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Summer School “Methodology for epidemiological/psychological investigations, specifically for quality-of-life and resilience thematic”
10.05.2021. 13.52 Ziņa
Resilience, Life Quality and Demographic Change Lab University of Latvia teamwillorganize virtual Summer School“Methodology for epidemiological/psychological investigations, specifically for quality-of-life and resilience thematic”from17.05.2021.till20.05.2021. Properplanning and methodology of scientific research aresome of the majorproblems of young researchers.The initial description and planning of the study should help students better understand their needs including the aims and specific questions of the study. In contrast with more experienced researchers, students and young researchers are not always aware of methodological problems that can appear at the time of performing a study. This Summer School will provide methodological instruments for planning, analysis, evaluation, discussion, and critical approach related to epidemiological/ psychological studies in the field of quality of life (QOL) and resilience. Lecturers will be from the University of Latvia and
Latvijas Farmācijas studentu asociācijā valdes maiņa
20.11.2012. 18.47 Ziņa
Nemanāmi beidzās vasara, un ir atsācies aizņemtais studiju laiks. Zelta rudeni var redzēt tikai, skatoties uz savām kājām, kuras bieži vien ir slapjas, un tikai dažas lapas vēl spītīgi turas koku zaros, pretojoties vējam un pirmajam sniegam. Arī Latvijas Farmācijas Studentu asociācijai (LFSA) šis ir pārmaiņu rudens, jo ir pagājuši 2 gadi kopš iepriekšējās valdes darbības laika sākuma, tāpēc 16.oktobra vakarā Farmācijas muzeja telpās LFSA kopsapulcē tika rezumēts paveiktais un arī neīstenotais, un nodota stafete jaunajai valdei. Kopsapulcē piedalījās 20 farmācijas studenti un absolventi, no Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes un Latvijas Universitātes. Prieks bija redzēt arī Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes Farmācijas fakultātes dekāni Baibu Mauriņu. Pirmajā sapulces daļā tika kopīgi apsveikti nesenie jubilāri – Jānis Kurlovičs un Matīss Ķite 25 gadu dzimšanas dienā un Joanna Jeņina un Elīna Starčenko ar apaļajiem 20. Pēc tam LFSA valdes priekšsēdētājs Jānis Kurlovičs sniedza ieskatu LFSA
International Development at the Faculty of Economics and Management
21.10.2010. 15.20 Ziņa
in France and cooperation projects. Latvia is the newest member of the network among 35 Member States. The French-speaking network is established in support of the development of science through cooperation of researchers and students from all over the world. Baiba Šavriņa, the director of this program, highlighted the endless possibilities of the network. These possibilities include conferences, doctoral schools, as well as opportunities for publications. The current event is marked by a competition for annual premium, and the doctoral students from Latvia are welcome to apply (an application may also be written in English). World-Class Doctoral Students from Germany and Austria The Faculty also participates in the activities related to the international network of Consortium of European Universities. Its initiators were the Austrians and Germans. The network also includes universities from Great Britain, France, Spain (Canary Islands) and Czech Republic. Up to now, UL has organized video
Application for Erasmus+ study mobility in autumn 2023
14.02.2023. 10.40 Ziņa
The UL Faculty of Humanities student application for Erasmus+ study mobility in autumn 2023 will take place from 13.02.2023. until 23.02.2023. The application form can be submitted here Faculty of Humanities Erasmus+ study mobility application form ( The information about the application process is available here: Erasmus+ study mobility ( The list of the Faculty of Humanities current partner institutions is available here: HZF līgumi pa studiju programmām - Google dokumenti Students of the Faculty of Humanities (BA, MA and PhD programmes) who have no financial or academic debts, and are not on a study leave can apply for Erasmus+ grant. First year students can apply if they pass the study courses of 40 CP with an average grade at least “7” before the start of the mobility. ! Before applying, the student should clarify which languages are required for studying at the partner university If you have any questions, please approach the Faculty of Humanities
2022./2023. akad. gadā
30.11.2022. 14.31 Saturs
M.M.V.Petkevičs piemiņas stipendija Anna Kristīna Trautmane Anglistikas, Eiropas valodu un biznesa studiju BSP 1. kursa studente M.M.V.Petkevičs piemiņas stipendija Roberts Ozols Anglistikas, Eiropas valodu un biznesa studiju BSP 1. kursa students M.M.V.Petkevičs piemiņas stipendija Luīze Siliņa Anglistikas, Eiropas valodu un biznesa studiju BSP 1. kursa studente Latgales “Ceļamaize” Timurs Ragozins Anglistikas, Eiropas valodu un biznesa studiju BSP 1. kursa students Kristapa Morberga stipendija Alise Zita Zeidaka Baltu filoloģijas BSP 2. kursa studente Kristapa Morberga stipendija Džekija Eilande Džekija Eilande, Austrumu-Rietumu starpkultūru studiju BSP 2. kursa
01.06.2023. 15.34 Saturs
that sometimes need to cooperate from different locations. On the other end, approaching the games remotely allowed students from colleges all around Italy to participate. The work describes and comments on each game in detail, considering the students’ performance. In general, it can be stated that students liked the playful experience, although they found themselves not wholly confident with some topics and the related time restriction. These games, first-of-all helped review and train the basic concepts; therefore, the students have a better approach to studying the first Mathematical course at the University. They found the games’ dynamics helpful in highlighting some simple tricks and common mistakes. Keywords: Game based learning, Mathematics, Online challenge, Pair work, Playful environment About the authors Maria Giulia Ballatore. She is a Research Fellow at the Department of Mathematical Sciences of the Politecnico di Torino, Italy and a graduate student in Engineering Education. Her
Juridiskās prakses un palīdzības centrs
16.10.2018. 21.39 Saturs
Kopš 1999. gada Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskajā fakultātē kā studiju kurss ir iekļauta juridiskās palīdzības sniegšana, kura docēšanu un norisi nodrošina fakultātes Juridiskās prakses un palīdzības centrs.Kursu apguvei piedāvā Tiesību zinātnes profesionālā maģistra studiju programmas 1. studiju gadā. Centra galvenais uzdevums ir dot iespēju studentiem jau studiju laikā praktizēties, sniedzot bezmaksas juridisko palīdzību maznodrošinātām personām. Kurss pamatā ir domāts tiem studentiem, kuri studiju laikā nestrādā. Par darbību Centrā studenti saņem divus kredītpunktus katrā semestrī.Katru gadu Centrā ar profesionāla psihologa palīdzību tiek atlasīti 24 studenti, kuri pēc ievadlekciju un specializēto lekciju noklausīšanās uzsāk darbu ar klientiem, sniedzot tiem juridisku palīdzību. No studentiem Centrā tiek prasīta stingra disciplīnas ievērošana, obligāts lekciju un semināru apmeklējums, regulāri iesniegtas atskaites.Septembrī un oktobrī studenti noklausās ievadlekcijas par Centra
Russian Language Courses
24.01.2024. 12.01 Saturs
Russian language course offer for Spring 2023/2024: The registration takes place after the first meeting. Russian A1 1 - first meeting on Tuesday, 06.02., at 10:30, room 204 (Visvalža 4a – Faculty of Humanities), teacher Jelena Sevastjanova (; Russian A 1. 2, A2. 1 – first meeting on Tuesday, 06.02, at 12:30, room 422 (Visvalža 4a – Faculty of Humanities), teacher Jelena Sevastjanova ( Russian B1 and B2 – first meeting on Tuesday, 06.02.. at 14:00, room 108 (Visvalža 4a – Faculty of Humanities), Jelena Marcenko ( Application for the first meeting: Application for Russian language courses for Erasmus students (Faculty of Humanities) ( Valo1492 Russian as a Foreign Language (Level A1 1) 6 ECTS - for beginners Valo1493 Russian as a Foreign Language (Level A1 2) 6 ECTS - for students who have been studying Russian for a semester Valo2414 Russian
UniPa FORTHEM Summer School 2021-2022: a positive balance
13.07.2022. 19.36 Ziņa
The four FORTHEM summer school organised by professors and students’ associations of the University of Palermo have just ended, and the balance of this experience is more than positive. The summer schools were: “Workshop: Palermo, a city of stratification of culture and dialogue”, organised by SEARCH association and proff. Margagliotta, Corrao and De Marco; “Sustainable Agrofood Production”, led by prof. Inglese’s team;"Migrants’ Rights in European Space”, hosted by prof. Todaro and his team and the last, which has recently concluded, “Practices of language mediation”, coordinated by proff. Rizzo and Rudvin. 95 students from all the partner universities took part in the four collective short-term mobilities, which were related to topics such as the intercultural dialogue, the importance of the correct nutrition, the protection of migrants and the language mediation. The feedback received from students confirms that they are satisfied from their FORTHEM mobility experience
12.01.2022. 14.35 Saturs
Prakse ir studiju programmas sastāvdaļa. Profesionālo studiju programmās prakse ir obligāta. Prakse notiek saskaņā ar rektora apstiprinātu LU studējošo prakses organizēšanas kārtību. Prakses mērķi, uzdevumi, plānojums laikā un vērtēšanas kārtība ir noteikti programmas prakses nolikumā, ar kuru students var iepazīties pie savas programmas lietveža/padomnieka un atbilstošajā studiju kursa aprakstā. Prakses vietu studentam piedāvā fakultātes prakses organizators. Students ir tiesīgs izvēlēties arī citu prakses vietu, kuras atbilstību programmas prasībām izvērtē prakses organizators. Šajā gadījumā starp LU, prakses vietu un studentu slēdz trīspusēju līgumu, kurā paredzēti visu pušu pienākumi un atbildība. Studenta praksi konkrētajā iestādē vada prakses vadītājs – fakultātes pārstāvis un iestādes vadītāja norīkots darbinieks. Prakses noslēgumā students sagatavo un iesniedz prakses atskaiti pēc fakultātes noteiktas formas. Iestādes prakses vadītājs sagatavo atsauksmi (raksturojumu) par
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