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Exhibition of students’ posters “Music” at the Library at Kalpaka Boulevard
18.08.2016. 21.20 Ziņa
“Music”, an exhibition of works by 3rd year graphic design students of the professional Bachelor study programme “Art”. The Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Art of the University of Latvia, will be opened for public viewing at the Library at Kalpaka Boulevard 4 from August 17th until November 15th, 2016. The exhibition contains posters dedicated to the theme of music that have been created as a result of a study task. The task defined a free choice of music genre, as well as tools of expression to allow a free visual interpretation and this has resulted in a magnificent and professionally enjoyable collection of posters. It exhibits posters devoted to groups like: “Red Hot Chilli Peppers”, “The Doors”, “U2” and individual musicians including: Raimonds Pauls, Tracy Chapman, Amy Winehouse , as well as other artists.Participants of this exhibition are: S. Andrijevska, J. Garecka, U. Inapša, K. Lastovska, E. Lenša, I. Ozola, T. Ponomarjova, M. Požidajeva, K. Riekstiņa, L. Rūdolfa, I
Interview - Louis Prudent (French student from uB)
21.06.2021. 19.32 Ziņa
When, where and for how long did your mobility last? Was it your first time abroad? “I did my internship in Valencia, Spain, in January and February 2021 (for my first year of master). It wasn’t my first experience abroad. I’ve been to Galway, Ireland too, to do an internship for my DUT.” Why did you choose that particular internship? Did you integrate well? How was it? “I contacted FORTHEM when I was searching for an internship, and I specified in my cover letter that I wanted to do an internship in molecular biology which is an area that I am passionate about. I didn’t have any preference concerning the country of destination, I just wanted to improve my level of English. I knew that usually with exchange students, research laboratories work in English, no matter which country you are in. I also wanted to live in another country for a while and discover new things, all the while knowing that this experience would be a good asset in my resume. I integrated quite well
LU Studentu teātris spēlē teātri "Rīga spēlē teātri 2023"
04.09.2023. 16.55 Ziņa
No 24 līdz 27. augustam Rīgā, VEF Kultūras pilī, norisinājās ikgadējā Rīgas amatierteātru izrāžu parāde (skate) "Rīga spēlē teātri 2023", kurā piedalījās Rīgas amatierteātri, to skaitā arī Latvijas Universitātes Studentu teātris ar jaunāko iestudējumu "Piezīmes Mr. Valdemāra lietā". Visvalža Klintsona režijā izrāde tapusi pēc amerikāņu šausmu stāstu rakstnieka Edgara Alana Po tāda paša nosaukuma stāsta motīviem. Stāsta varonis ar savu eksperimentu neļauj aizvērties durvīm, aiz kurām ir nāves valstība. Zinātkāre ir spēcīgāka par bailēm un apdomību. Taču... kādas var būt sekas? Lomās: Profesors Pols - Mārcis Pakalns, Mr. Ernests Valdemārs - Renalds Beļaks, Studentu korporācijas biedri - Karīna Sīle, Vanesa Koka, Ārsti - Solvija Cera, Evita Ozolniece. Režisors - Visvaldis Klintsons Gaismas un skaņas - Andrējs Krūmiņš Režisora asistents - Astra Plivča Grafiskais dizains - Lāsma Vekmane-Bukolde
ISSP UL participates in the ESI Student Innovation Programm
20.05.2022. 12.53 Ziņa
The Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (SSE Riga) together with partners has launched and continues to implement the student business innovation programme. The programme is jointly implemented by several representatives of education and industry – Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, Latvian Academy of Arts, Riga Graduate School of Law, Rēzekne Academy of Technology, consulting company Civitta Latvija and industry partners (Latvian Social Entrepreneurship Association, Zero Waste Latvia, Techhub, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, Rezekne Business Association, Latvian Electrical and Electronics Industry Association). The program focuses on environmental and social innovation issues (ESI). The aim is to provide students with the knowledge and resources who want to make the world more sustainable. More information
European Studies Master Programme Graduation Ceremony, 16th June
19.03.2018. 21.00 Ziņa
On June 16th, 2011 the European Studies Master Programme held its annual Graduation Ceremony. As tradition indicates it took place in the Great Hall at the University of Latvia. In total nineteen students graduated with all academic distinctions. Among the recent graduates were students not only from Latvia, but also from Azerbaijan, and the Netherlands. Throughout the graduates’ two-year programme students placed emphasis on deepening their knowledge of European Studies within the dimensions of economics, law, political science/public administration with components from history, international relations, regional science and other relevant disciplines. During their studies, European Studies students had the opportunity to participate in a practical seminar in Brussels and Luxembourg.The visit to key EU institutions and NATO headquarters allowed students to meet representatives of each institution and participated in discussions on current topics relating to EU policy. In addition
European Studies Master Programme Graduation Ceremony, 16th June
16.08.2020. 23.37 Ziņa
On June 16th, 2011 the European Studies Master Programme held its annual Graduation Ceremony. As tradition indicates it took place in the Great Hall at the University of Latvia. In total nineteen students graduated with all academic distinctions. Among the recent graduates were students not only from Latvia, but also from Azerbaijan, and the Netherlands. Throughout the graduates’ two-year programme students placed emphasis on deepening their knowledge of European Studies within the dimensions of economics, law, political science/public administration with components from history, international relations, regional science and other relevant disciplines. During their studies, European Studies students had the opportunity to participate in a practical seminar in Brussels and Luxembourg.The visit to key EU institutions and NATO headquarters allowed students to meet representatives of each institution and participated in discussions on current topics relating to EU policy. In addition
Doctoral students-foreigners from doctoral studies programme`s module „Global Management and Leadership” have accomplished theoretical courses
14.02.2015. 10.26 Ziņa
Currently the 4 weeks long winter session for doctoral students-foreigners from LU Doctoral studies program in Management, studies module “Global Management and Leadership”, is finished. In totality approximately 100 foreigners , mainly from Austria and Germany are studying in this module. The program is implemented in collaboration with partners – University of Applied Sciences of Kufstein in Austria and Diploma University in Germany. Courses, discussions, debates of research results in classroom and exams have already passed for the second doctoral students group. Now in the agenda we have the discussions of theses during the meetings of the department of International Economics and Business of LU. Throughout the studies not only dissertations are created – a young generation of doctoral students has appeared: Philipp (6 months) and Valerie (8 months). Their moms Susanna Minder and Katharina Silberbauer have presented their dissertations to the department and the Katharina’s thesis
Futbolists, treneris un students Andrejs Sitiks: Tici saviem spēkiem un nekad nepadodies pusceļā!
02.12.2022. 16.08 Ziņa
“Tici saviem spēkiem un nekad nepadodies pusceļā!” teic madonietis un futbolists, Latvijas Universitātes (LU) Madonas filiāles pirmā līmeņa profesionālās augstākās izglītības studiju programmas “Sporta treneris” 2. kursa students Andrejs Sitiks.Andrejs ar futbolu nodarbojas kopš bērnības, ir Latvijas minifutbola valsts izlasē, tagad spēlē Latvijas Telpu futbola virslīgā, trenē jaunos futbolistus Madonā, praktizē ziemas peldes, un viņam ir vēl kāda neparasta nodarbe ķermeņa tonizēšanai un prāta koncentrēšanai. To uzzināsiet, lasot Andreja pieredzes stāstu! Futbolu sāku spēlēt no sešu gadu vecuma. Iedvesmojos no sava tēta, kurš piedalījās dažādos futbola turnīros Madonā un ārpus tās. Jaunībā man tika izteikts piedāvājums spēlēt Madonas komandā, tur arī sāku gūt savu pieredzi. Esmu Latvijas Mini futbola izlases spēlētājs, aiz muguras ir divi Eiropas čempionāti un divi Pasaules čempionāti. Šobrīd spēlēju futbola kluba “Madona” Latvijas Telpu futbola virslīgā. Tagad laiks nodot savas
Tulkošanas rīka „Memsource Cloud” licence PMSP „Rakstiskā tulkošana” pasniedzējiem un studentiem
06.11.2019. 18.04 Ziņa
PMSP „Rakstiskā tulkošana” saņēmusi bezmaksas „Memsource Cloud” licenci „Memsource Academic edition” 2019./2020.gadam PMSP „Rakstiskā tulkošana” saņēmusi bezmaksas „Memsource Cloud” licenci „Memsource Academic edition” 2019./2020. gadam. „Memsource Academic edition” varēs izmantot gan pasniedzēji, gan studenti tulkošanai tiešsaistē. „MemSource Cloud” veido pilnīgu tulkošanas vidi, kas ietver tulkošanas atmiņu, integrētu mašīntulkošanu, terminoloģijas pārvaldību, kvalitātes nodrošināšanu, kā arī gan tīmekļbāzētu, gan darbvirsmas redaktoru. Mēs pateicamies MemSource Technologies uzņēmumam Prāgā par bezmaksas akadēmisko licenci. Memsource tīmekļa vietne: Memsource Cloud licence for PMSP Translation students and trainers Professional Master’s Studies Programme “Translation” has obtained a free Memsource Cloud licence "Memsource Academic edition" for 2019/2020. Memsource Academic edition will be used by lecturers and students of the programme
We invite you to apply and develop ideas in the “Student Deep Science Hackathon” organized by ISSP UL
28.09.2020. 13.47 Ziņa
On October 16-18, 2020, the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia will organize the second hackathon “Student Deep Science hackathon”, this time online, to give students the opportunity to develop their ideas and meet new team members. The event will be a workshop for the creation and development of new innovative ideas in a virtual environment for students who want to form interdisciplinary teams with innovation potential. We are looking for interesting ideas in the fields of STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics). During the 3 days, participants will form interdisciplinary teams with previously submitted ideas, develop them together with mentors and at the end of the event will present the commercialization plan to the jury, scientists, investors and interested parties. During the event, participants will be provided with mentor support, co-working environment and information for commercialization steps. It will be presented in the form
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