Atrasts 851 ieraksts
21.06.2017. 18.51 Saturs
Please provide missing information in the fields above. In case of successful registration, you will see the following text: " Thank you for registration to the 2nd International Conference in Pharmacology ‘From Cellular Processes to Drug Targets ‘ " If you encounter any problems with the registration, please kindly contact our Conference Secretariat at:
21.06.2017. 18.52 Saturs
Please provide missing information in the fields above. In case of successful registration, you will see the following text: " Thank you for registration to the 2nd International Conference in Pharmacology ‘From Cellular Processes to Drug Targets ‘ " If you encounter any problems with the registration, please kindly contact our Conference Secretariat at:
21.06.2017. 18.52 Saturs
Please provide missing information in the fields above. In case of successful registration, you will see the following text: " Thank you for registration to the 2nd International Conference in Pharmacology ‘From Cellular Processes to Drug Targets ‘ " If you encounter any problems with the registration, please kindly contact our Conference Secretariat at:
21.06.2017. 18.52 Saturs
Please provide missing information in the fields above. In case of successful registration, you will see the following text: " Thank you for registration to the 2nd International Conference in Pharmacology ‘From Cellular Processes to Drug Targets ‘ " If you encounter any problems with the registration, please kindly contact our Conference Secretariat at:
Publication Possibilities
30.11.2022. 21.06 Saturs
All conference full papers will be double-blind reviewed. Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Conference Proceedings are included in the Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index,EBSCO's Business Source databases and indexed via theEBSCO Discovery Service™. Poster presentations are possible. Contact conference organizers if you have any questions:
Student ambassadors
14.04.2021. 15.37 Saturs
We are looking for student ambassadors who will help us become known among all the students of our 7 university alliance . This is a unique opportunity to gain experience in project management and to be entrusted with responsibilities recognised by your home university and abroad. For more information on how to become FORTHEM student ambassador you can contact local FORTHEM office at your home university.
Organising Committee
11.06.2024. 16.24 Saturs
Head of the Organising Committee: Prof. Kaspars Kļaviņš ( University of Latvia, LV ) Conference Coordinator: Alise Hirša ( University of Latvia, LV ) Organising Committee: Lecturer Ingrīda Kleinhofa ( University of Latvia, LV ) Alise Hirša ( University of Latvia, LV ) Ainura Akperova ( University of Latvia, LV ) Aleksandrs Grigorjevs ( University of Latvia, LV ) Contact:
Latvian Geographical Society announces application for the VI Latvian Geographical Congress
10.01.2020. 16.54 Ziņa
Latvian Geographical Society announces application for the VI Latvian Geographical Congress and publication of articles in Folia Geographica /Geographical articles "New Geographies of Well-being: nature, resources, populations and mobilities". The Congress will take place on March 27 and 28, 2020 at the University of LatviaHouse of Nature, Jelgavas Street 1, Riga. The congress is dedicated to the centenary of academic geography in Latvia. APPLICATION: Registration of a scientific paper with the Title only by January 15. Paper submission: February 17. More information on the requirements for scientific papers. Contact us: . Board of the Latvian Geographical Society
Share funding projects proposal: Body positivity – in response to body shaming
19.01.2022. 17.48 Ziņa
Are you interested in the body positivity movement, especially body positivity – in response to body shaming ? If your university is part of the European Universities Alliance FORTHEM, you can join this international team. Indeed, this subject stems from researchers looking to foster awareness on this subject at the University of Opole. Have a look at the details of the proposal and contact the UO team ( or ) FORTHEM can help you set up share funding projects and actions to promote social participation. Find out more here: Share Funding Projects Call .
Students must register and re-register in the UL Library
31.08.2022. 14.52 Ziņa
Students from the University of Latvia should register and re-register in the LU Library using the LU information system (LUIS). The Library invites 1st year students of bachelor and master programs to register in the LUIS. On the first visit to the library, when presenting a student's card to a librarian, the student will receive the user identification number. Registration in the Library must be renewed every studi year until October 1. Please contact us, if you have any questions! UL Library regulations. Price list of service fees. The University of Latvia Library wishes everyone a successful study year!
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