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Foreigners learn Latvian at annual summer course
15.08.2022. 17.07 Ziņa
For the eighth year, the University of Latvia (LU) organized the "Summer School of Latvian Language and Culture" for everyone who is interested to improve their Latvian language skills and expand their knowledge of Latvian history, art, and folklore. Despite the pandemic, foreigners' interest in the course has not dwindled, Latvian Radio reported on August 14. Every year, students from countries such as Brazil, Canada, Australia, the USA, Indonesia, Spain, and Poland participate in the Latvian language and culture school. Japanese students have been particularly interested in recent years, LU said.Summer school members are both students and teachers from different universities, enthusiasts and diaspora representatives. Music professor Scott Brickman currently lives in his home country in the United States, but his grandfather was born in Latvia and lived in the municipality of Tērvete. He visited Latvia for the first time in 2015 and says he fell in love with both the country
Guidelines for use of artificial intelligence developed at the University of Latvia
25.04.2024. 15.36 Ziņa
The University of Latvia (UL) has developed the guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the study process, and will introduce these guidelines in its daily work. These guidelines are designed to help UL employees and students to use the opportunities provided by AI in studies and research in a meaningful way, while setting clear limits on the extent and the cases when the use of AI is permissible. “In the current environment of globalization, technological development and rapidly changing labour market demands, higher education and scientific institutions have become the main driver of the innovation ecosystem of developed countries. Likewise, considering the role of artificial intelligence in education and science, universities have a leading role in strengthening both regulation and good practice. The main principle in the regulation of artificial intelligence is the safe, transparent, traceable and non-discriminatory use of this tool, ensuring that in any
LU studentu Biznesa inkubators
31.01.2020. 14.08 Ziņa
klientiem un pārdotu pirmos produktus, tirdzniecības centrā “Riga Plaza” dalībniekiem būs iespēja testēt savus produktus Inovāciju stendā. Savu dalību LU studentu Biznesa inkubatora pavasara sezonā aicināti pieteikt ikviens interesents, kuram ir sava biznesa ideja. Vienīgais nosacījums – pusei no komandas dalībniekiem jābūt LU studentiem (neatkarīgi no studiju līmeņa un specializācijas) vai arī pēdējo 2 gadu absolventiem. Vairāk informācijas: un LU studentu Biznesa inkubatora Facebook lapā. Par LU studentu Biznesa inkubatoru: LU studentu Biznesa inkubators ir lielākais studentu biznesa inkubators Latvijā. Tas ir izveidots un darbojas, pateicoties mecenātu, Latvijas Universitātes un LU Biznesa, vadības un ekonomikas fakultātes atbalstam. Mecenātu ziedojumus LU studentu Biznesa inkubatoram administrē Latvijas Universitātes fonds , kas ir respektabla filantropijas organizācija un rūpējas par izciliem, centīgiem studentiem, maģistrantiem, doktorantiem, pedagogiem
Students’ Readiness for STEM Learning within the Context of National Education Reform
03.11.2021. 22.10 Saturs
Students’ Readiness for STEM Le arning within the Context of National Education Reform [PDF] Rita Birzina, Tamara Pigozne, Dagnija Cedere University of Latvia, Latvia Abstract: STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education nowadays becomes more and more topical; however, students’ performance in these subjects is rather low and only a small part of them decide to study these sciences therefore it is important to rouse students’ interest in these subjects already at school. It is important to acquire not only the knowledge of the subject but also the transversal skills, thus, the organization of the teaching/learning process becomes more significant. Schools of Latvia start implementing the teaching/learning content and approach that correspond to the new standards of basic and general secondary education, which incorporates four innovative aspects in the science domain: the promotion of the content acquisition through teachers’ reciprocal collaboration
08.12.2022. 23.16 Saturs | 515-532 | PDF University Students’ Perspectives Regarding Hybrid Learning During ThePandemic Times Mustafa Kavak University of Latvia, Latvia Abstract. Education has earned a novel façade and definition with the advent of technology. Furthermore, this ongoing education perspective has adapted itself to the challenges and difficulties it has encountered in recent years. Pandemic has been one of those challenges. During the pandemic, education remained stable and even retrogressed. Therefore, the necessity for new learning models has become a current issue. Hybrid learning has become one of the innovative learning models. Recently, hybrid learning has obtained a very crucial role in teaching. However, the quality and effectiveness of hybrid learning are still vague. This research paper aims to explore and analyse university students as well as a university professor’s and a schoolteacher’s perspectives regarding the hybrid learning
Multimodality of academic genres in multilingual education
29.07.2022. 15.49 Saturs
Output Manager: Katarzyna Molek-Kozakowska (University of Opole) Publication to dowload: Multimodality of academic genres in multilingual education This output is a collaborative writing project in which researchers, academic teachers and students from the University of Opole, the University of Latvia, the University of Jyväskylä and the University of València promote multimodality in multilingual education. The task is to report and reflect on case studies, reviews of literature, and current projects related to multimodality. It aims to evaluate which academic genres could be enhanced with multimodality and how this can be done productively and cost-effectively. The resulting manual provides anyone interested in multimodality with the latest knowledge of how to make the experiences in multilingual education more fulfilling and communications (including virtual exchanges) more effective.The manual has been promoted through webinars and presentations as well as included
Studenta stāsts: vēlējos dalīties ar savu skatījumu par mūsdienīgu kursu izveidi un pieteicos programmai
12.09.2022. 16.17 Saturs
Latvijas Universitātes (LU) Inovāciju centrs LUMIC sadarbībā ar LU Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultāti (PPMF) iesaistīja studentus trīs mēnešu programmā, lai veiktu studiju kursu digitalizēšanu, izstrādājot mūsdienīgus e-kursus ar ekspertu atbalstu. Ar savu pieredzi par dalību programmā dalās komandas dalībnieks, LU PPMF maģistra studiju programmas “Tehnoloģiju inovācijas un dizains izglītībai” absolvents Normunds Pauders.Viņa komanda digitalizēja un pilnveidoja studiju kursu – “Pedagoģisko procesu tiesiskie aspekti izglītībā”. Kādēļ izvēlējāties piedalīties programmā “Studiju kursu digitalizācija”? Ar Moodle platformu strādāju desmit gadus, līdz ar to man jau bija pieredze un es zināju, ka nebūs jāvelta ļoti daudz laika, lai apgūtu ko pilnīgi jaunu. Tobrīd arī studēju LU PPMF maģistra studiju programmā “Tehnoloģiju inovācijas un dizains izglītībai”, un vēlējos pielietot iegūtās zināšanas un nolēmu, ka tā ir lieliska iespēja piedalīties programmā, kur es varētu dalīties
No studenta par pētnieku!
28.05.2021. 16.12 Ziņa
Atnākot studēt uz universitāti, reti kurš iedomāsies par to, ka savu dzīvi pēc studijām turpinās nu jau strādājot universitātē par pasniedzēju vai kādā no institūtiem par pētnieku. Protams, var arī apvienot abus un pavērst savu redzesloku vēl plašāk. Dažreiz tādas iespējas paveras aktīvākajiem studentiem, kuri jūt sevī vēlmi darboties un attīstīties tieši šajā zinātnes jomā, tāpēc šajā rakstā ikkatram būs iespēja iepazīties ar trīs cilvēkiem, kuri savu ceļu LU sāka kā studenti, bet nu jau strādā universitātē un institūtos.
26.11.2023. 23.11 Saturs
of thepossibilities for individual studies. Thevirtual reality can be used even in foreign language learning– there are some existingprograms in virtual reality already. It is very essential that students and teacher study with pleasure and keep that feeling during theprocess of studies and that improves study results. Qualitative research methods with open-ended questionnaire and content analyses is used. Study design is grounded theory. Research group is 9 adult students who study Swedish thesecond year. Keywords: remote teaching, virtual reality, teaching methods, learning foreign languages, adult education In: Human, Technologies and Quality of Education, 2023.Proceedings of Scientific Papers= Cilvēks, tehnoloģijas un izglītības kvalitāte, 2023.Rakstu krājums Riga, University of Latvia, 2023. 796 p.Ed .L. Daniela ISBN 978-9934-36-116-6
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