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Accenture invites students to participate in Night Hack hackathon
25.05.2022. 15.56 Ziņa
Are you interested in IT security?If so, Accenture Night Hack hackathon is for you! The event will take place on June 3, 2022 from 19:00 till 3:00, online. Apply and you will have a chance to test your skills in Capture The Flag event byattempting to hack into our lab machines and steal valuable secrets. The most successfulones will get rewarded with cool prizes: Xbox Series X Samsung Q67A QLED 4K Smart TV TCL Soundbar TS8132 3.1.2ch 350W +JBL Tune T660 On-Ear BT ANC Use this opportunity to meet likeminded people and us - the Accenture IT security people, to find out more about what we do. The application is open until the 29th of May 23:45: . Acceptedparticipants will be contacted via
Civic Engagement Projects
15.09.2020. 16.13 Ziņa
Since the end of July 2020, the Call for Civic Engagement projects of the FORTHEM alliance is open. This is one of the Outreach activities planned by FORTHEM, open to all FORTHEM students and NGO’s of our regions. The aim of this call is that FORTHEM student teams promote and manage volunteering and education projects for development, solidarity and awareness in collaboration with NGOs or other local associations. These projects should have a clear European added value by addressing priorities identified at European level according to the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by all UN member states . The 2030 Agenda provides a shared vision of a sustainable future free of hunger, inequality and poverty based on the principles of inclusion, solidarity and active citizenship and we are sure the students have novel and creative ideas to encounter some of these wicked problems. Volunteering gives students the opportunity to directly contribute to sustainable development enabling
Civic Engagement Projects
22.10.2020. 12.39 Ziņa
Since the end of July 2020, the Call for Civic Engagement projects of the FORTHEM alliance is open. This is one of the Outreach activities planned by FORTHEM, open to all FORTHEM students and NGO’s of our regions. The aim of this call is that FORTHEM student teams promote and manage volunteering and education projects for development, solidarity and awareness in collaboration with NGOs or other local associations. These projects should have a clear European added value by addressing priorities identified at European level according to the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by all UN member states . The 2030 Agenda provides a shared vision of a sustainable future free of hunger, inequality and poverty based on the principles of inclusion, solidarity and active citizenship and we are sure the students have novel and creative ideas to encounter some of these wicked problems. Volunteering gives students the opportunity to directly contribute to sustainable development enabling
LU HZF teoloģijas un reliģijpētniecības studiju programmu studentu telpa
01.07.2024. 16.54 Saturs
Teoloģijas un reliģijpētniecības studentiem ir iespēja laiku pirms, pēc un starp lekcijām pavadīt studentu telpā jeb "bunkurā". Šeit studentiem ir iespēja individuāli vai kopīgi pildīt mājās uzdotos darbus, pārrunāt dažādus tematus pie siltas tējas krūzes, u.c. Fakti un noteikumi: 1. Bunkurs ir pieejams visiem teoloģijas un reliģijpētniecības studentiem. Septembra laikā katru gadu tiek atjaunots saraksts ar studējošajiem, kuriem ir pieeja bunkuram. 2. Bunkura atslēga atrodas pie dežuranta. 3. Ar bunkura atslēgu NEDRĪKST aiziet mājās. Tiklīdz students pamet bunkuru, lai dotos, piemēram, uz lekciju, viņam atslēga ir jānodod dežurantam. Ja viņš/viņa vēlas atgriezties bunkurā pēc lekcijas, atslēga ir atkārtoti jāpaņem no dežuranta. 4. Bunkurā NEDRĪKST - nesaudzīgi un neadekvāti apieties ar tur pieejamo tehniku un mēbelēm. Tāpat arī ir jāievēro LU ugunsdrošības noteikumi. 5. Bunkurs ir atpūtas, harmonijas un sadraudzības vieta. Saudzēsim to, lai tas turpina kalpot vēl neskaitāmus
Does your organization need an international student trainee? FORTHEM Alliance is available for you!
10.11.2021. 13.50 Ziņa
university are there to help and support both the organization and the student in the practical details. Testimonials: A German student carried our her FORTHEM internship virtually in Jyväskylä A French student carried out his FORTHEM internship physically in València Did you get interested? Please contact your local FORTHEM office for further details: Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz: / local FORTHEM webpage Jyväskylän yliopisto:  / local FORTHEM webpage LatvijasUniversitāte: / local FORTHEM webpage UniversitàdegliStudidi Palermo: / local FORTHEM webpage UniversitatdeValència: / local FORTHEM webpage Universitéde Bourgogne: / local FORTHEM webpage UniwersytetOpolski: / local FORTHEM website
Cooperation Agreement between Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz and Università degli Studi di Palermo
07.11.2022. 11.55 Ziņa
All UniPa students attending a Philosophy graduate course will now have the chance to take part in a new Double Degree Programme. Successful graduates of the Degree Programme obtain the following degrees : - JGU : “Master of Arts (M.A.)” awarded by Fachbereich 05 of JGU. - UniPa : “Laurea Magistrale (LM)” awarded by Corso di Studi in Scienze Filosofiche e Storiche of Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche of UniPa. All students apply for the programme at UniPa. They spend their first year at UniPa and continue their studies in the third semester at JGU. In the fourth semester, students choose to perform the master thesis either at UniPa or JGU. The standard Degree Programme study period is 4 semesters (2 years) full time with 30 ECTS credits per semester and 120 ECTS credits in total. The Degree Programme only begins at UniPa in winter semester.
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