Atrasts 23651 ieraksts
Politikas zinātnes studenti viesojušies Greifsvaldes Universitātē
25.11.2016. 18.44 Ziņa
No 15. līdz 20. novembrim Latvijas Universitātes Sociālo zinātņu fakultātes Politikas zinātnes bakalaura studiju programmas studenti jau astoto reizi devās studiju braucienā uz Greifsvaldes Universitāti Vācijā. Foto: Vācijas Kanclera birojs Teksta autors: Jurģis Kalniņš No 15. līdz 20. novembrim Latvijas Universitātes Sociālo zinātņu fakultātes Politikas zinātnes bakalaura studiju programmas studenti jau astoto reizi devās studiju braucienā uz Greifsvaldes Universitāti Vācijā. SZF dekāna prof. Jura Rozenvalda docētā studiju kursa Demokrātijas modeļi ietvaros no jau astoto reizi tika organizēts mācību brauciens uz Greifsvaldes Universitāti Vācijā. Braucienā piedalījās gan SZF studenti, gan arī ERASMUS studenti no četrpadsmit valstīm. LU SZF Politikas zinātnes nodaļas un Greifsvaldes universitātes Politikas zinātnes un komunikācijas zinātnes institūta sadarbības projekta mērķis ir veicināt pieredzes apmaiņu starp abām universitātēm, organizējot studentu diskusijas par mūsdienu
Jānis Priede is now an acting dean of the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics of the University of Latvia
28.03.2024. 16.32 Ziņa
The former head of the Department of Economics, prof. Jānis Priede is now an acting dean of the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics of the University of Latvia (LU BVEF). Jānis combines academic knowledge with extensive international experience and perspective. Jānis has interned at many foreign universities - Columbia University in New York (USA), Fulda University of Applied Sciences (Germany), University of Iceland (Iceland), Warsaw School of Economics (Poland), University of Aveiro (Portugal) and also universities of the nearest neighbors - University of Tartu (Estonia ) and Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania), as well as others. As a leading researcher, he participates in many research projects and is the author of international scientific publications. He is passionate about lecturing students on industrial economics and behavioral economics.
Workshop on Developing Canadian Study Course within the Social Sciences
19.12.2010. 15.58 Saturs
On October 22, 2010, the Centre for European and Transition Studies is organising a workshop on developing Canadian Studies within the social sciences at the University of Latvia. This workshop is supported by the Government of Canada and the Embassy of Canada to Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. The aim of the workshop is to discuss the idea of Canadian Studies from a multidisciplinary social science perspective and to build a network of interested academics and students across the Baltic States. The workshop is organised to provide an opportunity to discuss a pilot course on European external relations with an emphasis on Canada. This course is being developed as a part of the existing European Studies Master's Programme at the University of Latvia. The objectives of the workshop are the following: to test and to evaluate potential interest of faculty and students in Canadian Studies courses in the social sciences; to define the most suitable course content within
Network activities in 2018/2019
07.10.2019. 18.54 Saturs
In the academic year 2018/2019, at the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics of the University of Latvia for the third time, teaching mobility was organized for NBNCIF network members from partner institutions. During the r ound table discussions in May (Riga), August (Reykjavik) and September (Vilnius) in 2019 , network participants discussed with students the problems faced by Nordic and Baltic countries related to the integration of refugees, asylum seekers, and newly arrived migrants. During the teaching mobility, NBNCIF members delivered lectures and seminars for undergraduate and graduate students in Riga (University of Latvia), Vilnius (ISM) and Reykjavik (University of Reykjavik). The following topics were discussed during this project: Nordic Corporate Governance Impact Investing - an Acceptable Niche Existence? Firm- and Country-Level Determinants of Green Investments: an Empirical Analysis Green and Infrastructure Investment - an Important Area
Aicinām LU studentus piedalīties Pilsoniskās iesaistes projektā
23.10.2023. 13.04 Ziņa
Aicinām LU studentus piedalīties Pilsoniskās iesaistes projektā, kurā FORTHEM alianses studenti var palīdzēt izstrādāt idejas cilvēku ar invaliditāti integrācijai darba tirgū. Visi interesenti var pievienoties informatīvajai sanāksmei 2023.gada 16.novembrī (13.00–14.30 CET). Pēc pasākuma interesenti var pieteikties dalībai projektā. Pēc tam organizatori izvēlēsies 2-3 studentus no katras FORTHEM universitātes (ierobežots skaits stipendiju), piešķirot maģistrantiem prioritāti salīdzinājumā ar bakalaura grāda studentiem. Izņemot to, studenti tiks uzņemti atbilstoši viņu pieteikuma secībai. Dalība ir bez maksas. Papildus informāciju skatīt šeit.
Meklējam metodiķi darbam ar ārzemju studentiem!
13.09.2021. 16.08 Ziņa
LU Datorikas fakultāte savā komandā aicina studiju metodiķi darbam ar ārzemju studentiem! Meklējam komunikablu, attapīgu, izpalīdzīgu un atbildīgu kolēģi, kurš lieliski pārvalda angļu valodu. Ja Tu tāds/-a esi, Tevi gaida interesants darbs Latvijas lielākajā un tradīcijām bagātākajā universitātē un jauki kolēģi. Tavi darba pienākumi būs saziņa ar mūsu studentiem-ārvalstniekiem, studentu datu ievade informācijas sistēmās, konsultēšana ar studijām saistītos jautājumos. Sūti savu pieteikumu un CV ar norādi “DF metodiķis/-e” Datorikas fakultātes dekānei asoc. prof. Zanei Bičevskai uz e-pastu .
General Information
29.02.2024. 01.45 Saturs
The aim of the conference initiative is to motivate students to carry out their research and present it in the English language, thus preparing and leading them in personal development as professional researchers and strengthening the collaboration between educational institutions in Latvia and in Europe. We welcome proposals for our conference sessions that focus on studies done on aspects of the foreign language; foreign language skill development; foreign language teaching methods; linguistics; literature; translation; education; teacher education; documents on education; students’ life; personality development. The research can be presented as a 15 minute talk. Call for Proposals We kindly ask you to apply for participation in the conference filling in the presenter's application form (see below). Important dates April 15, 2024 - submission of presenter's application form May 14-16, 2024 - 23 rd International Students' Research Conference
General Information
29.02.2024. 01.47 Saturs
The aim of the conference initiative is to motivate students to carry out their research and present it in the English language, thus preparing and leading them in personal development as professional researchers and strengthening the collaboration between educational institutions in Latvia and in Europe. We welcome proposals for our conference sessions that focus on studies done on aspects of the foreign language; foreign language skill development; foreign language teaching methods; linguistics; literature; translation; education; teacher education; documents on education; students’ life; and personality development. The research can be presented as a 15 minute talk. Call for Proposals We kindly ask you to apply for participation in the conference filling in the presenter's application form (see below). Important dates April 15, 2024 - submission of presenter's application form May 14-16, 2024 - 23 rd International Students' Research Conference
Kristiāns Kacars | University of Latvia
29.04.2024. 13.04 Saturs
Kristiāns was a visiting student at Technical University of Wien, and Valencia University . Topic of thesis – “Quantum chemistry using augmented plane wave methods”., His specialisation is Density functional theory and quantum chemistry . For three years, Kristiāns has been working at Electronic Structure Research Group, University of Latvia . Research-based studies One of the strong points of UL is the possibility to partake in research early on. This allows one to try different fields of research to find the one that fits best. Researchers and professors are friendly and welcoming to students joining their research. The university laboratories are well equipped for training and research. In my future career, I am still considering the choice between academic and industry career. The University of Latvia gives an opportunity to students, allowing them to participate in research early on, – this opportunity is not readily available in bigger universities.
Piedzīvo lielākos studentu svētkus “Aristoteli” jau šonedēļ!
01.09.2023. 13.21 Ziņa
3. septembrī, dienu pirms studiju sākuma, Raiņa bulvārī 19 notiks tradicionālie Latvijas Universitātes (LU) studentu svētki “Aristotelis”, kur kopīgi jaunie un esošie studenti, mācībspēki un citi LU saimes draugi ieskandinās jauno studiju gadu. LU Studentu padome aicina ikvienu apmeklēt šos grandiozos studentu svētkus, kas norisināsies jau 57. reizi! Oficiālajā daļā, kas plkst.18.00 sāksies Doma laukumā, tiks teiktas svinīgas runas, skandināti fakultāšu saukļi, dziedātas dziesmas un iepazīti jaunie studiju biedri, šajā pasākuma daļā ieeja ir bez maksas. Pēc tam visi dosimies gājienā līdz Universitātei Raiņa bulvārī 19, kur no plkst. 21.00 līdz pat rīta gaismai mūs sagaida kārtīga izdejošanās, pārsteigumi un dažādas aktivitātes. Vakara gaitā uzstāsies vairāki Latvijā atzīti un mīlēti mūziķi – grupas "Carnival Youth", "Labvēlīgais tips", "Tranzīts" un citi mūziķi.Uz pasākuma vakara daļu biļetesir jāiegādājas Jaunajiem studentiem "acis jātur vaļā" arī pirms “Aristoteļa
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