Atrasti 23644 ieraksti
Four medals for Latvian team at the 50th International Physics Olympiad
17.07.2019. 14.44 Ziņa
This year the 50th IPhO was organised and supported by the Ministry of Education of Israel and the School of Physics and Astronomy at Tel Aviv University from July 7 to 15 with participation of 360 students from 78 countries. The Latvian team has finished the 50th International Physics Olympics with the highest score so far - the students of Riga State Gymnasium No.1 won silver and three bronze medals, as well as received the award. Latvia was represented by students of Riga State Gymnasium No.1 - Ingvars Vitenburgs, Jānis Hūns, Ričards Kristers Knipšis, Rolands Lopatko and Vilhelms Cinis. The accompanying mentors of students were the associate professor of the University of Latvia Vjačeslavs Kaščejevs (team leader) and the docent of the University of Latvia Ģirts Barinovs. The team was accompanied by an observer - our institute's engineer, International Physics Olympiad team coach and expert Dāvis Zavickis. More information:
Informative seminar on the EIB Summer School 2023
21.02.2023. 20.10 Ziņa
For the second year already, the European Investment Bank (EIB) invites UL master's students to apply for a free summer school in Luxembourg, during which students will be introduced to the EIB's operating principles, the banking and financial system in Europe and information about the European Green Deal. This year, the summer school will take place from June 27 to July 7. Masters students from all fields interested in sustainability, climate change and the environment, as well as students with background in engineering and natural sciences, are invited to apply to the EIB Summer School. We invite all interested parties to an informative seminar on March 7, where representatives of the EIB summer school will inform about the summer school in more detail and answer any questions. The seminar will take place at 11.00 in the Omega auditorium of the House of Science, but there will also be the opportunity to join the seminar remotely in MsTeams. The information on the application
HZF Studentu pašpārvalde aicina uz pasākumu "Prāta cirvis"
07.05.2019. 12.16 Ziņa
Lai gan saules stari sāk sildīt arvien nemierīgāk un ar nemanāmiem soļiem tuvojas sesija, ir atkal pienācis tas laiks... tas laiks, kad ir sākusies pieteikšanās erudīcijas konkursam “Prāta cirvis”! Konkurss norisināsies š.g. 16. maijā no plkst. 17:00 LU Humanitāro zinātņu fakultātē Visvalža ielā 4a. Ikvienam dalībniekam konkursa 1. kārtā būs iespēja pārbaudīt savas zināšanas, atjautību un radošumu 12 dažādu kategoriju uzdevumos un cīnīties par vietu konkursa finālā, kurā par lieliskām balvām sacentīsies trīs labākās komandas. Lai piedalītos erudīcijas konkursā, nav jābūt tieši Latvijas Universitātes studentam - dalībnieki tiek gaidīti no jebkuras augstākās izglītības iestādes. Tāpēc piesaki savu komandu 4-5 studentu sastāvā un pārbaudi, vai esi tik erudīts, kā domāji! Pieteikuma anketa pieejama šeit Pieteiktiesiespējamslīdz7.maijapulkst.23:59. Tiekamiespavisamdrīzumā!
Three HIVE project partners - University of Latvia, TED University and Czech Life Sciences University in Prague - start implementation of the vertically integrated project approach
29.12.2023. 14.15 Ziņa
In the autumn semester of 2023, University of Latvia (UL), TED University (TEDU) and Czech Lifes Sciences University in Prague (CZU) started preparations for implementation of the vertically integrated project (VIP) approach under the methodological guidance of Riga Stradiņš University. A Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) is an educational model that involves integrating undergraduate, graduate and PhD students into long-term, large-scale research and development projects led by faculty members. The goal is to create a collaborative learning experience for students while addressing real-world challenges. Students gain research experience by joining ongoing projects while returning students develop leadership skills through onboarding new members. Long-term student involvement is crucial for team success. The multi-disciplinary nature of VIP programmes fosters collaboration across diverse skills for research. The core of VIP's success is connected to mutual interest between students
28.05.2019. 13.22 Saturs
Eksmatrikulācija ir studenta izslēgšana no studējošā saraksta. Eksmatrikulāciju reglamentē Augstskolu likuma 49. pants . Studentu var izslēgt no studējošo saraksta, ja: students pats to vēlas; students ir izpildījis studiju programmas prasības un ieguvis grādu vai kvalifikāciju; students ir izpildījis studiju programmas teorētiskās daļas prasības, bet nav nokārtojis noslēguma pārbaudījumus (Nolikuma par noslēguma pārbaudījumiem LU 5.17., 5.18. punkts); noskaidrojas, ka studenta uzņemšanu ir ietekmējusi maldināšana, kukuļdošana vai cita rīcība, ar kuru pārkāpts pretendentu vienlīdzības princips; students nav izpildījisStudiju līgumānoteiktās prasības. Studentu eksmatrikulē ar rektora rīkojumu pēc fakultātes dekāna priekšlikuma. Students, kurš pats vēlas tikt eksmatrikulēts, raksta iesniegumu rektoram. Lēmumu par eksmatrikulāciju students var apstrīdēt viena mēneša laikā no lēmuma spēkā stāšanās dienas, iesniedzot iesniegumu LU Senātā.
Topics prepared by doctoral students: Ist seminar
23.10.2023. 19.07 Ziņa
Doctoral students of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Latvia will present their topics at the next seminar of the Doctoral School "Translational research in medicine": • dr. Tatjana Zablocka - "Development of a new clinical genomic technology for melanoma risk stratification, prognosis assessment and personalized therapy" ; • dr. Lauris Repša - "Strategies for the treatment of hip arthroplasty infection" ; • dr. Māris Mežeckis - "The role of radiosurgery in the treatment of moderate and high-risk prostate cancer" . The seminar will be held online , via ! Please send your application to participate in the seminar in time to our school's e-mail ( ) or by sending a letter on the Facebook page ( ) Every participant who applies to participate will receive an invitation link to in their e-mail on the day of the seminar (10 minutes before), where
3rd FORTHEM Campus «Diversity and Migration»
19.09.2022. 15.46 Ziņa
The University of Palermo, a partner of the FORTHEM Alliance (made up of 9 universities spread across Europe) will host the 3rd FORTHEM Campus “Diversity and Migration”, coordinated by Prof. Annalisa Mangiaracina. The Welcome Day , aimed at the campus’ students, will be held both in Italian and English on September 22nd from 9:30 a.m to 11:30 a.m. The meeting will take place in the Aula Santi Romano, located in the Law Department (via Maqueda n°172) and it will be attended by 15 students from Dijon, Valencia and Jyväskylä. The campus is an innovative form of Erasmus + mobility and it will be held from September 26th 2022 to February 24th 2023. The intensive interdisciplinary program (that will allow students to obtain up to 30 ECTS) lasts a semester and is structured in 3 modules divided as such: - Disciplinary Module, related to the students’ lectures and exams. - Transversal Module, that includes the involvement of the students in activities such as seminars
UL Students win Bronze and Will Continue to World Programming Contest Finals
02.12.2019. 17.28 Ziņa
., “Datakom” Ltd., JSC “RIX Technologies” , “TestDevLab” Ltd., “ZZ Dats” Ltd., VISMA group companies in Latvia, “WhiteCryption” Ltd., Latvians of America representing “Friends of the University of Latvia” (501 (c) (3) charity): the University of Latvia Honorary Member Roberts Blumbergs , Honorary Consul of Latvia in Michigan Andris Lācis and Galenieki Family . Donations are administered by the University of Latvia Foundation and the Riga Technical University Development Fund. TheInternational Collegiate Programming Contest, known as theICPC, is the oldest and most renowned academic programming competition in the world for students. This year, the contest is running for the 44 th year. Last year, 52709 ICPC participants represented 3233 universities from 110 countries. The quarter-finals and semi-finals of the contest take place in the regions on all populated continents, while the finals involve about 100 of the world’s strongest teams. The University of Latvia has qualified
UL Students win Bronze and Will Continue to World Programming Contest Finals
04.02.2021. 18.25 Ziņa
., “Datakom” Ltd., JSC “RIX Technologies” , “TestDevLab” Ltd., “ZZ Dats” Ltd., VISMA group companies in Latvia, “WhiteCryption” Ltd., Latvians of America representing “Friends of the University of Latvia” (501 (c) (3) charity): the University of Latvia Honorary Member Roberts Blumbergs , Honorary Consul of Latvia in Michigan Andris Lācis and Galenieki Family . Donations are administered by the University of Latvia Foundation and the Riga Technical University Development Fund. TheInternational Collegiate Programming Contest, known as theICPC, is the oldest and most renowned academic programming competition in the world for students. This year, the contest is running for the 44 th year. Last year, 52709 ICPC participants represented 3233 universities from 110 countries. The quarter-finals and semi-finals of the contest take place in the regions on all populated continents, while the finals involve about 100 of the world’s strongest teams. The University of Latvia has qualified
Latvijas Universitātes students saņem triju Baltijas valstu universitāšu stipendiju
24.05.2021. 13.52 Ziņa
Jau ceturto gadu pēc kārtas triju Baltijas valstu universitāšu stipendija tiek piešķirta studentam ar vislabākajām visu trīs Baltijas valstu valodu (igauņu, latviešu un lietuviešu) zināšanām. Konkursa pēdējā kārtā, kas 14. maijā noritēja tiešsaistes platformā “Zoom”, komisija izraudzījās uzvarētāju, un šoreiz tas ir Latvijas Universitātē vēstures doktora grādu ieguvušais Krišs Kapenieks, kurš turpina studijas Humanitāro zinātņu fakultātes Baltu filoloģijas maģistra studiju programmā, kā arī darbojas kā pētnieks Latvijas Kara muzejā. Ar lietuviešu un igauņu valodu Krišu vieno ciešas personiskas un profesionālas saites. Kapenieka interese par valodām aizsākās jau bērnībā. Viņa dzimtā valoda ir latviešu valoda, bet māte – vācu valodas skolotāja – Krišam mājās mācīja vācu valodu, savukārt vecāmāte – franču valodu. Skolā tika apgūta angļu un krievu valoda, augstskolā – latīņu valoda. Tā kā Kapenieku ļoti interesē valodas, viņš papildus dzimtajai latviešu valodai ir iemācījies vācu
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