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Multilateral Erasmus agreement signed between FORTHEM universities
27.02.2021. 18.59 Ziņa
A multilateral and multidisciplinary Erasmus agreement has been recently signed between all FORTHEM universities for the academic year 2021-2022. The agreement will widen the possibilities for Erasmus student, teacher and staff exchange in a variety of fields between the alliance universities. Compared to the earlier signed Erasmus agreements between individual FORTHEM alliance universities, the newly signed multilateral agreement allows a considerably larger number of mobilities in a much wider range of fields to take place between the FORTHEM universities. Also, the agreement will enable students from the FORTHEM universities to take part in FORTHEM Campuses, jointly organized semester-long exchange programmes on rotating hosting campuses,at the University of Burgundy in autumn 2021 and at the University of Latvia in spring 2022. A FORTHEM multilateral Erasmus agreement for the new Erasmus programme period from 2022 onwards will be signed later this year and will include an even
International Hub over Borders
28.05.2021. 13.50 Saturs
Universities involved Jyväskylän yliopisto, Finland Université de Bourgogne, France Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany Evaluation : 75,2/100 points. Brief description of the idea for the project We are proposing to create a Discord Server that would help connect FORTHEM Alliance universities. This will open up the possibilities for a new level of communication within FORTHEM Alliance. It will help universities distribute important information, allow communication between students from different universities, help gather ideas from students, create project groups and gain access to the needs and wishes of students in order to find the best possible solutions. For more information download detailed description document .
Pēcdoktoranta stipendija pētniecībai Bar-Ilana universitātē
18.09.2020. 13.00 Ziņa
Applications for the Azrieli Foundation’s International Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research at Bar-Ilan University are now open for the 2021-2022 academic year. Scholarships are available in STEM, Humanities and Social Sciences. Online applications for 2021 may be accessed through the Azrieli Foundation’s website . The value of the Fellowship is approximately €47,000 (+ ILS 188,000) per year, including funds reserved for research and travel . Candidates are required to have an academic supervisor at the university. Students who need support finding an academic sponsor/host at BIU should contact my colleague Prof. Rachel Dekel (copied). More information about the fellowship is attached. We would greatly appreciate if you could circulate this opportunity among your faculties and departments. We be further delighted to see fellowships going to students form our various Erasmus+ partners across Europe.
Enjoy an ERASMUS semester in Valencia! (last days for registration)
05.10.2022. 17.40 Ziņa
This is a semester programme of a minimum duration of 3 months and 30 ECTS, financed by Erasmus funds. But unlike an ordinary ERASMUS semester, the FORTHEM Campus offers together with a block of regulated courses in various areas of knowledge, other seminars, workshops, tutoring, etc. expressly conceived for this FORTHEM Campus. The FORTHEM Digital Transformation Campus will take place at the Universitat de València, during the second semester of the academic year 2022-2023 (from January to June 2023). The activity is aimed at students enrolled in fields of study such as Education, Psychology, Law, Pharmacy, Philology, Data Science… Please, consult the selection criteria and our available courses to apply: Transversal module Disciplinary module Open module More detailed information will be provided by the FORTHEM Local Offices and the academic mobility coordinators, who will assist students in the eventual preparation of their Learning Agreement. Home universities
Business Administration
03.12.2020. 11.55 Saturs
The aim of the study programme "Business Administration" with a specialization in international business is to prepare students to develop their own business in international environment or to work as a highly qualified specialist in state, private and international institutions. The graduates will have a full range of competences to work in the field of entrepreneurship in the context of laws and regulations. Students will be trained to work both - individually and in groups; they will also develop their presentation skills, analytical skills and critical thinking skills, which are necessary both for the labour market to remain effective and for business organizations to develop in a volatile economic environment. Studies are in English.
Dekāns pieņēma Teksasas universitātes profesoru Feodor Vainstein
20.12.2013. 00.05 Ziņa
Dekāns pieņēma Texas A&M University-Texarkana datorikas profesoru Feodor Vainstein un pārrunāja sadarbības iespējas, piemēram, Teksasas Universitātes bagātu studentu sūtīšanu semestri ilgās apmaiņas studijās uz LU (Teksasa neprasa apgūtu pilnu semestra kredītpunktu apjomu un students apzinās, ka studiju laiks pagarināsies).
Career opportunities
30.10.2023. 17.28 Saturs
Students have the opportunity to start their carrier during the studies. The study programme includes a compulsory internship in the industry, which already starts in the 2nd year of studying, so all graduates of the bachelor's programme already have actual work experience. Graduates can fully integrate into the international scope of IT specialists. After graduation, they receive promotions and work on complex international projects. After graduation, students can continue their studies at the Master’s level. ERASMUS+exchange possibilities UL full-time students, regardless of their citizenship, have the opportunity to apply for the ERASMUS + exchange program for studies or/and traineeship. More information: ERASMUS + study mobility ERASMUS + traineeship moblity
Jau otro reizi studentiem ir iespēja iekāpt skolotāja kurpēs
16.01.2023. 16.08 Ziņa
Lai veicinātu pedagoģijas inovāciju idejas skolās, Latvijas Universitātes (LU) Inovāciju centrs LUMIC kopā ar LU Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultāti (LU PPMF) studentiem piedāvā noderīgu iespēju iegūt skolotāja pieredzi. Programmai “Skolotāja kurpēs II” aicināti pieteikties augstskolu studenti, kuri gatavi izmēģināt savus spēkus pedagoģijā. Šobrīd Latvijā ir izteikts pedagogu trūkums, tādēļ LU jau otro reizi organizē inkubācijas programmu “Skolotāja kurpēs II”, lai motivētu studentus nākotnē kļūt par pedagogiem. “Skolotājs ir tas, kas var iedvesmot un skolotājs ir tas, kas var iemācīt mācīties. Skolotāji ir tie, kas liek pamatus ikviena cilvēka tālākam mācīšanās un darba ceļam. Ar šo programmu mēs vēlamies parādīt dažādu jomu studentiem, ka skolotāja darbs var būt interesants un iedvesmojošs. Mēs gribam parādīt ceļu uz skolu un ļaut studējošajiem izbaudīt to, kā ir būt skolotājam? Ko nozīmē gatavoties nodarbībām, ko nozīmē sagatavot mācību materiālus un novadīt stundu
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