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UL Recommendations During Spread of “COVID-19”
13.03.2020. 16.12 Ziņa
The University of Latvia (UL) encourages staff and students to comply with the recommendations and precautionary measures during the spread of the Covid-19 virus: During the period from March 13, 2020 to May14, 2020, UL introduces the following epidemiological security measures to curb the spread of Covid-19: Suspend conducting and implementation of the process of on-site lectures, classes, seminars and other forms of studies, further education and interest education requiring physical presence of students and staff (including cultural and sports training, competitions and rehearsals), as well as organisation and holding tests and examinations (including centralized state examinations) ; Cancel and discontinue (irrespective of the number of participants) any organization of scientific, educational, festive, commemorative, entertainment, cultural, sporting and recreational activities, meetings, parades and any other face-to-face events in the public domain at the UL
Erasmus+ mobility
10.09.2020. 18.54 Ziņa
The competition for Erasmus+ mobilities for studies and internship at the Faculty of Humanities has been announced! All students of the Faculty of Humanities (BA, MA, PhD programmes) who have gathered 40 credit points (two semesters), have no financial or academic debts, and are not on a study leave can apply from the 10th till the 25th of September, 2020. More information If you have any questions, please, write to the international coordinators of the Faculty of Humanities: Anastasija Vedela ( ) and Jekaterina Čerņevska ( ).
Get working life experience
22.09.2021. 16.57 Ziņa
FORTHEM Company Internships are a great possibility for FORTHEM Alliance students to get working life experience and simultaneously experience from working abroad: You can plan a digital interface of an organisation website in Finland, deal with quality control of fish products in Italy, work as a project and international affairs assistant in Germany, and so on! If this sounds appealing to you, don’t hesitate any longer and send your application: Read carefully through the call Take a look at our current internship offers Apply for the offer you are interested in
For citizens from Visa-Free countries
05.01.2021. 16.38 Saturs
) ; 2) Student can apply for residence permit in the Embassy of Latvia in his/her country of origin (If there is Embassy of Latvia) For preparing the invitation for residence permit UL should have the following data about the student: copy of passport; date and place of birth; citizenship; home address; address of accommodation in Riga; Embassy of Latvia where student will submit the documents for the residence permit (if the documents will be submitted in the Embassy). After the invitation is approved, the student or UL coordinator can submit the following documents for the residence permit: invitation document; residence permit application form (available at ); copy of passport (original must be presented). Passport should be valid at least 3 months longer than planned residence permit term; one photo (3x4 cm); document confirming the necessary subsistence (at least 500
LKASC vadītāja Iveta Reinholde un Politikas zinātnes nodaļas studenti piedalās starptautiskā konferencē Indonēzijā
10.10.2019. 13.45 Ziņa
Šī gada 14.-18. jūlijā Indonēzijas galvaspilsētā Džakartā norisinājās YICGG 2019 (angl.Youth Innovative Competition on Global Governance). Tā ir starptautiska līmeņa konference, kuru organizēja Fudaņas Universitāte (Ķīna) sadarbībā ar ANO pārstāvniecību Ķīnā. Šī konference ik gadus pulcē studentus no vairāk kā 40 valstīm. Jau trešo gadu pēc kārtas dalībnieku vidū bija ar LU Politikas zinātnes nodaļas pārstāvji. Šogad tie bija: doktorantūras studente Malvīne Stučka, 3.kursa studente Marta Suharevska un 2.kursa students Miks Cepure. Jaunieši Indonēzijā prezentēja savu ideju par to, kā efektīvāk saglabāt neskartas upju ainavas un ekosistēmu pilsētvidē, uzsverot gan pilsētvides pielāgošanos upju dabīgajam tecējumam, gan nepieciešamību pēc arhitektūras izmaiņām, kā arī dažādu pušu iesaisti lēmumu pieņemšanas procesā pilsētvides izveidē. Kā viena no viesiem un radošo ideju vērtētājām bija uzaicināta Latvijas Universitātes Latvijas- Ķīnas akadēmiskās sadarbības centra vadītāja, Politikas
Graduations at the University of Latvia
22.06.2010. 15.23 Ziņa
The graduation ceremonies at the University of Latvia commenced on Friday, June 11, and will continue up to July 14, 2010. All in all, about 5 800 new specialists are graduating from the University this academic year. This summer at 35 ceremonies diplomas will be awarded to about 4750 students from 13 faculties of the University of Latvia. This academic year f irst graduations took place in the autumn semester and 1059 new specialists have already graduated from the University. This summer the Faculty of Economics and Management will yield the highest number of graduates – about 1350, the Faculty of Law – about 600 and the Faculty of Social Sciences – 470. Traditionally graduation ceremonies are held at the heart of Alma Mater – at the Great Hall; this year is no exception and most of the ceremonies will take place there. It will be possible to see graduates taking pictures on the steps of the University main entrance almost every day until July 14, when the marathon
Maģistra darbs
Maģistra darbs ir pētniecisks darbs, kura uzdevums ir atklāt prasmi apkopot un vispārināt tēmai atbilstošu zinātnisku pētījumu būtiskākās atziņas, parādot savu kompetenci tajās. Maģistra darbs var būt rakstīts gan vienā no zinātņu apakšnozarēm - latviešu literatūras vēsture, literatūras teorija, salīdzinošā literatūrzinātne, baltu valodniecība, latviešu sinhroniskā valodniecība, latviešu diahroniskā valodniecība, latviešu folkloristika, teātra vēsture un teorija, vispārīgā valodniecība, mitoloģija –, gan tie var būt starpnozaru darbi. Mērķis ir dot iespēju studentam izstrādāt un aizstāvēt patstāvīgu, inovatīvu pētījumu, izmantojot studiju kursos iegūtās zināšanas, prasmes, kompetences. Uzdevumi: 1. Izvēlēties pētāmo tēmu un materiālus (tekstus u.c.), definēt pētāmo mērķi un un uzdevumus. 2. Izvēlēties un izmantot jaunākās pētniecības metodes pētījumā. 3. Veikt pētījuma uzdevumus un izdarīt secinājumus. Maģistra darbs ir rakstīts un aizstāvēts latviešu valodā.
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