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With sincere gratitude to the University of Latvia
27.08.2020. 17.31 Ziņa
The non-profit organization “Friends of the University of Latvia” (501 (c) (3) charity) supports the advancement of Latvia and the University of Latvia since 2012. Donations go directly to scholarships and development projects. Latvian-origin contributors have already donated several hundred thousand dollars, and donors are encouraged to continue donating in a more comfortable way - a new homepage has been created, available in both – Latvian and English. Donations can be made using PayPal or writing out a cheque. Every donation is equally important in helping University of Latvia (UL) researchers and students to carry out their projects, meanwhile increasing their scientific expertise, improving study environment and making sure everyone knows Latvia’s and UL’s name. The total support from American Latvians has been more than half a million US dollars. Since 2012, 29 scholarships have been granted to students from all fields of science, including Andrejs
Ideju laboratorijā balvas un pārsteigumi studentiem – pēdējā iespēja pieteikties
06.05.2022. 21.11 Ziņa
Vai divu dienu laikā var radīt inovāciju? Kas ir dizaina domāšana un kā to pielietot? Latvijas Universitātes (LU) Inovāciju centrs LUMIC no 19. līdz 20. maijam aicina uzzināt atbildes, eksperimentēt un pieņemt izaicinājumu “Ideju laboratorijā 2022”, kur studenti no dažādām augstskolām cīnīsies konkursā par spožākām idejām, prezentēs tās žūrijai Jauno tehnoloģiju un inovāciju dienā, kā arī finālā saņems godalgotas vietas un balvas. Dalībniekus gaida ideju vētras, vērtīgas lekcijas, profesionālu mentoru atbalsts un aktivitātes entuziastu komandās. Divu dienu garumā, radošu ideju mutulī tiks radīti dažādi risinājumi universitātes ilgtspējīgai attīstībai un zinātnes izaugsmei. Ideju laboratorija ir platforma, kas ļaus nonākt pie inovatīviem risinājumiem LU attīstībai. Dalība pasākumā rosinās ikviena spēju radoši domāt un darīt, kā arī tīkloties ar domubiedriem, ekspertiem un spert soli pašizaugsmē. “Kopā mēs varam veicināt uzlabojumus, radīt inovācijas un padarīt studiju procesu
Ideju laboratorijā balvas un pārsteigumi studentiem – pēdējā iespēja pieteikties
11.05.2022. 13.43 Ziņa
Vai divu dienu laikā var radīt inovāciju? Kas ir dizaina domāšana un kā to pielietot? Latvijas Universitātes (LU) Inovāciju centrs LUMIC no 19. līdz 20. maijam aicina uzzināt atbildes, eksperimentēt un pieņemt izaicinājumu “Ideju laboratorijā 2022”, kur studenti no dažādām augstskolām cīnīsies konkursā par spožākām idejām, prezentēs tās žūrijai Jauno tehnoloģiju un inovāciju dienā, kā arī finālā saņems godalgotas vietas un balvas. Dalībniekus gaida ideju vētras, vērtīgas lekcijas, profesionālu mentoru atbalsts un aktivitātes entuziastu komandās. Divu dienu garumā, radošu ideju mutulī tiks radīti dažādi risinājumi universitātes ilgtspējīgai attīstībai un zinātnes izaugsmei. Ideju laboratorija ir platforma, kas ļaus nonākt pie inovatīviem risinājumiem LU attīstībai. Dalība pasākumā rosinās ikviena spēju radoši domāt un darīt, kā arī tīkloties ar domubiedriem, ekspertiem un spert soli pašizaugsmē. “Kopā mēs varam veicināt uzlabojumus, radīt inovācijas un padarīt studiju procesu
Latvian language (Lower Intermediate) – 4 credits; course code Valo2383
20.09.2018. 13.54 Saturs
The language course is designed for foreign students, who study Latvian at UL and have completed “Elementary Latvian Course” (levels A1; A2). Objectives of the course include improving speaking and writing skills, extending knowledge of grammar issues, developing communicative, linguistic, pragmatic and sociocultural competence. The course envisages giving an insight of usage of Latvian in the social context, fiction and journalism. The course has been developed in accordance with the set European Framework of Language (level B1). Results According to B1 level specification, students are able to give and understand information regarding subjects and situations of daily routine and studies. Students are able to grasp information from mass media and comprehend a plot of fiction works. Students are skilled enough to prevent language mistakes leading to miscomprehensions, and are aware of the communication compensating strategies.
FORTHEM Short-Term Mobilities: Third Call for Projects
21.06.2021. 18.19 Ziņa
and in person, while other mobilities remain strictly in person. Although the uncertainty of Covid-19 is still impacting mobilities, FORTHEM Alliance continues to look to the future, giving students numerous opportunities to participate in exchange activities with all of our alliance partners.
With the support of patrons, UL Physics, Mathematics and Optometrics faculty offers new equipment for laboratory work remotely in physics practice
19.04.2021. 12.36 Ziņa
Attheendofthe last year,  University of Latvia (UL), Physics, Mathematics andOptometricsfaculty (FPMO) Physics department announced good news - perennial patron “Mikrotīkls” LLC has accepted the funding of supplementing technical equipment for the General physics workshop with devices which would enable the students to make remote physics laboratory work much more convenient.     Asthe spring semester begins, the new equipment is almost entirely purchased and can be proceed to the physics students, and it can help them to carry out laboratory workshops in remote conditions. The aimof “Development of physics practical studies based on modern educational principles”project is to adjust UL FPMO physics laboratory workshops, to provide for studentsitsrealization also during the remote study process. To realize the aim, the patron has allocated almost EUR 15 000, gratitude to patron, FPMO Physics department General physics division purchased 32iOLabdevices and 16 web cameras
FORTHEM campus
08.07.2022. 17.46 Saturs
You can enrol in a jointly organised programme that gathers students from all FORTHEM universities. Every partner university hosts on rotating principle, a semester-long programme related to one of the seven Labs topics . Courses proposed in the frame of FORTHEM Campus will be tailored for general student audience and not only for students from specific scientific fields. It is worth noting that your mobility will be funded with Erasmus+ grant.
Student of Faculty of Economics and Management of UL came in 2nd place in LEDF competition
19.11.2013. 20.12 Ziņa
of Latvian high-growth companies”. Gratitude was expressed to Aiji Poļakova and Laura Mozule from Stockholm School of Economics for scientific research work „Unemployment as a Challenge of Latvia’s Pension System in the Long-Term Perspective”. LEDF Award discovers for wider society topics interesting young specialists and allows representatives of our state to see current economic processes through their eyes. For one of the longest existing student scientific work competition in Latvia „LEDF Award” annually several dozens of works are submitted from all over Latvia.
Latvian language (Beginners) – 4 credits; course code Valo1465
20.09.2018. 13.54 Saturs
The present study course is designed for beginners. In the course the students get acquainted with the basic knowledge of Latvian. The course is based on acquisition of such language skills as listening, reading, dialogue and monologue. The main emphasis of the course is mastering phonetic and grammar structures incorporated in communicative functions. The course has been developed is accordance with the set European Framework of Reference for Language (level A1; A2). Results After completing of the course (level A1) the students should understand simple phrases and sentences. They should be able to ask questions and to tell about themselves, their home, etc. After completing of the course (level A2) the students should be able to understand simple texts and communicate in common social situations.
26.11.2023. 22.53 Saturs
of attracting international students of therelevant institution in thecontext of thecountry’s reputation, cooperation with other institutions involved, institutions’ level of involvement, and thedivision of responsibility. Document analysis was carried out to evaluate the Agreement on Good Practice of Attracting International Students and Delivering Studies (published in 2017 and updated in 2022). Latvia’s experience in attracting international students will be useful to other countries in thecontext of reputation. Themost important results are related to thepromotion of cooperation between theinstitutions involved, thesystematization of procedures, and compliance with high-quality, transparent and ethical principles in theprocess of attracting international students. Keywords: attraction policy, export of higher education, international education, international students, reputation of thestate Karīna Svētiņa – Corresponding author:; 0037126709882,PhD student
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