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EN: The geography of international students Latvia’s higher education: prerogative or "second chance"
25.11.2020. 16.00 Saturs
This paper links geographies of in-flow international students to the higher education system in Latvia and destination country choice rationales. Latvia welcomes international students from diverse geographies. Besides specific sourcing countries like Germany and India, there are also considerably constant and stable flows from former Soviet countries. International students are both an essential source of revenue for higher education institutions and to some extent, replacement of decrease of local students. This study adopts a mixed-method approach and based on the analysis of official statistical data and survey data. The survey reveals views on decision-making process and motives of current full -time international students in Latvia. The results indicate that to an extent, geography sets the main motives for study choice in Latvia. Seldom Latvia is set as the only priority destination country. On the one hand, among others balanced costs and accessibility of quality education
UL FEM doctoral students from Germany and Austria successfully defend their theses
13.01.2015. 17.53 Ziņa
With the end of 2014 on the horizon, Sandra Heiden and Klaus Venus, within the frame of „Global Management and Leadership” module, successfully defended their theses. For one of the students there was an additional surprise in store. At the end of 2014 thesis works of two doctoral students Sandra Heiden (Germany) and Klaus Venus (Austria) from the studies module „Global Management and Leadership” (Doctoral studies program in Management) were defended. A doctoral degree in Management science, in the subfield of Business Management, is received for the thesis work „A New Communication Approach for Customer Relationship Management in the Hotel Industry” (Sandra Heiden, supervisor prof. Klaus Kellner) and „Supply Chain Management Impact on Competitiveness of Business Organizations” (Klaus Venus, supervisor prof.Josef Neuert).Under the feelings of Christmastime both expressed their joy about the result. For nearly 100 foreign doctoral students the faculty of Economics and Management
Summer course on EPM topics for PhD students
19.01.2021. 18.01 Saturs
Summer course will consist of lectures and workshops on EPM topics. Course isadapted for Online environment. Course will cover measuring methods in liquid metals and numerical simulation of EPM processes. During course students will listen lectures of various topics and will do the practical work and numerical modelling exercises of EPM related topics.
Students Rīgā - skolotājs Lizumā!
06.01.2014. 18.19 Ziņa
Jau pirms vairākiem gadiem izveidojusies laba sadarbība un draudzība starp Latvijas Universitātes Baltu filologiem un Lizuma vidusskolu. Tāpēc arī aizvadītā gada izskaņā, saņemot ielūgumu no lizumiešiem nosvinēt kopā rakstnieka Apsīšu Jēkaba 155. jubileju, šaubu nebija – ir jābrauc, jāuzzina kaut kas jauns pašiem un jādalās ar to, ko zinām mēs. Tā kādā piektdienas rītā gada nogalē drēgno un pelēko Rīgu mazā busiņā pameta seši Baltu filoloģijas bakalaura programmas pirmā kursa studenti – Evija, Elīna, Līga, Marija, Ieva un Aleksandrs, lai sajustos kā Lieli un Gudri Skolotāji. Mūs, drosmīgos, pavadīja pasniedzēja Māra Grudule. Lizumieši sagaidīja godam – bija uzsnidzis pat pirmais sniegs, kas atmosfēru darīja vēl jaukāku un svinīgāku. Arī Apsīšu Jēkaba dzimto māju apmeklējums bija neparasts – ieejot vecajā koka ēkā, gaidītā muzeja vietā ieraudzījām... būvgružus, nomelnējušas koka sijas un gaisā vēl nedaudz virmoja deguma smaka... Pirms nepilna gada Kalaņģu mājas nodega. Taču tas nebija
Our students defend their diploma theses at the University of Latvia with an excellent grade
23.10.2023. 19.08 Ziņa
At the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Latvia, our students Alise Lielause and Arta Deniņa have defended their diploma theses with excellent marks in the Treatment program. Both students are prospective doctors. The topic of Alice Lielause's work "The comparison of side effects of standard triple therapy with clarithromycin and alternative high-dose amoxicillin and bismuth therapy in eradication of Helicobacter pylori ", Artas Deniņa's work topic - "Detection of small intestinal bacterial colonization by exhalation test - comparison of glucose and lactulose tests". The scientific supervisor of both works is Professor Marcis Leja, the director of our Institute. Congratulations to both girls!
The Historic Punishment Cell for Disobedient Students at the UL – Come and See!
06.11.2019. 16.53 Ziņa
, mathematical formulas, reflections on university professors and memories of beloved girls. "Theoretically, the cell was a place to reform students, but in reality, it turned into a place to receive a study fee discount, because those incarcerated received free tuition, paid meals – breakfast, lunch, and dinner," tells the UL Museum’s curator. “This cell was in no way similar to the prisons or penal servitude that existed during the era of the Russian Empire.” A similar student punishment cell was established at the University of Tartu, also during the period of the Russian Empire. Although it is the oldest university in the Baltics, the cell there has been established much later than in Riga, the historic main building of the Riga Polytechnic, today – the University of Latvia main building. The UL Museum invites visitors to attend the event, pre-booking the visit by telephone 67034566 or e-mail:
Current Safety Restrictions for UL Students and Employees
12.03.2020. 22.21 Ziņa
To reduce the risks of staff, students, guests and visitors of the University of Latvia contracting to Covid-19 infection, the on-site study process is discontinued between March 13 and April 14. During the period from March 13, 2020 to April 14, 2020, UL introduces the following epidemiological security measures to curb the spread of Covid-19 (updated March 16, 2020) : Suspend conducting and implementation of the process of on-site lectures, classes, seminars and other forms of studies, further education and interest education requiring physical presence of students and staff (including cultural and sports training, competitions and rehearsals), as well as organisation and holding tests and examinations (including centralized state examinations) ; Cancel and discontinue (irrespective of the number of participants) any organization of scientific, educational, festive, commemorative, entertainment, cultural, sporting and recreational activities, meetings, parades and any
326 Students to Graduate UL Faculty of Medicine
28.06.2011. 16.10 Ziņa
This year, 326 doctors, nurses and pharmacists will graduate the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Latvia. The graduation ceremony of the Pharmacy and Medicine study programmes and formal oath taking will take place on June 21, 4 p.m., in the UL Grand Hall. The students graduating the Nursing Bachelor’s degree programme financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) will receive their diplomas on June 21, 10 a.m., in the UL Grand Hall.A diploma with distinction of the UL Faculty of Medicine (UL FM) this year will be awarded to Reinis Svarcbahs, who has graduated the Pharmacy Bachelor’s degree programme with excellence. 16 graduates will receive UL Rector Prof. Marcis Auzins’s certificates of appreciation for successful scientific works. “The Faculty of Medicine is praised for having a large number of graduates. Moreover, the number of graduates tends to increase each year. Among this year’s graduates there are talented young doctors and pharmacists who have obtained qualitative
Step 2: Students apply through the online form
11.10.2022. 13.29 Saturs
Fill in the online application form and attach all the requested documents. What you should know All applications should be in English . Only complete applications, submitted via the online form with all necessary documents before the deadline, will be accepted. You can apply for a maximum of 2 mobilities; 2 collective or 1 collective and 1 individual mobility programme. You are encouraged to apply for the programmes taking place in your home university as well – even if you won’t travel abroad you can benefit from the programme activities and international context by being part of the group of students coming from 8 foreign universities. If you have already attended a FORTHEM short-term mobility you can reapply ! You may submit your application each time we publish a new call for applications but please note that students that have not participated in the FORTHEM mobility previously will be given priority.
Erasmus students share the most vivid photo memories from their mobilities!
21.10.2022. 16.14 Ziņa
, which takes place from October 13 to 23. Photo moments of mobility in France, Norway, Germany, and Finland were received, while students from Spain and Germany shared their moments in Latvia. The mobility department thanks all the participants of the photo exhibition, because the main thing is that the experience gained in mobility is like a new starting point for personal growth! The photos of the exhibition can be viewed until the end of October in the LU building at Raina Boulevard 19, on the 1st floor (next to room 125 of the Mobility Department). More about Erasmus days
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