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Erasmus Student Network at UV
21.06.2022. 13.37 Saturs
About The ESN association operates at a local, national and international level and works to create a more flexible and mobile educational environment, supporting and developing student exchange and providing an intercultural experience. In short, ESN: works in the interest of international students to improve the social and practical integration of international students; represents the needs and rights of international students at local, national and international levels; provides relevant information on mobility programmes; motivates students to live abroad; works on the reintegration of students returning to their countries of origin; contributes to the improvement and accessibility of student mobility; promotes values of voluntary work and active citizenship. At a local level, ESN works for different causes: cultural and social inclusion, health and well-being, environment, equality and education. The aim of all these causes is none other than
Cuidar al que cuida
02.06.2021. 20.56 Saturs
About This local association offers resources to care givers of disabled people. It is a group of four students who share personal and academic interests in this field. On the one hand, their academic interest is based on their common field of study: psychology and mental health. On the other hand, the cornerstone of their interest is made up by the experiences of relatives going through caregiving situations. They would like to develop a new focus on a widely addressed topic: the dependence relationship in physical and mental disorders. Until now, the aid has been provided mainly to the disabled person, leaving out the care giver's needs. The association believes that this topic has a big potential due to its interwoven characteristics (gender, socioeconomic level, family scope and well-being) and a great international projection, as this problem is shared in multiple cultures. Contact : Alba Arnau Gil .
EURADOS supports young scientists to participate in the LUMDETR 2024
05.03.2024. 14.38 Saturs
It is our great pleasure to inform you that EURADOS (European Radiation Dosimetry Group: ) has decided to support young scientists to participate in the 12th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation. The participants can apply for the EURADOS Young Scientist Conference Support 2024 (YSCS). The YSCS will consist of a sum up to 500 € to contribute covering either the conference fee and/or the travel and/or the subsistence costs, up to the applicant’s choice and following the EURADOS reimbursement rules. More information can be found here: In case of further questions don't hesitate to contact or the EURADOS office:
European Researchers’ Night at FORTHEM universities: Research and International hand in hand for a better approach
11.12.2020. 10.35 Ziņa
preliminary results. The pilot was conducted together with pre-service teachers and pupils from theMankolacomprehensive school, and involved studying multilingualism from different perspectives. Some of the pupils involved in the pilot were also present and presented their findings from the research they had conducted as part of the pilot. Read more about the pilot study: The citizen science pilot was followed by introduction of several FORTHEM Labs by the local Lab contact persons. The contact persons introduced their topics of their respective Labs and explained what their work – present and future – was focused on. Read more about the Researchers' Night at JYU:
18.12.2023. 18.11 Saturs
Valoda: nozīme un forma / Language: Meaning and Form 14 , 2023, 7–21. [PDF] Grieķu īpašvārdi un to atvasinājumi latīņu valodā(„Latīņu–latviešu vārdnīcas” materiāls) Gita Bērziņa Klasiskās filoloģijas nodaļa Humanitāro zinātņu fakultāte, Latvijas Universitāte Visvalža iela 4a, Rīga, LV-1050, Latvija E-pasts: Klasisko (grieķu un latīņu) valodu materiāls kalpo, ne tikai lai atklātu vispārējus principus valodas sistēmā un attīstības procesos, bet arī lai savstarpējā sastatījumā izgaismotu citu valodu, tostarp latviešu valodas, būtiskas iezīmes dažādos aspektos. Vēsturiski ilgstoši grieķu un romiešu kultūru un grieķu un latīņu valodas kontakti radījuši nozīmīgu un daudzveidīgu grieķu valodas ietekmi latīņu valodā un ar to saistītā kultūras, izglītības un zinātniskās domas tradīcijā. Rakstā, izstrādājot jauno „Latīņu–latviešu vārdnīcas” variantu (izvērtējot un rediģējot leksisko materiālu un latīņu un grieķu valodas
Between March 19th and May 12th, our glasshouses are closed
18.03.2020. 15.01 Ziņa
To reduce the risk of visitors to the Botanical Garden of the University of Latvia and staff getting infected with Covid-19, between March 19th and May 12th, the Plant Houses, the House of the Azaleas and the House of the Tropical Butterflies are closed. A large outdoor area (in March 10 am - 4 pm daily, in April 10 am - 7 pm daily, in May 10 am - 9 pm daily) will continue to be available for walks in the fresh air. Due to restrictions, the Botanical Garden provides a 25% discount on admission to the Garden. Private events (including photo sessions) will not be accepted until May 12. Anyone with a private event scheduled during this time will be contacted individually. From March 13 to May 12, the Botanical Garden of the University of Latvia does not provide guided tours and thematic activities. All tours booked up to May 12 have been canceled. We are reminded that it is very important for the whole community to observe social distance, but all those who have returned
We invite finance sector representatives to participate in the survey about financial sustainability (The call 1)
14.12.2020. 18.31 Ziņa
If you are working within the banking and finance sector, we invite you to participate in this survey which is conducted within the Central Baltic Interreg project “Sustainability in Finance – SuFi” . The aim of this project is to design and implement a new English online course within the area of Sustainability in Finance. This is a joint project with partner institutions from Finland, the Aland Islands, Estonia and Latvia (UL and LSTS). The survey will take approximately 10 minutes. Please click to complete the questionnaire in Latvian HERE or in English HERE ! If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail: ; or We appreciate that you take the time and fill in this questionnaire, your contribution is very valuable for us in the continued work planning and designing the new online course. If you have other colleagues that also would be interested in, and the right persons to answer this survey, we would
We invite finance sector representatives to participate in the survey about financial sustainability (The call 2)
02.02.2021. 13.34 Ziņa
If you are working within the banking and finance sector, we invite you to participate in this survey which is conducted within the Central Baltic Interreg project “Sustainability in Finance – SuFi” . The aim of this project is to design and implement a new English online course within the area of Sustainability in Finance. This is a joint project with partner institutions from Finland, the Aland Islands, Estonia and Latvia (UL and LSTS). The survey will take approximately 10 minutes. Please click to complete the questionnaire in Latvian HERE or in English HERE ! If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail: ; or We appreciate that you take the time and fill in this questionnaire, your contribution is very valuable for us in the continued work planning and designing the new online course. If you have other colleagues that also would be interested in, and the right persons to answer this survey, we would
Opportunity to use the professional online survey tool QuestionPro for studies and work
11.01.2022. 11.18 Ziņa
The University of Latvia has extended the license to use the professional online survey tool QuestionPro until November 2022. The license states that the tool can be used by students as well as academic and administrative staff. Each QuestionPro user - student, employee, or department - gets a personalized profile to conduct surveys. Terms of use for QuestionPro: To become a user of QuestionPro, a person must currently study or work at the University of Latvia; To register the e-mail assigned by the University of Latvia must be used; When gaining access to the survey tool, it may only be used for study and work. Use of the survey tool for commercial purposes is not permitted. To create your profile and start using the online survey tool QuestionPro, contact the Academic Department by writing to the e-mail and providing information about the potential user: for students: name, surname, faculty, study program, level of the study program and e
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