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International Conference for Students of Social Sciences is Over
28.03.2012. 19.54 Ziņa
Three- day- long International Student Conference „ National Identity: Time, Place, People” ended on March, 17. The students of different academic levels (Bachelor, Master and Doctoral) and different social sciences (sociology, political sciences, philosophy, anthropology, linguistics, semiotics, public relations, economics) were brought together. They were representatives from ten countries-Ghana, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Russia, China, Latvia, Mexico, Romania, Serbia, and Ukraine. All in all, 39 presentations were delivered by 41 students. Many-sided perspectives on identity issues, including migration and religion, were offered. The speakers also addressed the questions of people’s voluntary or compulsary engagement in political and social activities, as well as referred to past cultural events which today enjoy their own renaissance. The Conference provided young researchers with an opportunity to come together, explore new ideas and possible information sources promoting
Profesionālās maģistra studiju programmas „Starptautiskais bizness” studenti apspriež studijas
07.02.2015. 13.18 Ziņa
Noslēdzoties kārtējam studiju semestrim, MSB studenti sapulcējās ziemīgā 29. janvāra vakarā, lai kopīgi pārrunātu aizvadīto pusgadu, kā arī lai apsveiktu programmas direktori profesori Baibu Šavirņu ar nesen iegūto Francijas valsts godalgu - kavaliera pakāpes Akadēmiskā palmas zara ordeni. Neformālā gaisotnē tika stiprinātas profesionālās, akadēmiskās, koleģiālās un biedriskuma saites MSB studentu starptautiskajā kolektīvā. Tika apspriestas jauniegūtās zināšanas, iegūtā pieredze, ārzemju studentu iespaidi par Latvijā pavadīto laiku, kā arī daudz kas cits. Diemžēl no dažiem mūsu jaunajiem kolēģiem un draugiem nāksies šķirties uz nenoteiktu laiku, jo daži dosies uz ārzemju partneraugstskolām ERASMUS apmaiņas programmā. Taču mūsu draudzīgais un atvērtais kolektīvs ar nepacietību gaida pievienojamies jaunus studentus no Francijas, kuri ieradīsies pavasara semestrī dubultdiploma līguma ietvaros.
Students of the Summer school are invited to prepare a short presentation
26.03.2018. 22.07 Saturs
Students of the Summer school are invited to prepare a short presentation of 15 min. focussing on a particular question or problem related to the doctorate. Please provide enough information in order to understand the question/problem and methodology. Students will have to use a PowerPoint with NO MORE THAN 5 SLIDES. Please send the PowerPoint presentation of 5 slides no later than 20 May to Liene Riekstina:
Bending Spoons invites students to participate in 12-month mentorship program Transcend
08.05.2021. 13.23 Ziņa
Bending Spoons is organizing Transcend, a 12-month mentorship program for Europe's best students in the field of programming. Participation in the event is competition-based, with the best 20 students gaining the chance to meet and receive mentorship from our senior engineers about tech topics and career choices. Leading European tech company Bending Spoons organizes and sponsors Transcend, as a way to support and encourage STEM students to pursue a career in software engineering. Transcend is an exclusive, free mentorship program for Europe’s STEM students with a passion for software engineering. Twenty entrants win an exclusive, one‑on‑one mentorship program led by a senior engineer at Bending Spoons, receiving valuable, long‑lasting counseling and coaching that can’t be accessed anywhere else. More information
The courses of the Latvian language help international students to understand Latvian culture better
20.02.2020. 16.37 Ziņa
Every semester the Centre of Applied Linguistics of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Latvia, offers international students to study the Latvian language. Now five groups (levels A1-B1) of international students are learning the practical Latvian language. Students come to Latvia from various countries in the frames of Erasmus+ mobility programme: from Germany, the USA, Australia, Italy, France, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Russia, China, Korea, Japan, Poland, Lithuania, and from many others. The Centre of Applied Linguistics offers international students to acquire the practical Latvian language at different levels (from A1 to B2) in the frames of a 6 ECTS course. The majority of students learn Latvian for one semester at A1 level, since their Erasmus period lasts for one semester. However, there are students who stay longer, or who at their home universities study Latvian or Baltic philology (mostly they are from Poland or Lithuania
The courses of the Latvian language help international students to understand Latvian culture better
04.06.2020. 23.38 Ziņa
Every semester the Centre of Applied Linguistics of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Latvia, offers international students to study the Latvian language. Now five groups (levels A1-B1) of international students are learning the practical Latvian language. Students come to Latvia from various countries in the frames of Erasmus+ mobility programme: from Germany, the USA, Australia, Italy, France, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Russia, China, Korea, Japan, Poland, Lithuania, and from many others. The Centre of Applied Linguistics offers international students to acquire the practical Latvian language at different levels (from A1 to B2) in the frames of a 6 ECTS course. The majority of students learn Latvian for one semester at A1 level, since their Erasmus period lasts for one semester. However, there are students who stay longer, or who at their home universities study Latvian or Baltic philology (mostly they are from Poland or Lithuania
70 students from Ukraine begin “European Union” studies in Univerdity of Latvia
28.09.2020. 03.18 Ziņa
Each year, the Political Science Division of the University of Latvia's Faculty of Social Sciences, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia, hosts students from various Ukrainian universities in an intensive training three-month-long intensive module the Young professionals` school: “Studies of the European Union – Internal and Foreign Policy”. This year, the project will be implemented from 20th September to 18th December 2020. The studies will take place in English and are meant for Ukrainian students who obtain or have already obtained higher education. The European Studies module consists of two integrated parts: Foreign Affairs (in which courses such as Europeanization: from partnership to membership will be learned and foundation of the European Union) and Domestic Affairs (governance and management of the European Union, politics and policy in Latvia, strategic communication and public diplomacy). For each module passed, students
Two Latvian Students to participate in 2011 EU-Canada Study Tour
19.03.2018. 20.44 Ziņa
Every year, the European Network for Canadian Studies (ENCS) in collaboration with European Commission organise EU-Canada Study Tour and Internship Programme 2011 - "Thinking Canada". The annual four-week long study tour to Canada for European students will take place from September 4 th to October 2 nd , 2011. This year Valters Lācis and Kristīne Kince , European Studies Master's students, from the University of Latvia will represent Latvia during the Study Tour. It will commence with three days of briefings in Brussels on the EU and EU-Canada relations. After receiving more than 350 applications, 42 students were chosen as the EU-Canada Study Tour 2011 participants, among them were 12 applications from Latvia. "Thinking Canada" is aimed to offer European students a unique opportunity to experience an in-depth exposure to a wide variety of institutions (both private and public), government bodies, think tanks and NGOs in Canada. At each place, the students
Two Latvian Students to participate in 2011 EU-Canada Study Tour
16.08.2020. 23.35 Ziņa
Every year, the European Network for Canadian Studies (ENCS) in collaboration with European Commission organise EU-Canada Study Tour and Internship Programme 2011 - "Thinking Canada". The annual four-week long study tour to Canada for European students will take place from September 4 th to October 2 nd , 2011. This year Valters Lācis and Kristīne Kince , European Studies Master's students, from the University of Latvia will represent Latvia during the Study Tour. It will commence with three days of briefings in Brussels on the EU and EU-Canada relations. After receiving more than 350 applications, 42 students were chosen as the EU-Canada Study Tour 2011 participants, among them were 12 applications from Latvia. "Thinking Canada" is aimed to offer European students a unique opportunity to experience an in-depth exposure to a wide variety of institutions (both private and public), government bodies, think tanks and NGOs in Canada. At each place, the students will receive
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