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Mission and vision
09.12.2022. 17.15 Saturs
Mission HIVE – HEI Innovation for Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship – aims to strengthen innovation and entrepreneural capacity in its higher education institutions by networking and exchanging the best practices identified, improving the commercialisation innovation ecosystems in the research institutions and higher education institutions. Vision The EU conceptual attitude to the role of higher education institutions in the field of research and innovations includes the necessity to evolve and adapt in order to achieve their core mission, which is to educate students to be successful in a complex and interconnected world that faces rapid technological, cultural, economic and demographic change. The project will impact: Entrepreneurs – helping them develop their innovative ventures; European HEIs – disseminating guides and online training sessions; Students – providing better entrepreneurial education and supporting their projects; Staff of the HEIs – allowing
09.12.2022. 11.13 Saturs
features, and forms of academic dishonesty have been discussed. The type of research design is a case study, so the results of the study are not generalizable. The empirical part is based on the survey; the participants were teachers working in the primary education stage (157) and 345 students of Grades 4–9. The results obtained show that students and teachers do not have a shared understanding about the concept of academic integrity and its importance because no common guidelines have been developed for promoting academic integrity. The data also reveal that one quarter of teachers and more than half of the surveyed students have never encountered the issue of academic integrity in their experience. The main types of academic dishonesty mentioned are verbal communication, looking at someone else’s work; the main reasons noted are the lack of knowledge and skills, not enough time spent for preparing for a test and desire to obtain a good mark. Keywords: academic dishonesty, academic
Celebrating 10th Anniversary of the Faculty of Social Sciences
15.02.2010. 11.57 Ziņa
- philology). The Faculty foundation was a collective and informal process which transformed into a formal organization. It provides a valuable lesson for other innovations – it is best to develop them among people who share the same views, have a common goal and are willing to cooperate.” Prof. Andris Runcis, one of the founders of the Faculty, admits: “The prevailing idea for the creation of a new faculty was that “no one understands us” and we wanted to be in a friendly and mutually complimenting academic and research environment. It has successfully resulted in the SZF.” “The Faculty is a fortunate project,” underlines Prof. Aivars Tabuns, “the students have favourable conditions for learning (good library, access to data bases, computer rooms). In the past years study programmes have been greatly improved and the choice of courses increased. The decisions in the Faculty are made in a transparent and democratic process. New qualified teaching staff is prepared and it allows us to see
UL computing study programmes re-accredited in Latvia and Europe
12.12.2017. 12.03 Ziņa
The re-accreditation process of the study programmes for the University of Latvia (UL) Faculty of Computing is completed and all of the Faculty’s study programmes have been re-accredited until 2023. The bachelor's and master’s degree study programmes are re-accredited by the EU standards and hold the Euro-Inf Quality Label since 2012. “While preparing for the accreditation, we evaluated the correspondence of our study programmes to the objectives and results of the academic programs, and the market situation in Latvia; qualification of the alumni for the labour market and capacity to quickly learn the specific knowledge required for employment, but not included in the study programme. The students must have the certain amount of fundamental knowledge in the production practice upon entering the labour market for the first time. Consequently, we have built the courses to enable the students to learn as much as possible in the first two years, and then proceed with an internship
Studenti, Latvijas Universitātes (LU) studentu Biznesa inkubatora dalībnieki, tiek aicināti pieteikties stipendijai
21.04.2020. 15.45 Ziņa
students. Lai pieteiktos stipendijai, studentiem līdz 29. aprīļa plkst. 15.00 uz LU studentu Biznesa inkubatora epastu ( ) jāatsūta aizpildīts pieteikums (pieteikumu iespējams lejupielādēt šeit ). Pirms tam visi studenti tiek aicināti iepazīties ar “Brīvās pieteikšanās pirmsinkubatora programmas” projekta “Latvijas Universitātes inovāciju granti studentiem” stipendiju nolikumu. Visus pieteikumus izvērtēs komisija, kas sastāv no LU studentu Biznesa inkubatora vadītāja (komisijas priekšsēdētājs), projekta “Latvijas Universitātes inovāciju granti studentiem” vadītājas, piesaistītiem ekspertiem un jaunuzņēmumu dibinātājiem, kopā cilvēku sastāvā. Komisijas locekļi individuāli izvērtē katru pretendentu, vērtējot to piecu baļļu sistēmā, kur 1 ir zemākais un 5 augstākais vērtējums pēc šādiem kritērijiem: Pārstāvētās komandas ideja; Pretendenta loma komandā; Pretendenta plānotais laika ieguldījums komandas mērķa īstenošanai
Piesakies dalībai pasākumā "Studenta kurpēs"!
02.04.2024. 15.05 Ziņa
Tuvojas pasākums “Studenta kurpēs”, kad Latvijas Universitātes (LU) studenti aicinās ikvienu skolēnu “pielaikot studenta kurpes” un vienu dienu pavadīs kopā, lai sniegtu ieskatu, kā norit studiju dzīve Latvijas Universitātē. Ikgadējais pasākums “Studenta kurpēs” notiks no 22. līdz 28. aprīlim! Kopā ar studentu skolēnam būs iespēja piedalīties studiju procesā – lekcijās un semināros, iepazīt mācībspēkus, fakultāti, studiju programmu, uzzināt, kādas prasmes nepieciešamas, studējot attiecīgajā programmā, un kādas ir iespējas radoši izpausties ārpus studijām! Tā ir arī ļoti laba pieredze studentam – uz vienu dienu kļūt par mentoru, parādot, cik daudzveidīga un aizraujoša ir studiju dzīve Universitātē. LU student, izmanto šo iespēju un piesakies būt par mentoru saviem nākamo gadu studiju biedriem! Studentu pieteikšanās jau ir sākusies un norisināsies līdz 19. aprīlim ! Lai pieteiktos, jāaizpilda anketa ! Skolēnu pieteikšanās norisināsies no 8. līdz 14. aprīlim , aizpildot anketu
Studenti aicināti piedalīties ideju maratonā “Student Deep science hackathon”
28.10.2021. 12.32 Ziņa
2021. gada 5. – 7. novembrī jau trešo reizi norisināsies LU Cietvielu Fizikas institūta organizētais hakatons “Student Deep Science hackathon”. Pasākums tiks īstenots tiešsaistē, lai sniegtu iespēju studentiem attīstīt savas idejas un sastapt vienlīdz motivētus jauniešus, kā arī iegūt kontaktus ar nozares profesionāļiem. Pasākums būs kā jaunu inovatīvu ideju radīšanas un attīstīšanas darbnīca virtuālajā vidē, kas paredzēta studentiem, kuri vēlas veidot starpdisciplināras komandas ar inovācijas potenciālu. Meklējam interesantas idejas STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics) jomās. Pasākuma pirmajā diena dalībnieki veidos komandas, balstoties uz iepriekš iesniegtām idejām, attīstīs tās kopā ar mentoriem un pasākuma noslēgumā prezentēs komercializācijas plānu žūrijai, zinātniekiem, investoriem un interesentiem. Pasākuma laikā dalībniekiem tiks nodrošināts profesionālu mentoru atbalsts, kopstrādes vide un informācija komercializācijas soļu veikšanai. Ekspertu
Stipendijas visu studiju jomu studentiem
14.09.2021. 18.08 Ziņa
No 6. septembra līdz 26. septembrim ir atvērta pieteikšanās stipendijām pamatstudijās (no bakalauru 2. kursa). Visu studiju jomu studentiem kopā ir pieejamas 4 stipendiju kopas. Kristapa Morberga stipendija ir nodibināta ar mērķi veicināt Latvijas Universitātes (LU) attīstību, finansiāli atbalstot izcilus un sabiedriski aktīvus studentus pilnvērtīgu studiju īstenošanai. K. Morbergs ir ievērojamākais LU mecenāts, kurš LU kopumā dāvājis astoņus nekustamos īpašumus.Stipendija paredzēta visu LU bakalaura studiju programmu studentiem, sākot no 2. kursa. "Friends of the University of Latvia" valdes locekle Guna Mundheim , kura ar dzīvesbiedru Robertu Mundheim atbalsta LU kopš 2013. gada, veicinot pētniecības un mācību vides attīstību Latvijas Universitātē, kā arī sekmējot daudzsološu studentu personīgo un akadēmisko izaugsmi, ir izveidojuši Mundheim ģimenes izcilības stipendiju. Tā ir paredzēta diviem talantīgākajiem visu studiju jomu LU maģistrantūras studentiem. Pateicoties
Dual Award Programme in Computer Science
25.04.2024. 15.07 Saturs
Degree to be achieved: University of Lincoln Award – BSc (Hons) Computer Science University of Latvia Award – Bachelor's Degree of Natural Sciences in Computer Science Duration of studies: 4 years Type of studies: Full time Amount of credits: 240 ECTS Language of instruction: English Study programme is accredited until 23.08.2029 Tuition fee – EUR 4500 per study year . Dual Award programme in Computer Science has been developed through careful and detailed collaboration between the University of Lincoln UK and the University of Latvia , drawing on the experience of both institutions. The programme is considered to provide industry-required knowledge in order to respond to the needs of the labour market and the interests of students. The BSc (Hons) Computer Science degree provides students with the opportunity to develop the experience, skills, and knowledge to design and develop a variety of software and hardware computing solutions for real-world problems
08.12.2022. 22.41 Saturs | 253-266 | PDF Digitalization of Higher Education and Response to Covid-19 Pandemic in Latvia Linda Daniela, Hasan Selcuk University of Latvia, Latvia Abstract. The rapid spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak compelled many university administrators worldwide to take immediate measures to prevent spreading the disease on their campuses. One key measure was to switch from the face-to-face teaching mode to emergency remote teaching through online learning. Even though the swift and unplanned shift to move all courses online has caused several challenges to most Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Latvia, such a challenging situation has also created opportunities and opened new perspectives to the understanding of the digitalization of teaching and learning in Latvian HEIs. This paper, therefore, attempted to explore the digitalization process of Latvian HEIs, the response to the Covid-19 crisis by HEIs in Latvia, and the views
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