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Researchers hope new ERA and widening will help close EU’s innovation gap
12.03.2021. 13.22 Ziņa
Researchers in central and eastern Europe say a scaled up Widening scheme in Horizon Europe and a renewed European Research Area (ERA) could reduce the R&D gap, but member states need to do their part too, improving their research and innovation systems by adopting strategies that have worked in richer countries. In 2019, EU research ministers agreed to ring fence 3.3% of the €95.5 billion Horizon Europe budget for Widening, a move seen as a big victory for MEPs and countries behind a long-running push for a more level playing field in the EU’s research programme. “Research institutions and universities are working on projects to attract young, talented scientists working abroad back to their home countries. In addition, in-house researchers have received help making contacts and getting involved in collaborative projects in western Europe, by opening up “closed clubs” to promote talent to western partners, said Zlatuše Novotná, head of strategic partnerships and international
Opened registration to the webinar “Managing or dealing with stress?”
10.07.2020. 19.04 Ziņa
On 16th of July, 2020, there will be webinar “Managing or dealing with stress?” organized by project MODEST. Webinar will be lead by Roman Kupriyanov, Associate Professor, PhD in Psychology (Kazan National Research Technological University (Kazan, Russia). The webinar will focus on differences between “distress” and “eustress”, assessment of personal stress levels and strategies of stress management. Globalization and digitalization of modern world lead to a transformation in the global society. COVID-19 outbreak accelerated this process. Involuntary lockdown lead to a transfer of the social life into the virtual environment. While the number of real-life contacts decreased, virtual communication without borders grew significantly. A drastic change in the daily routine resulted in stress reactions thus setting new challenges to get adapted to new realities. Therefore, the forthcoming webinar is of a particular interest. Language: English/Russian. The webinar will take place
The Past Reflecting on the Present or the Present Reflecting on the Past. My Contemporary View
28.08.2018. 13.51 Saturs
Aija Priedīte This article should be regarded as a communication link between two, for the Latvian identity, very important research papers and their readers – Lilita Zalkalns’ Back to the Motherland: Repatriation and Latvian Émigrés 1955–1958 and Eva Eglāja-Kristsone’s The Iron Cutters: The Contacts between the Soviet Latvian and the Western Exile Writers. The first paper focuses on the second Soviet repatriation program and a very short time period, the years 1955–1958, but the research work puts the repatriation episode in a much wider context in regard to both time and studied theories and practices. The second paper is chronologically a follow-up of the first one and deals with the newer, very refined, Latvian KGB strategies employed until 1991 to discredit the Latvian exile in the West, involving the cultural and scientific elite of both Soviet Latvia and the Western exile. The readers might regard both papers as history, stories about the past – but no, they show
Year of collaboration each on its own side of the globe
12.03.2021. 13.42 Ziņa
A year has passed since Latvia was struck by the news that a COVID-19 quarantine has been implemented, but even more important is the fact that it has been a year since the grand opening of Taiwan and the Baltic State Research Center on Physics. A year, which was planned to be full of business trips and conferences has turned out differently. Nevertheless, even at times like these, the research did not halt and during this period through collaboration, the first research article has been published in an open-access journal Optics Express. Furthermore, our plans are becoming even bigger and more ambitious. At the moment, a Latvia-Lithuania-Taiwan scientific collaboration project has been announced, through which new international contacts are made for achieving joint goals. At the end of April, anyone who is interested will have the opportunity to connect to a seminar online where scientists from both ISSP UL and NSYSU will talk about their latest research. Of course, we are all
"10th International Young Scientist conference Developments in Optics and Communications 2014 & Laserlab III Training School for Potential Users"
05.09.2019. 18.01 Saturs
The conference “Developments in Optics and Communications” brings together young scientists and students working in the fields of optics and photonics to share ideas for research and to establish contacts for future collaborations. The conference is organized jointly by University of Latvia SPIE student chapter ULSPIE and OSA University of Latvia student chapter OSA-UL. The young scientist conference has been evolving successfully for the past years. The conference traditionally features invited and contributed talks in five sections: Laser physics and spectroscopy; Optics in communication; Biophotonics; Optical materials and phenomena; Vision science. The mission of the Laserlab III Training School for Potential Users “Laser Applications in Spectroscopy, Industry and Medicine” is to introduce networking opportunities for laser scientists in Europe. To further the cooperation between European research facilities and involvement of young researchers, the Laserlab
Secondment from the University of Latvia to Linari Engineering
02.02.2023. 19.51 Saturs
Daina Damberga (Laboratory of Optical Biosensors and Functional Nanomaterials) talks about her valuable experience in Italy: “This summer I had the opportunity to go to Pisa for 2 months to learn the method of electrospinning at Linari Engineering and the University of Pisa. At the university, I collaborated with a master’s student to obtain precisely shaped nano-fiber coatings and aligned fibers in the framework of his master’s thesis. I went here to learn (myself) a new method for obtaining nanofibers, but I was able to do much more. I learned 3D pen, trained my English skills, made new contacts and met cool people. At the end of this trip, I presented and taught the basics of electrospinning to a new potential employee of the company, as well as I participated in the ASI Council meeting through Skype to apply for the position of a research assistant. The hardest part of all this (apart from understanding Italian public transport) was getting the courage to present your results
Ukrainian-Swedish contact seminar (03/10/2023-04/10/2023)
05.11.2023. 20.33 Saturs
On October 3-4, 2023, an impactful Ukrainian-Swedish contact seminar convened with participation from key figures representing the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Research Fund of Ukraine, the National Erasmus Office of Ukraine, the Swedish Innovation Agency “Vinnova,” the National Contact Center Horizon Europe (Sweden), the Swedish Council of Higher Education, alongside distinguished individuals such as the Ambassador of Ukraine to Sweden, Andriy Plahotniuk, and Sweden's Minister of Education, the esteemed Doctor of Philosophy, Matts Persson. The comprehensive two-day seminar was primarily dedicated to crucial discussions surrounding education and scientific advancements, with a key focus on fostering deeper scientific, economic, and cultural bonds between the two nations. In addition to the notable presence of high-ranking government officials, the seminar also featured engaging speeches delivered by eminent scientists and successful entrepreneurs
Impact of COVID-19 on a Sustainable Work Environment in the Context of Decent Work
13.05.2022. 16.59 Saturs |Pages 12-20 | PDF DzintraAtstaja, Dr.oec., Professor BASchool of Business and Finance, Latvia Sanita Osipova, Dr.iur., Professor Faculty of Law, University of Latvia, Latvia Gundega Dambe, Latvian Association for People Management, Latvia Keywords: decent work, sustainability, work in theemergency situation, remote work, workplace well-being Summary Theaim of thestudy is to analyse decent work as avalue stemming from human dignity. Thekey factors include asafe and healthy work environment and working conditions, social protection, compliance with employment law, stability of aworkplace, opportunities for development, training and self-fulfilment, mutual respect, contacts with colleagues, etc. Theimpact of thepandemic has changed employees’ views on “perfect job”. Remote work is only one of thenew forms of employment created by digitalization, which will increasingly enter and strengthen thelabour market. However
Call for Papers. Panel "Conflicts and cooperation in history"
03.02.2023. 14.01 Ziņa
On March 30 and 31, 2023 in Riga (venue will be specified) a panel within the framework of the 81st international scientific conference of the University of Latvia will be organized by the Institute of Latvian History. The history of any region reflects the contacts and interactions of the different beliefs, needs and traditions of the people who lived there. When irreconcilably different points of view meet, this encounter manifests itself in the form of conflicts. Similar beliefs and goals, in turn, encourage the search for solutions through cooperation. At the 81st international conference of the University of Latvia, in the panel "Conflicts and cooperation in history" organized by the Institute of Latvian History, we invite you to focus on the dynamics of mutual relations between individuals, groups of people, peoples and countries and the influence of said dynamics on the course of history in the period from the most ancient times to the present day. Papers addressing any
About the programme
04.07.2014. 17.24 Saturs
label for the second time, in the competition among 114 programmes becoming one of the 64 members of the EMT network. The European Master’s in Translation network has been set up on the initiative of the European Commission. The network unites the master’s level programmes in translation of the EU countries and one non-EU country (Switzerland) that have obtained the EMT quality label, because they meet the agreed EMT quality criteria: they provide theoretical and practical knowledge according to market demands, have qualified teaching staff, use modern translation technology, are innovative, have international contacts and cooperate with market players both locally and internationally.More about European Master's in Translation (EMT)
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