration mechanism must be implemented; → building on gained experiences from the first 18 months of the project, it organizes trainings or workshops related to FIT FORTHEM/R & I related topics if required, that are not available on the local level; → takes care of cost-benefit analyses to evaluate measures taken in the project and beyond to launch transformation processes in R & I at the partner universities; → provides targeted information on funding opportunities e.g. for Labs and research groups who have matured from FORTHEM and are not able to obtain equivalent information and support at their partner institutions
University of Latvia Faculty of Chemistry
23.08.2022. 01.01 Ziņa
The University of Latvia (UL) Faculty of Chemistry (FC) is the centre for academical and professional education in chemistry, where students work toward becoming professional chemists, labour protection specialists or teachers of science and mathematics. The UL FC teaching staff consists of highly qualified scientists, researchers and industry specialists. The faculty has established an extensive cooperation network with leading research institutes and industry companies in Latvia, enabling the students to establish a close contact with industry professionals and actively participate in advanced scientific research. The faculty offers a number of study programmes: Chemistry Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programmes, which have obtained European quality labels – Eurobachelor in Chemistry in 2012 and Euromaster in Chemistry in 2017. The faculty students also have ample opportunities to participate in Erasmus exchange programmes in more than 20 countries. Student life at the faculty
International Interdisciplinary Philosophical Conference: Transformed Humanity in search for stability: rhythms in philosophy, nature, art
29.03.2023. 16.11 Saturs
humanity transform in rhythms by effects to body and reason? How does renewed rhythmanalysis concern the ethical and political dimensions, literature and art? Important facts and dates The conference held in Riga as face-to-face event, University of Latvia, May 16 - 19, 2024. Conference working language: English. Participation is free from payment. Summary should be submitted in English by May 31, 2023. The summary should include: Information about the author: name, surname, institution, contacts Title of the paper 5-7 keywords 200-300 words abstract The conference summaries must be sent electronically in Word format with a note: Transformed Humanity Rhythm to the mails: ; Summaries will be published in the conference proceedings Confirmations about the participation in the conference will be sent until the August 1, 2023, by an official invitation in electronic format. Based on the conference papers, it is planned
(copy 3)
27.01.2021. 14.35 Saturs
Projekta rezultāti: Paredzētās aktivitātes līdz projekta beigām Skaits Zinātniskās publikācijas zinātniskajos žurnālos, kuru citējamības indekss sasniedz vismaz 50% no nozares vidējā. 1 Zinātniskās publikācijas, kas indeksētas SCOPUS, WoSCC un/vai ERIH+ 5 Intelektuālā īpašuma nostiprināšana (ASV vai ES pagaidu patentu pieteikums) 1 Dalība starptautiskās zinātniskās konferencēs 4 Atsauce publicitātei (reference for publicity): LV: Pētījums tiek īstenots ar Latvijas Zinātņu padomes finansējuma atbalstu projektā “Ātrā mikroorganismu aktivitātes noteikšana ar optisko bez-kontakta metodi” (vienošanās Nr: lzp-2018/2-0051). ENG: This work has been supported by Latvian Council of Science funded project “Fast and non-contact optical estimation of microorganisms activity” (agreement No: lzp
Ātrā mikroorganismu aktivitātes noteikšana ar optisko bez-kontakta metodi
03.11.2020. 16.42 Saturs
Projekta rezultāti: Paredzētās aktivitātes līdz projekta beigām Skaits Zinātniskās publikācijas zinātniskajos žurnālos, kuru citējamības indekss sasniedz vismaz 50% no nozares vidējā. 1 Zinātniskās publikācijas, kas indeksētas SCOPUS, WoSCC un/vai ERIH+ 5 Intelektuālā īpašuma nostiprināšana (ASV vai ES pagaidu patentu pieteikums) 1 Dalība starptautiskās zinātniskās konferencēs 4 Atsauce publicitātei (reference for publicity): LV: Pētījums tiek īstenots ar Latvijas Zinātņu padomes finansējuma atbalstu projektā “Ātrā mikroorganismu aktivitātes noteikšana ar optisko bez-kontakta metodi” (vienošanās Nr: lzp-2018/2-0051). ENG: This work has been supported by Latvian Council of Science funded project “Fast and non-contact optical estimation of microorganisms activity” (agreement No: lzp
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