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Call for Papers. Conference "Historical Research – between Hobby and Science".
03.01.2024. 12.34 Ziņa
On April 25–26, 2024, we are holding a section for doctoral students in history "Historical Research – between Hobby and Science" as part of the 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. The question "what is a historian?" has seriously occupied the mind of every history student in the first years of study. It seems that nowadays anyone can write and publish information about history. However, what work methods distinguish professional work from entertainment? Considering the financial aspect of doctoral studies in Latvia, the section will also focus on the issue of whether the work of PhD students in history is just an expensive hobby. And what are the risks of leaving historical research in the hands of amateurs? These and other tough questions will be addressed by future history doctors in the section "Historical Research – between Hobby and Science". The conference is organized by the Faculty of History and Philosophy, University of Latvia, cooperation
"Nodevīgā sirds" amtatierteātru izrāžu parādē "Rīga spēlē teātri 2022"
29.09.2022. 13.02 Ziņa
Pagājušajā nedēļā, 22.-25.septembrī, Rīgā, VEF Kultūras pilī un Mazajā ģildē, norisinājās amatierteātru izrāžu parāde "Rīga spēlē teātri 2022". Pavisam kopā bija iespēja redzēt 11 izrādes. Latvijas Universitātes Studentu teātris Rīgas amatierteātru skatē piedalījās ar izrādi "NODEVĪGĀ SIRDS" (režisors Visvaldis Klintsons), kas tapusi pēc amerikāņu šausmu stāstu rakstnieka Edgara Alana Po tāda paša nosaukuma stāsta motīviem. LU Studentu teātris saka lielu paldies pasākuma organizatoriem, īpaši Edītei Neimanei un Liānai Osei, kā arī paldies žūrijai par izrāžu vērtēšanu, paldies skatītājiem par atsauksmēm un VEF Kultūras pilij -par uzņemšanu uz lielās zāles skatuves.
The University of Latvia Rector’s visit in Canada and the United States
15.03.2011. 12.06 Ziņa
Ambassador to the United States of America, and Rūdolfs Brēmanis, the Adviser on the economic matters. The Representatives of the Embassy accompanied Prof. M. Auziņš and Director L. Kundziņa during the visit to Georgetown University and Johns Hopkins University. The colleagues from Georgetown University are willing to more actively cooperate with the UL, so that the UL students could study in the U.S. and the American students could participate in exchange programmes at the UL for at least one semester. The Latvian Ambassador was supportive of the future plans of the UL and expressed enthusiasm to cooperate, in order to promote the UL study programmes in English.The UL delegation also visited Rockville Latvian Center. The visit concluded with the participation in the establishment of Friends of the University of Latvia in Philadelphia. The organization is to ensure that more new Maecenas’ scholarships are granted, and various projects for learning environment improvement and renovation
Studenta kurpēs
23.05.2024. 16.13 Saturs
LU rīkotais pasākums “Studenta kurpēs” dod iespēju ikvienam vidusskolēnam vienu dienu iejusties studenta lomā, iepazīstoties ar studijām LU. Skolēnam kopā ar studentu būs iespēja piedalīties studiju procesā – lekcijās, semināros un laboratorijas darbos, iepazīt mācībspēkus, studiju programmu un infrastruktūru, uzzināt, kādas prasmes nepieciešamas, studējot attiecīgajā programmā, un kādas ir iespējas radoši izpausties ārpus studijām. To, cik skolēniem vērtīgi ir piedalīties pasākumā “Studenta kurpēs”, apliecina skolēnu teiktais pēc pasākuma –Rīgas Angļu ģimnāzijas skolēns Rūdolfs par pasākumu: “Iesaku šo iespēju izmantot visiem un pēc iespējas ātrāk, lai saprastu, vai tas, ko vēlies studēt, ir tavs. Studenta ikdienas skatīšana savām acīm un arī ieskats pašā studiju procesā noteikti dod vērtīgu informāciju.” Sazinies ar mums, rakstot -
For citizens of other countries who need visa
05.01.2021. 16.39 Saturs
visa and while the visa is valid, submit the documents for the residence permit at the Office of the Citizenship and Migration Affairs in Riga. For preparing the invitation for residence permit or visa, UL should have the following data about the student: copy passport; date and place of birth; citizenship; home address; address of accommodation in Riga; Embassy of Latvia where student will submit the documents for the residence permit. After the invitation is approved, the student or UL coordinator can submit the following documents for the residence permit: invitation document; residence permit application form, available at copy of passport (original must be presented). Passport should be valid at least 3 months longer than planned residence permit term; one photo; legalized statement on punishability issued by a competent institution
Fostering awareness of the superbugs threat: a transnational approach
22.12.2021. 12.28 Saturs
Brief description of the idea for the project The misuse of antibiotics has caused a serious public health problem: the emergence of superbugs. Our team at UV is looking for new approaches to raise the social awareness of the antibiotic crisis and the subsequent problem posed by the threat of superbugs. With this aim, we propose a transnational action among universities belonging to the FORTHEM Consortium. Basically we have designed a programme our university students collaborate in, which will allow us to multiply the number of aware people. The action would begin with a training programme for university students, including the preparation of an exhibition with infographics on the problem (in English and in each of the languages of university partners). Afterwards, these students, acting as “monitors”, would disseminate the activity in secondary level schools in their geographical area, involving their students through interactive activities. We look forward to receiving your
Student ambassadors
14.04.2021. 15.37 Saturs
We are looking for student ambassadors who will help us become known among all the students of our 7 university alliance . This is a unique opportunity to gain experience in project management and to be entrusted with responsibilities recognised by your home university and abroad. For more information on how to become FORTHEM student ambassador you can contact local FORTHEM office at your home university.
Apply for ERASMUS+ studies and internship!
22.09.2020. 17.19 Ziņa
Apply for study and internship abroad under the ERASMUS + programme. Exchanges and internships are a great opportunity for students to spend time at one of the partner universities in Europe and elsewhere in the world, gaining unforgettable experiences, expand their horizons, make new friends from around the world, and improve their language skills. ERASMUS+ exchange studies (Europe countries) ERASMUS+ traineeships (Europe countries)
Studenta kurpēs 2024!
26.03.2024. 13.15 Ziņa
Student, ja Tev ir interese aizraujoši pavadīt dienu, iepazīt citus jauniešus un parādīt, kā ir studēt Latvijas Universitātē, tad nekavējies un piesakies pasākumam, kas norisināsies no 22. līdz 26. aprīlim, un ļauj skolēnam iekāpt savās studenta kurpēs! Pasākums pulcē vairākus simtus studentu un skolēnus no visas Latvijas, kuri vēlas iepazīt studijas lielākajā Latvijas universitātē, tās infrastruktūru un studentu dzīvi, lai vairāk uzzinātu par sev interesējošo studiju jomu. Pasākuma laikā Tev būs iespēja izvēlēties vienu dienu (22.-26.aprīlis), kad pie Tevis paviesosies skolēni, kas interesējas par Tavu studiju programmu. Tavs galvenais uzdevums būs skolēnus no rīta sagaidīt un kopā doties uz lekcijām, semināriem un praktiskajām nodarbībām, kā arī atbildēt uz jautājumiem, jo kas gan labāk zina par studijām, ja ne pats students! Piesakies un aicini pieteikties arī savus kursabiedrus, jo kopā jautrāk! Pieteikšanās anketa pieejama šeit ! Skolēnu pieteikšanās tiks atvērta 8.aprīlī
Drivers of Faculty Pedagogical Digital Competence or How to Get Things Going Online
03.11.2021. 21.56 Saturs
Drivers of Faculty Pedagogical Digital Competence or How to Get Things Going Online [PDF] Nora Jansone-Ratinika, Tatjana Koķe, Raimonds Strods, Māris Brants Rīga Stradiņš University, Latvia Abstract: The world`s health crisis was started and the area of higher education was significantly challenged by the spread of the virus SARS-CoV-2. The academic community was forced to rethink its ways of learning and teaching dynamically. It transformed the understanding of the faculty competence as an essential component of the continuity of qualitative education, which emphasizes the need to increase the competence to work in a technology-enhanced study environment and to support students in achieving learning outcomes remotely. The aim of the article is to explain the pedagogical digital competence of faculty, which reflects one of the research aspects covered in the State Research Programme (SRP) dedicated to mitigating the consequences of COVID-19. The research methodology consists
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