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26.11.2023. 22.49 Saturs | 171-185 | PDF Self-Confidence in 4th and9thGrades: Differences between Age, Gender and School Subjects Kristine Kampmane, Andrejs Geske, Antra Ozola University of Latvia, Latvia Abstract. This study focused on students’ self-confidence and analyzed therelationship between self-confidence and gender, age, subject, achievement, and other variables. Thestudents from Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Poland, Germany, Sweden, and Denmark were compared. Theauthors of this research analyzed thedata from three large scale studies and compared 4th and 15-year-old students’ self-confidence in reading, Mathematics, and Science. IEA TIMSS2019 and PIRLS2016 for 4th grade students and OECD PISA2012, PISA2015, and PISA2018 for 15-year-old students (further in thestudy referred to as 9th grade students). Thedata analysis was performed on each above-mentioned study and each cycle separately. Theauthors of this research quartered all students into four self
Opening of the international student photo exhibition “Inspired by Europe” in Brussels, Belgium
22.04.2024. 12.36 Ziņa
of our culture. Emerging from the shadows of Soviet totalitarianism, a period that felt like exile, we found our way back to our historic roots, to the place we truly call home. But the EU, our home, is not a statistic entity, it is a dynamic, ever evolving community that we proudly belong to and we are all responsible for.” In her address, Ms Ieva Jurga, the CAMINO Project’s creative manager said: “Twenty years ago, ten European countries became members of the EU). Back then, it was our dream of freedom and prosperity. Today, it is our reality. To mark the 20th anniversary of the EU membership, students from eight Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries, along with Cyprus, Malta, and Ukraine, have offered their view on today’s Europe, on their identity as Europeans, sharing with us their hopes and dreams – without stereotypes or prejudices. [..] When I look at these pictures, I see that Europe is nothing without its culture, be it architecture, philosophy, or the art of living. When
19.04.2012. 23.27 Ziņa
Date: 21 April 2012Big Cleanup or "Lielā Talka" (in Latvian) is the biggest cleanup event of the year in Latvia and in the world. More than 100 000 people participate in every cleanup. ESN Riga invites international students and everybody who is interested to participate in Big Cleanup on April 21st. Erasmus students together with local people are going to clean a part of Zepniekkalns district in Riga. After the cleanup action all the participants are invited to Thank you event, where they will have lunch, music and much more. Learn more here: Facebook event:
Changes in Teachers and Students’ Perceived School Climate Through the Implementation of the Social Emotional Learning Program: A Longitudinal Study
03.11.2021. 21.52 Saturs
Changes in Teachers and Students’ Perceived School Climate Through the Implementation of the Social Emotional Learning Program: A Longitudinal Study [PDF] Sabine Berzina, Baiba Martinsone University of Latvia, Latvia Abstract: The aim of the study is to investigate changes in teachers’ perceived school climate in the first and second years of implementing the social emotional learning (SEL) program in schools, as well as to investigate differences in 3 rd - to 6 th -grade students’ perceived school climate. In the two years of this study, 64 teachers participated in the SEL program alongside a control group. In the first year, teachers received training on the implementation of school-level SEL and received ready-made lesson plans for the direct practice of social and emotional skills in the classroom. In the second year, the SEL teachers were divided into two subgroups, where 32 teachers received additional supervision during the implementation. In the first year, 138 students
ERASMUS days at the University of Latvia
19.10.2023. 15.50 Ziņa
As part of “Erasmus days 2023”, the University of Latvia (UL) Mobility Division (MD) has organized a photo competition “Culture shock. Me abroad”, within more than 20 photos, incoming exchange student Linda from Germany, received majority of votes. The MD has selected 3 photos, which have received the higest vote. Submitted photos represent the experience of both (incoming and outgoing exchange students) of UL here in Latvia and abroad. Student, do you want to take a part in similar events and get your own foreign experience? Do not hesitate and apply for mobility opportunities at the UL partner universities. UL students have the opprotunity to go to exchange studies and traineeships to more than 50 countries. Short-term mobility and traineeships between 5 and 30 days are great opportunities for busy students and are addressed to a wider range of students. More information about mobility options can be found at
Registration for NCRE 2022
23.05.2022. 19.18 Saturs
The registration for NCRE 2022 is now open . Conference fee Full participant 200 EUR Students from Latvia 25 EUR Students from other countries 50 EUR Participation in the conference in a hybrid form 50 EUR Registration will be open until 10th June. Please, take into account that there might be changes in the conference due to epidemiological safety regulations.
07.09.2020. 13.41 Ziņa
The festival of business opportunities for students and young professionals “Icebreakers’20” organized by the Student Business Incubator of the University of Latvia (UL) will take place this year on October 9 in virtual format. The festival will bring together a significant number of both Latvian and foreign students to draw inspiration and create new opportunities for cooperation in a joint event, as well as to provide young professionals with tools to start their own business. The main theme of this year's festival is "New Reality", emphasizing the changing and unpredictable environment in which everyone can find opportunities. The festival will feature practical classes, discussions, a virtual exhibition area and much more prepared especially for students, young professionals and researchers. Focus on topics - emergence of new opportunities in a crisis, remote life, medicine, food, space, IT, etc. The festival will take place in virtual format and participation is free. More
Baltu filoloģijas studentam Arnim Koroševskim – Imanta Ziedoņa piemiņas stipendija
18.09.2013. 18.21 Ziņa
16. septembrī Humanitāro zinātņu fakultātes Domes sēdē pirmoreiz tika pasniegta Vītolu fonda Imanta Ziedoņa piemiņas stipendija. Stipendiju sarūpējušas četras dzejnieka radinieku ģimenes ar nolūku to pasniegt kādam daudzsološam jaunajam literatūrpētniekam augstskolā, kurā studējis pats dzejnieks. Domes sēdē pasniegt stipendiju bija ieradusies viena no četrām ziedotāju ģimenēm – Andrejs un Brigita Muzikanti. Imanta Ziedoņa stipendijas saņēmējs Baltu filoloģijas maģistra programmas pirmā kursa students Arnis Koroševskis ir Andreja Upīša prozas pētnieks. Arņa bakalaura darba „Reālisms Andreja Upīša romānos „Sieviete” un „Zaļā zeme”” vadītāja profesore Ieva Kalniņa īpaši uzteic jaunā pētnieka izcilās spējas savienot tekstu ar teoriju un aktualizēt Latvijā nosacīti ēnā atstātā reālisma virziena izpēti. Arņa zinātniskais darbs ir izpelnījies godalgu Kārļa Dziļlejas starpaugstskolu studentu zinātnisko darbu konkursā, bez tam viņš ir rosīgs publicists un literatūrkritiķis tīmekļa literārajā
PATRON OF THE MONTH. LMT Invests un Valuable Resources – Smart Students and Projects
20.02.2020. 12.42 Ziņa
and Chairman of the Board, Dr.oec. Juris Binde received a PhD in Business Administration from the University of Latvia in 2007. J. Binde is also the chair of the UL Council Convention. The CEO emphasizes the importance of philanthropy in the development of higher education. Why do you think it is important to support higher education? Undoubtedly, education increases competitiveness. Moreover, those, who have attended university, are much more open to new ideas and look at things more broadly. Albert Einstein said: “we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” University studies broaden horizons and enable resolution of challenges by completely different methods. Why is it important to donate to UL, its projects and the most talented students? I have a very personal relationship with the UL. At the University of Latvia, I received my PhD in business administration, therefore this university will always be special to me. In terms of support to universities
Praktiskā latviešu valoda ārvalstu studentiem I (A2)
Kurss (tālākizglītība)
Praktiskās latviešu valodas kurss paredzēts valodas apguvējiem, kam ir priekšzināšanas latviešu valodā A1 prasmes līmenī. Kursa mērķis ir pilnveidot studentu latviešu valodas runas un rakstu prasmes, bagātināt vārdu krājumu, padziļināt viņu zināšanas par latviešu valodas gramatikas jautājumiem, attīstīt komunikatīvās kompetences lietojumu, pragmatisko un sociolingvistisko kompetenci, kā arī padziļināt zināšanas un veidot izpratni par latviešu valodas sistēmas īpatnībām un lietojumu sociālajā kontekstā, studiju procesā un profesionālajā darbībā. Kurss veidots, balstoties uz Eiropas Padomes pieņemto A2 satura specifikāciju un latviešu valodas A2 līmeņa apraksta saturu.
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