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Baltic Science Network Final Conference & CBSS Baltic Sea Science Day 2019
13.02.2019. 14.56 Ziņa
Conference and the CBSS Baltic Sea Science Day 2019 will have an opportunity to familiarize with the 2018 awardees of the L’Oréal Baltic for Women in Science Fellowship Programme . Bearing in mind the annual celebrations of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science (held on 11 February worldwide), this exhibition will an inspiring overview of the impressive talent housed in some parts of the Baltic Sea Region. Founded in 1998, the L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science partnership was created to recognize and promote women in science. Its programs reward established women scientists whose outstanding achievements have contributed to the advancement of scientific knowledge and of its benefits to society and provide support to promising young women who are already making significant contributions in their scientific disciplines. For more information, please consult the 2018 ceremony´s entry on the website of the European Sustainable Development Week . Conference Programme (as of 11 Feb
Research Workshop in Business and Finance 2019
09.04.2019. 14.34 Ziņa
of the evidence of the study thus far (to include an outline of any preliminary findings if applicable); expected contribution and its significance; conclusions, and remaining concerns or problems to be overcome (to include any areas in which help would still be useful, and any questions for the members’ panel). Contact : Ivanda Jakovele ( ) Prof.Margarita Dunska ( )
Series of guest lectures by Andris Piebalgs, the final - "EU Budget Policy" on May 27, 2015
13.08.2020. 01.05 Ziņa
We cordially to invite you to the third and last guest lecture in the series by Mr.Andris Piebalgs – "EU Budget Policy".Please note that the initially planned date (May 20, 2015) has been changed and the lecture will take place on May 27, 2015 at the University of Latvia, Small Hall, 18:15 - 21:30. The series of guest lectures at the University of Latvia by Mr. Andris Piebalgs, Adviser of the President of the Republic of Latvia on European and Economic Affairs, former Commissioner from Latvia to the European Union, were commenced on March 6, 2015 with the comprehensive overview of the European Union's (EU) energy policy and energy security aspects globally, followed by the second lecture on March 20, 2015 about EU Development Cooperation Policy. The video of previous guest lectures are available at University of Latvia European Studies Master Programme`s webpage -<wbr />masterstudies/piebalgs/nc/, as well as at the University of Latvia Youtube Chanel
Civic Engagement Projects
15.09.2020. 16.13 Ziņa
Since the end of July 2020, the Call for Civic Engagement projects of the FORTHEM alliance is open. This is one of the Outreach activities planned by FORTHEM, open to all FORTHEM students and NGO’s of our regions. The aim of this call is that FORTHEM student teams promote and manage volunteering and education projects for development, solidarity and awareness in collaboration with NGOs or other local associations. These projects should have a clear European added value by addressing priorities identified at European level according to the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by all UN member states . The 2030 Agenda provides a shared vision of a sustainable future free of hunger, inequality and poverty based on the principles of inclusion, solidarity and active citizenship and we are sure the students have novel and creative ideas to encounter some of these wicked problems. Volunteering gives students the opportunity to directly contribute to sustainable development enabling
Civic Engagement Projects
22.10.2020. 12.39 Ziņa
Since the end of July 2020, the Call for Civic Engagement projects of the FORTHEM alliance is open. This is one of the Outreach activities planned by FORTHEM, open to all FORTHEM students and NGO’s of our regions. The aim of this call is that FORTHEM student teams promote and manage volunteering and education projects for development, solidarity and awareness in collaboration with NGOs or other local associations. These projects should have a clear European added value by addressing priorities identified at European level according to the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by all UN member states . The 2030 Agenda provides a shared vision of a sustainable future free of hunger, inequality and poverty based on the principles of inclusion, solidarity and active citizenship and we are sure the students have novel and creative ideas to encounter some of these wicked problems. Volunteering gives students the opportunity to directly contribute to sustainable development enabling
Webinar: Customer service in intercultural situations, 25th March 12:00-13:00 CET
12.02.2021. 12.00 Ziņa
This webinar is a pilot event organised by Human resources development network at the FORTHEM universities. The webinar is targeted to human resources staff at the FORTHEM universities. The event is conducted fully in English. Webinar: Customer service in intercultural situations, 25th March 2021 at 12:00-13:00 CET The webinar has two main goals: to understand the complexities of intercultural situations and to encourage participants to gain confidence for participation in intercultural contexts. In order to achieve these goals, the workshop introduces fundamental issues and concepts in intercultural and multilingual communication focusing on customer service. We will discuss the challenges that international students/staff face when coming to a new university as ‘customers’ as well as the ‘typical’ phenomena that we all experience in intercultural situations (uncertainty, stereotypes, etc.). Using small exercises, we will also discuss the dangers and limitations
Call for Applications: “Implications of Crises on the State of Democracy: theoretical and methodological tools for studying the East of Europe”
09.06.2022. 15.54 Ziņa
Are you interested in gaining a complex view of the key issues that determine the state of democracy in the Eastern parts of Europe? We have experienced in the past two years the Covid19 pandemic and most recently the war on Ukraine – all with devastating multiple consequences. Do you want to understand how crisis effects the rule of law? Have you ever thought what is the impact of security perceptions on people’s trust in institutions or how the role of populism and biopolitics is changing in a crisis-situation? How about comprehending the significance of thepolitical use of history on everyday democracy? If you like to learn more about these timely and extremely important topics – we offer you a course that combines four universities (University of Helsinki, University of Latvia, University of Tartu, Vilnius University) providing their top-notch expertise. The course includes lectures on: The rule of crisis law: new and old alliances From biopolitics to necropolitics: from
Leading researchers Dr. Ieva Birka and Dr. Didzis Kļaviņš participate in the Baltic Sea Region Forum at the University of Turku.
21.05.2024. 15.53 Ziņa
will be prepared, and further areas of work identified. The meeting at the Baltic Sea Region Forum was an opportunity to discuss the progress of the project thus far, plan for the next in-person meeting in Latvia, and network with the wider Baltic Sea Region epistemic community. For more detailed information about the project and the progress of its implementation, please contact Dr. Ieva Birka ( or Dr. Didzis Kļaviņš ( Projekta "Prepared Together: Stronger Together" atsauce: "Šī publikācija ir finansēta ar Baltijas jūras valstu padomes (CBSS) Projekta atbalsta fonda (PSF) līdzekļiem. CBSS nenodrošina nekādas garantijas attiecībā uz informācijas precizitāti vai pilnīgumu šajā publikācijā. Publikācijā paustie viedokļi, atziņas, interpretācijas un secinājumi ir tikai autoru pašu viedokļi un nepārstāv CBSS oficiālo nostāju." “This publication has been funded by the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) Project Support Facility (PSF). The CBSS does
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