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Doctoral students are ready to realize their scientific ambitions
10.01.2019. 18.20 Ziņa
The main motivation for young researchers is the desire to understand complex things and help people around to comprehend them. It is a desire to contribute to science and the development of new technologies. Five first year doctoral students of the University of Latvia (UL) in the field of natural sciences have received a scholarship from the patron “Mikrotikls” Ltd. for the implementation of their research ambitions. When evaluating the applicants, such aspects as the uniqueness of the research, the environment of the researcher, including the equipment, the content of the application and the credibility of the realization, the academic maturity (previous scientific activity) were taken into account.Scholarship of the patron “Mikrotikls” Ltd. for the UL first year doctoral students in the field of natural sciences, administered by the UL Foundation, is awarded for the second year. Last year, six doctoral students received it. The amount of each scholarship is 1000 euros per month
Doctoral students are ready to realize their scientific ambitions
28.11.2019. 17.31 Ziņa
The main motivation for young researchers is the desire to understand complex things and help people around to comprehend them. It is a desire to contribute to science and the development of new technologies. Five first year doctoral students of the University of Latvia (UL) in the field of natural sciences have received a scholarship from the patron “Mikrotīkls” Ltd. for the implementation of their research ambitions. When evaluating the applicants, such aspects as the uniqueness of the research, the environment of the researcher, including the equipment, the content of the application and the credibility of the realization, the academic maturity (previous scientific activity) were taken into account. Scholarship of the patron “Mikrotīkls” Ltd. for the UL first year doctoral students in the field of natural sciences, administered by the UL Foundation, is awarded for the second year. Last year, six doctoral students received it. The amount of each scholarship is 1000 euros per month
First FORTHEM Student Online Conference
03.12.2020. 17.03 Ziņa
The first FORTHEM Student Online Conference will take place on December 7 - 9.25 students from seven FORTHEM universities will work together on the topic "Student Involvement" in order to exchange practices and create new collaborations. The goal of the conference is to develop and strengthen links between student organisations to empathize the voice of students within the FORTHEM Alliance. The programme combines presentations and discussions to develop a comprehensive understanding for different student structures. During working sessions, we will tackle the question "How can we improve student involvement in FORTHEM" by applying a Design Thinking approach. Networking and socialising will be continued in the evening on the virtual FORTHEM campus created in All interested students and staff members are invited to participate in the discussion on the role of students in FORTHEM Labs on Wednesday, December 9, 11-12 CET. For joining the session please register here
Pēteris Avens Charity Foundation awards Excellence scholarships to three students of the University of Latvia
07.01.2021. 16.08 Ziņa
Demonstrating their perseverance, excellent results in studies as well as extracurricular activities, three students of the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics (FBME) of the University of Latvia (UL) receive Excellence Scholarships of Pēteris Avens Charity Foundation “Generation”. Since 2014 already 18 UL FBME students have received Excellence Scholarships of Pēteris Avens Charity Foundation “Generation” in cooperation with the UL Foundation. This scholarship is designed to motivate and support young people who are striving for excellence in their studies, providing financial security and appreciating their work efforts. After careful evaluation of all scholarship applicants, in the 2020/2021 academic year Excellence Scholarships were awarded to three young women - Alisa Uzariņa , 1st year Master's student of International Business, Sabīne Veide , 2nd year Bachelor’s student of Business Administration, and Keita Smalkā , 2nd year Bachelor’s student of International
Exchange student farewell
21.12.2009. 18.15 Ziņa
The fall semester 2009 will soon come to an end, which means that for many exchange students it will be time to return to their home countries and, therefore, ESN Riga in cooperation with Academic Programme Agency (APA) organized the traditional farewell event on 12th -13 th December, 2009. It took place in a nice guesthouse “Zaļie atvari” right outside Jelgava. It was a great opportunity to spend time together once again and share all the impressions gathered while studying and living in Latvia. More than 70 exchange students arrived to the guesthouse by bus and we welcomed the guests with opening speeches by ESN Riga team members which were followed with a dinner. The evening program started with an activity where all exchange students took part. First, all people were divided into groups of 10 people and then their task was to prepare a performance according to a certain topic, for example, studies at the university, trolleybus No.15, travelling in Latvia etc. Students were
Joint tourism studies attracted students in the Central Baltic Area - BOOSTED
18.06.2019. 02.29 Ziņa
More than 130 course certificates were issued to tourism students studying in the new online study programme “Boosting Growth of Tourism Business” during the academic year 2019/2020. The programme designed and delivered in cooperation with SAMK, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Tallinn University of Technology and University of Latvia was funded by the Central Baltic project BOOSTED. The purpose of the programme is to provide an aligned and relevant skillset and necessary knowledge to support the development of the Central Baltic Area as a coherent tourism destination. The industry-driven programme was designed by interviewing more than 100 tourism professionals. In total, the programme includes seven online courses and an innovation camp (33 ECTS credits). After the piloting phase, the courses are integrated in the existing tourism degree programmes in the partner institutions. In addition to degree students, exchange students, representing one third of the participants
Staff and students of the UL Faculty of Medicine are invited to apply for online training on ClinicalKey
21.10.2022. 16.53 Ziņa
The publishing company Elsevier is offering online training for ClinicalKey. Have you encountered a situation where you have used the e-resource ClinicalKey , but you have had difficulty searching for the necessary information? The publishing company Elsevier is offering online training for ClinicalKey . Teaching staff and students of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Latvia (LU) are welcome to apply for the following online trainings: • Thursday, November 3 at 16.00, register here ; • Thursday, November 10, at 16.00, register here . Both online courses will be the same, so participants have the option to choose a time that best suits them. Each seminar is planned to last for ~60 minutes. The language for the seminars will be English.
Erasmus Student Network at UV
21.06.2022. 13.37 Saturs
About The ESN association operates at a local, national and international level and works to create a more flexible and mobile educational environment, supporting and developing student exchange and providing an intercultural experience. In short, ESN: works in the interest of international students to improve the social and practical integration of international students; represents the needs and rights of international students at local, national and international levels; provides relevant information on mobility programmes; motivates students to live abroad; works on the reintegration of students returning to their countries of origin; contributes to the improvement and accessibility of student mobility; promotes values of voluntary work and active citizenship. At a local level, ESN works for different causes: cultural and social inclusion, health and well-being, environment, equality and education. The aim of all these causes is none other than
Students of Riga Stradins University defend their final theses - based on additional research of the GISTAR project
23.10.2023. 19.15 Ziņa
At Riga Stradins University, two students have defended their diploma theses, whose research is based on additional research of our institute's largest research GISTAR. Ilze Indriksone-Gromova, a master's student of the Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare program "Nutrition Science", conducted a study "Influence of Mediterranean eating habits on risk factors for cardiovascular disease in Jēkabpils population", while Rehabilitation faculty study program "Nutrition" bachelor's thesis defended Lelde Cīrule with her work “Evaluation of the compliance of the eating habits of the participants of the GISTAR project Jēkabpils with the Nordic diet”. The students' research was led by the leading researcher of the institute Daiga Šantare. Inese Poļaka, the leading researcher of the institute, advised on the analysis of the research data.
Sākusies pieteikumu iesniegšana LU Studentu padomes Gada balvai 2019
15.11.2019. 11.40 Ziņa
Kad vakari paliek tumšāki, dienas kļūst vēsākas un gadumija vairs nav aiz kalniem, pienācis laiks arī teikt paldies tiem, kuri šogad spīdēja visspožāk, gada zvaigžņotākajā naktī - Latvijas Universitātes Studentu padomes (LU SP) Gada balvā 2019. Šī gada 6. decembrī LU studenti, studējošo pašpārvalžu pārstāvji, pasniedzēji un draugi pulcēsies, lai svinīgā atmosfērā atzīmētu lieliski pavadīta gada noslēgumu un kopīgi atskatītos uz šī gada spožākajiem notikumiem. Šajā vakarā zvaigznes mirdzēs ne tikai tumšajās ziemas debesīs, bet arī pasākuma klātesošo priekšā, jo tiks apbalvoti un godināti šī gada ievērojamākie sasniegumi sekojošās nominācijās: Gada ieguldījums studentu pārstāvniecībā Gada fakultātes studējošo pārstāvniecība Gada dekāns Gada pasniedzējs Gada ieguldījums akadēmiskās dzīves veicināšanā Gada ieguldījums sociālās dzīves veicināšanā Gada ieguldījums kultūras dzīves veicināšanā Gada inovācija Gada kļūme Gada students Gada mentors Gada LU
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