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UL FEM students are taking part in the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union
08.01.2015. 16.48 Ziņa
Eight of UL FEM students will be participating as volunteers in the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and during the next six months they will be crucial to the proceedings of the Presidency. The presidency of the Council of the European Union rotates among the European Union Member States every six months and the country holding the presidency drives forward the Council's work. During the first half of 2015, Latvia will be the Member State holding the presidency. It is not only an opportunity to show Latvia as a professional and modern state, but also a responsibility.To ensure the Presidency runs as smoothly as possible, during a selection process and intense training, the best youngsters from all around Latvia where chosen to prove their skills and competency as liaison officers and by working at the media center.Amongst these youngsters are eight UL FEM students from a variety of study programs such as Economics, International Economics and Commercial
Open call for students of the Alliance FORTHEM, for online FOOD SCIENCE THEMATIC LABS
16.06.2022. 14.24 Ziņa
The FOOD SCIENCE THEMATIC LAB (FOOD-SCI-LAB) is a project organized by the FOOD SCIENCE group and leaded by the University of Palermo, in collaboration with UB, UV, and JYU, with the aim to offer, to the students of the alliance, online laboratories (as workshops in English), in topics related to the area of FOOD SCIENCES. By attending these online workshops, the students of the alliance could benefit from 1-2 ECTS (in relation to the hours attended), that can be available also “in open badges”. Each thematic lab will be tutored by professors of the FORTHEM Alliance, specialists in the diverse area of the food science: - THEMATIC LABS ON AGRI-FOOD SUPPLY CHAINS, Tutored by UNIPA- -THEMATIC LABS ON INNOVATIVE FOOD PACKAGING MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES, Tutored By UB -THEMATIC LABS ON “HUB IN HEALTHY FOOD AND SAFETY: BIOFUNCTIONALITY AND TOXICOLOGY, Tutored by UV All the teaching format will be supervised by JVY The thematic labs will start on the week of the 6 th
Results of 40th Scientific Conference of Latvian secondary school students
26.04.2016. 12.30 Ziņa
In the plenary session of Latvian 40 th Scientific conference of Latvian secondary school students on Saturday, 23 April, between many of gratitudes presented to the teachers and conference organizers and section leaders by the Education and Science Minister Kārlis Šadurskis, one was presented to the head of Hydrogen energy materials laboratory o ISSP UL Dr. Jānis Kleperis for a significant contribution to management of pupil`s scientific researches, preparing them for Latvian scientific conference. Pupils 'scientific research activities in Latvia actively going on for several decades, and for nearly ten years the Laboratory of hydrogen energy materials are recruiting and training secondary school students from various schools of Riga (and Sigulda too) in scientific research work. This year for the Latvian Scientific Conferences were recommended 397 works, of which for participation in competiton at 24 sections were selected 316 best. For Physics section was selected 22 works
Arī Kolumbijā svin Ziemassvētkus! LU BVEF studenta Mateo stāsts
19.12.2022. 14.19 Ziņa
mūzikas žanrus – salsu, merengjū un kumbiju –, un, kad beidzot pienācis laiks, pulcējamies pie eglītes un dāvinām viens otram dāvanas. Vēl man ļoti patīk, ja svinam Ziemassvētkus jūras krastā, kad ir vēss,– varam sēdēt pie ugunskura, klausīties mūziku, dejot un garšīgi vakariņot. Vissvarīgākais mūsu Ziemassvētkos ir būt kopā, dalīties mirkļos un pavadīt brīnišķīgu laiku ģimenes lokā. Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus un laimīgu Jauno gadu vēl Mateo, students Latvijā no Kolumbijas.
Winners announced at 'ESI Impact Lab,' including SSE Riga students
19.10.2023. 15.09 Ziņa
ESI's student innovation program, in collaboration with partners, hosted the "ESI Impact" student entrepreneurship competition on September 22nd . This event invited university students to unleash their creativity and develop unique solutions to tackle diverse sustainability challenges. The event featured prominent companies in corporate social responsibility and program partners: "Rimi Baltic," "SEB banka," and "Printify." The full-day event took place at the premises of the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, uniting around 120 students from six educational institutions across various regions of Latvia. The event commenced with an inspiring keynote address by sustainability advisor Kristīne Nagle, who introduced the concept of Sustainable Entrepreneurship, its principles, and its boundless potential. The ESI Impact Lab is supported by the ESI Student Innovation Program, "Rimi Baltic," "SEB Banka," "Printify," and the European Regional Fund. Project number: 1.1.1. 3./21/A
Veiksmīgs students
20.06.2018. 14.19 Saturs
Aptaujājot veiksmīgākos studentus kādā no ASV universitātēm, tika secināts, ka veiksmīgie studenti studiju iesākumā ir saskārušies ar dažādām grūtībām. Savu studiju gaitā sekmīgākie studenti ir pakāpeniski attīstījuši dažas pieejas, kas viņiem palīdzējušas kļūt par veiksmīgiem augstskolas studentiem. No savas pieredzes vadoties, viņi piedāvā septiņas atziņas par labāko pieeju studēšanai: interese un aizrautība izvēlētajā studiju programmā. Tas nav nekas īpašs, bet tas ir pamats, kas nodrošina mērķtiecību programmas apguvi; sociālais atbalsts . Veiksmīgie studenti parasti ir sociāli aktīvi. Viņi pavada laiku ar draugiem un iegulda enerģiju sev nozīmīgās attiecībās. Viņi iesaistās savas studiju grupas darbībā un arī dažādās citās sabiedriskās aktivitātēs. Viņi viens otru savstarpēji atbalsta arī mācībās; jārosina sarunas ar pasniedzējiem . Jau no paša studiju iesākuma jāizmanto iespēja runāt ar pasniedzējiem. Tas var padarīt interesantāku arī attiecīgo mācību kursu. (Pētījumos
Erasmus students evening "Una Notte Da Italiano"
22.09.2009. 17.47 Ziņa
It was very loud and full of surprises ... one evening in the Fazer Amica cafe... together with people from all over Europe...lots of positive emotions… Of course we are now speaking of the Una Notte da Italiano. This time the theme of the party was Italy and its culture. Erasmus students from Italy welcomed everyone to enjoy a trip around their country, through their presentations of different regions, like Trentino, Veneto, Lazio, Basilicata....and afterwards listen to the music from these regions played live with guitars! Singing karaoke was also in the program! Dear, Luca Plotegher, Marco Trevisan, Marco Donatini, Eliana Cardia, Michele Brombal, Giulio Cavinato, Massimo Balloni, Massimo Furiett, Pasquale Carlucci, Paola Tommasi, Miriam Carbini , and Federica Petrosino , we would like to thank you for the work you have done to prepare this evening!!! Best insight into the event you will gain from the people who were there, so here are some opinions: Eliana Cardia
“From students to students” – a look inside one of FORTHEM’s Civic Engagement Projects
14.01.2021. 16.31 Ziņa
We had the chance to interview three students who have just begun an exciting journey, as their project “International Hub over Borders'' got accepted as one of FORTHEM’s Civic Engagement Projects. We interviewed Antonia Thamm, Sarah Tornberg and Eevi Hakala, and asked them what the project is about and what the process has been like. Read the interview on the webpage of the University of Jyväskylä .
Information material "Compass for Living in Latvia" for Students – Third-country Nationals
02.11.2018. 17.26 Saturs
This guide is intended for students, who live outside the European Union and plan to study in Latvia or have already arrived and need answers to the questions regarding studies and living in Latvia. Nevertheless also useful information for students from EU can be in this guide about Latvia. This material provides resources not only in English and Russian, but also in Latvian, because many students expressed a wish to learn Latvian while staying in the country. They can be found in attachment below. This guide contains information about documents you need to receive a residence permit, what you have to know as a student, were to live, how to get work permission etc. The idea was supported by the European Union and the Republic of Latvia within the project. Compass for living in Latvia in English Compass for living in Latvia in Russian Compass for living in Latvia in Latvian
105 students participated in the second "Mobility City Challenge 2022" hackathon
26.09.2022. 18.35 Ziņa
105 students from six Latvian universities participated in the second "Mobility City Challenge 2022" hackathon organized by the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics (BVEF) of the University of Latvia (LU) in cooperation with Riga Airport, which took place from September 23 to 25. In fierce competition, the team RIX3027 - Rihards Mežiņš (LU), Ridhan Parvendhan (RTU), Lita Bogdanova and Beāte Monta Eihe (BA) won the prize of 1000 euros, as well as the opportunity to participate in the final stage of the competition in Barcelona (Spain). "It is interesting that the winners of the hackathon created a team on the spot, because most of students came to the hackathon with already established teams. The idea of ​​the winning team is a scalable 24/7 kindergarten on the airport territory, initially for employees, but in future for passengers and a wider audience, which received the highest evaluation of the jury," emphasizes the organizer of the hackathon, LU BVEF assoc. prof. Ilona
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