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The students of the Faculty of Humanities are invited to apply for the Student Session of 5th International Symposium “Language for International Communication (LINCS)”
17.03.2022. 17.34 Ziņa
The Department of English Studies and the Centre of Applied Linguistics in cooperation with the Department of Romance Studies at the Faculty of Humanities is organizingaStudent Sessionas part of 5 th International Symposium “Language for International Communication (LINCS)” onApril, 29, 2022, online. BA and MA students of Literature and Linguistics are invited to present their research and start establishing their professional networking. The areas of interest include, but are not limited to terminology, genre studies, discourse studies, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, to mention some. The participation is free of charge .In order to apply, the student research should be recommended by their scientific adviser. The application deadline is April, 5, 2022 .
FORTHEM Student Meeting
12.05.2020. 12.07 Ziņa
FORTHEM Student Meeting will take place virtually on the 12th of May 2020 This virtual meeting of student involvement is great opportunity for FORTHEM to involve students and of course for students to get involved in this project. Students from all seven universities will meet and discuss very important topics, to help FORTHEM make Lab experience better for students! It is very important to find out the opinion from the students' point of view. What do they expect from labs and what would engage them, so that they want to get involved and devote their time working with labs.
FORTHEM Student Meeting
22.10.2020. 12.39 Ziņa
FORTHEM Student Meeting will take place virtually on the 12th of May 2020 This virtual meeting of student involvement is great opportunity for FORTHEM to involve students and of course for students to get involved in this project. Students from all seven universities will meet and discuss very important topics, to help FORTHEM make Lab experience better for students! It is very important to find out the opinion from the students' point of view. What do they expect from labs and what would engage them, so that they want to get involved and devote their time working with labs.
Par dalību starptautiskajā skolotāju konferencē “No čalošanas līdz akadēmiski korektam valodas plūdumam: valodas perspektīvas klasē”
05.04.2023. 13.34 Ziņa
2023. gada 1.aprīlī starptautiskajā vidusskolā “Ekziperī” ( Exupery International School ) norisinājās otrā starptautiskā skolotāju profesionālās pilnveides konference “No čalošanas līdz akadēmiski korektam valodas plūdumam: valodas perspektīvas klasē” ( From Chit-Chat to Academic Fluency: Language Perspectives in the Classroom ), kurā piedalījās arī Latvijas Universitātes Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultātes profesionālās bakalaura studiju programmas “Skolotājs” apakšprogrammas “Sociālo zinību un vēstures skolotājs” 3.kursa students Sandis Mārtiņš Caune. Viņš uzstājās ar stāstu “No iesācēja līdz vēsturniekam: māksla analizēt Absolūtismu Francijā caur lasītprasmes prizmu 8.klasē” ( From Novice to Historian: Teaching 8th Graders the Art of Analyzing Absolutism in France through Literacy ), kurā dalījās ar pieredzi dažādu lasītprasmes attīstīšanas metožu izmantošanā Latvijas un pasaules vēsturē. Klausītājiem bija iespēja iepazīties ar mērķtiecīgu stundas sasniedzamo
Current Safety Restrictions for Students and Employees until June 9
12.03.2020. 22.17 Ziņa
In order to reduce the Covid-19 infection risks among the University of Latvia employees, students, guests and visitors, the on-site study process is suspended from March 13 to June 9. To limit the spread of Covid-19, the Republic of Latvia Cabinet of Ministers has announced the extension of the state of emergency until June 9, 2020. Until June 9, the University of Latvia shall implement the following epidemiological safety measures for curbing the spread of Covid-19: to suspend the process of organizing lectures, classes, seminars and other forms of on-site studies, further education and interest education (including cultural and sports training, competitions and rehearsals, except for the stipulated exceptions to the organization of sports training ) processes, and examinations (including state centralized examinations), conducting and implementation thereof, with the exception of: face-to-face student counselling (including practical and laboratory work
UL doctoral students supported by patrons have performed with the most recent readings in science
09.04.2019. 14.37 Ziņa
The 77th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia (UL) hosted a scientific session of scholarship recipients of UL doctoral study programmes supported by UL Foundation’s patrons. 18 promising doctoral students delivered their readings. For the second consecutive year, a special scientific session was held to provide the most up-to-date readings for researchers who have received patron support. This is a true proof that the support of patrons opens up new horizons both for the supported researchers and scientific performance. This academic year, 21 UL doctoral students received scholarships and continued research with enthusiasm, thanks to patrons like Mikrotīkls , Eigits Dāvis Timermanis, Māris Vainovskis and attorney’s office “Eversheds Sutherland Bitāns” , as well as Alfreds Raister's testamentary bequest. Chair of the first session, Assoc. Prof. Jānis Kloviņš emphasized that cooperation between different institutions – faculties, institutes
UL doctoral students supported by patrons have performed with the most recent readings in science
27.11.2019. 19.50 Ziņa
The 77th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia (UL) hosted a scientific session of scholarship recipients of UL doctoral study programmes supported by UL Foundation’s patrons. 18 promising doctoral students delivered their readings. For the second consecutive year, a special scientific session was held to provide the most up-to-date readings for researchers who have received patron support. This is a true proof that the support of patrons opens up new horizons both for the supported researchers and scientific performance. This academic year, 21 UL doctoral students received scholarships and continued research with enthusiasm, thanks to patrons like Mikrotīkls , Eigits Dāvis Timermanis, Māris Vainovskis and attorney’s office “Eversheds Sutherland Bitāns” , as well as Alfreds Raister's testamentary bequest. Chair of the first session, Assoc. Prof. Jānis Kloviņš emphasized that cooperation between different institutions – faculties, institutes
University of Latvia invites prospective students to submit applications for studies at the UL
14.01.2020. 11.18 Ziņa
University of Latvia invites prospective students to submit applications for studies at the University of Latvia for autumn admissions of 2020. Admission is open from January 1. The University of Latvia offers excellent higher education and skills necessary for labour market, scientific research and self-development. More about study programmes – here. Everything about admission procedure – here. Use online application form to apply for studies at the University of Latvia. The University of Latvia consistently remains the leading and most influential national university of Latvia. In terms of the number of students, the University of Latvia is also the largest university in the country. It is the largest comprehensive university in Latvia, and plays an important role both in the development of the entire education system and the overall economic growth of the country. The UL has launched the course of rapid development – in the coming years, one of the most
Prospective UL Doctoral Students are Invited to Apply for “Mikrotīkls” Scholarship
11.06.2020. 19.53 Ziņa
students from the University of Latvia Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Computing, Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, Faculty of Chemistry and Faculty of Medicine, who do not have contractual obligations under European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) projects implemented by the University of Latvia. The first scholarships managed by the University of Latvia Foundation were awarded in 2016. So far, 15 researchers have received the support of the patron “Mikrotīkls” for the development of their doctoral theses. Application Until September 16, 2020, 23:59 all the applicants must submit the following documents electronically to the email address : CV; application form; description of their research; 2 letters of recommendation from the teaching staff. Research application, application form and criteria >> Evaluation criteria Candidates are evaluated on the basis of the following criteria
A group of students from Kazakhstan arrives at the International Medical Conference of the University of Latvia
18.10.2023. 18.26 Ziņa
To participate in the International Scientific Conference on Medicine of the University of Latvia (held at the 77th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia), which takes place at the University of Latvia's newly discovered Science House, on February 19th a group of 16 students from Kazakhstan, Astana Medical University and Semipalatinsk State Medical University arrived in Riga. The leader of the group is MD, PhD, Professor Nurbek Igissinov (doctor - oncologist, public health specialist; professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases at Astana Medical University; Chairman of the Central Asian Cancer Institute). The student group consists mainly of general medical specialization students, interns and residents with specialization in surgery. At the the International Scientific Conference on Medicine of the University of Latvia group from Kazakhstan participates with 3 oral and 13 stand reports. More information.
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