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Fifth Graduate International Summer School in Cognitive Sciences and Semantics
25.02.2014. 19.29 Saturs
) their overall academic merit. They will be required to provide a cv as well as a statement of purpose (see registration form). Tuition fees Registration fees include:Participation in all academic activities and credit transfer, accommodation, breakfast, lunch and course packet (to be sent in advance)Tuition fees are lower for students who register prior to 15 April 2013. The following amounts are given in Latvian Lats :Before 15 AprilGraduate students and Postdoctoral researchers 500 LVL Professionals: 750 LVL After 15 April Graduate students and postdoctoral researchers 600 LVL Professionals: 850 LVL Partial scholarships may be available in limited numbers on the basis of need and academic merit. Payment The payment may be made by bank transfer to the University of Latvia. Information will be made available to those whose application is successful. Inquiries should be directed to Sandra Lapointe ( ) or Jurgis Skilters ( )
Application for 1st year scholarships for bachelor studies is open
02.08.2021. 18.44 Ziņa
undergraduate study program of the University of Latvia, who, after graduating from high school, have excellent success in studies and other achievements in studies and other activities outside the study work, and whose origin can be found in Latgale - student himself or one of his parents has been declared on the Latgale side. The Minnas Matilde Vilhelmīne Petkevičs Memorial Scholarship is intended for students of the 1st year undergraduate study programs of the University of Latvia, who, after graduating from high school, have excellent academic achievements and high achievements in both studies and other activities outside the study work, but have insufficient material provision for studies. The Kundziņi Family Scholarship is the largest donation scholarship in the bachelor's study program. The scholarship is intended for two students - one scholarship is provided for the study program of primary school teachers - at the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Art. The second scholarship
Student! Piesakies dalībai "Studenta kurpēs"
28.03.2023. 17.39 Ziņa
No 24. līdz 28. aprīlim Latvijas Universitātē notiks pasākums skolēniem "Studenta kurpēs" . Piesakies un aicini pieteikties arī savus kursabiedrus, lai no 24. aprīļa līdz 28. aprīlim vienu dienu pavadītu kopā ar vidusskolēnu. PIETEIKŠANĀS ANKETA
University of Latvia welcomes the President of Poland Andrzej Duda
02.02.2023. 17.13 Ziņa
During his official visit to Latvia, Polish President Andrzej Duda has visited the University of Latvia (UL). He viewed the UL Museum and the historical solitary confinement cell, where, among others, during the early history of UL, several Polish students were detained for various transgressions. The President of Poland, together with Professor Indriķis Muižnieks, Rector of the University of Latvia saw the collection of meteorites, which was created by Riga Naturalist Society at the end of the 19 th century – the collection is exhibited at the Museum of the University of Latvia. They also attended the room of clocks, where the correct time was determined and kept since 1869. The custodian of the collections of the Museum of the University of Latvia Rūdolfs Rubenis, told the distinguished guests about the episodes relating to the students who were detained in the historical confinement cell and the reasons why the students used to end up in this place. Pictures with inscriptions
Guest lecture. Navigating the news: Russophone youth's reception of Russia’s strategic narratives in Latvia
10.10.2022. 13.25 Ziņa
Emma Rönngren is a visiting research scholar at the Faculty of Social Sciences in the fall semester of 2022. Emma, a PhD student at the Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Uppsala University in Sweden, is undertaking field research for her PhD dissertation. She will be presenting her research to PhD students in the “Social Sciences” doctoral programme at 18:00 on Friday 28 October, in Auditorium 101 of the main building of the University of Latvia at Raina Boulevard 19.
Doctoral Consortium
01.02.2022. 18.52 Saturs
Doctoral Consortium of the 15th International Baltic DB&IS Conference 3 July 2022, Riga, LATVIA The Baltic DB&IS 2022 Doctoral Consortium is intended to bring together doctoral students working on the crucial matters of engineering reliable, secure and sustainable information systems for digital business and intelligent systems. The Doctoral Consortium will provide PhD students an opportunity to: Present their research work in a relaxed and supportive environment; Discuss their work and receive constructive feedback and advice from leading researchers; Network with peers and future colleagues. The language of the consortium is English. All submitted materials must be in English. Attendees must have sufficient proficiency in English to allow them to participate in the academic discussions at the Consortium.
Civic engagement project ideas
28.05.2021. 13.47 Saturs
Projects proposed by students or associations who are looking for partners A list of collaboration proposal ideas for civic engagement projects from different organisations and student associations of FORTHEM Alliance universities. If you are interested in any of the projects, contact the association and start negotiations!
26.11.2023. 22.21 Saturs
Department of Nursing and Midwifery implemented theconcept of asimulated hospital to provide 114 international 3rd year students of thestudy programme “Medicine” with pre-clinical practice in asimulated environment in thefields of internal diseases and surgery. Asimulated hospital is aconcept in which thehospital environment is reproduced in thepremises of theMETC, encompassing 2 hospital wards, 6 patient rooms, 2 nursing stations, 2 medication rooms, alaboratory, and examination locations, as well as using 8 patient manikin and 38 simulated patients.Students provided aself-assessment of 64 skills (technical and non-technical) before and after pre-clinical practice using ascale from 1–5. Data were collected electronically and analyzed using IBM SPSS and compared statistically before and after theteaching intervention. Students demonstrated improvement in self-assessment of performance of all 64 skills. Students indicate that they not only learned new knowledge and skills, but also strengthened existing
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