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DHELI project launched to advance digital humanities in Latvia
02.02.2023. 16.28 Ziņa
with Linnaeus University in Sweden and King's College London, the RTU International Master's Degree in Digital Humanities will present a series of guest lectures by prominent scholars in the field of digital humanities. This program offers an unparalleled opportunity for students, researchers, cultural professionals, and others interested in digital humanities to further their education at no cost. For details regarding the DHELI project and digital humanities in Latvia, kindly visit the website . Contact email: The project “Towards Development of Open and FAIR Digital Humanities Ecosystem in Latvia” (No. VPP-IZM-DH-2022/1-0002) is implemented within the framework of the National Research Programme “Digital Humanities”.
Covid-19 patients are monitored by sensors
24.10.2023. 13.23 Ziņa
SP specially designed software that helps to collect and store measurement data. They can be obtained by connecting to the analysis device using a wifi connection activated for the time of data exchange. In the course of the research, by performing separate repeated measurements, the most optimal location of the sensors was determined - they are connected to the air outlet of the artificial ventilation device of the lungs, thus it does not affect the operation of the device itself. As a result, the sensors do not come into contact with the patient, are safe for use by both doctors and patients, and are not exposed to potentially dangerous exposure to excessive humidity, temperature and bacterial contamination. It will be possible to rid the sensors of bacterial and viral contamination using ultraviolet light. The researchers predict that the newly developed system will allow doctors to easily and non-invasively monitor the changes in the body of patients connected to the respiratory system
Join the “Green HExagon” pre-Incubation programme focusing on sustainable solutions
15.11.2023. 12.10 Ziņa
to today’s challenges. Application deadline is January 31st, 2024 and the programme duration will be from February 20st till June 12th, 2024. Apply now through this link:   For more information contact organizers at Project activities are funded by the European Union Erasmus+ project “Entrepreneurial teaching partnerships for fostering innovation and green startup development in higher education”, project No. 2022-1-LV01-KA220-HED-000090176, UL registration No. ZD2022/21385. The programme is organized by four partners: the University of Latvia (Business incubator), the University of Tartu (business incubator “Startup Lab”), the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (business incubator “Point One”), the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt (Startup Center).  This project is funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed reflect the personal views of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those
We invite you to apply to the “Ideation afternoon” workshop
07.02.2024. 18.45 Ziņa
out the application form . Facebook event: You can find out more information about “Green Hexagon” project and pre-incubation program here: Or contact the organizers at Project activities are funded by the European Union Erasmus+ project “Entrepreneurial teaching partnerships for fostering innovation and green startup development in higher education”, project No. 2022-1-LV01-KA220-HED-000090176, UL registration No. ZD2022/21385. The programme is organized by four partners: the University of Latvia (Business incubator), the University of Tartu (business incubator “Startup Lab”), the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (business incubator “Point One”), the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt (Startup Center).  This project is funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed reflect the personal views of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union
Eligibility requirements
15.01.2019. 14.49 Saturs
not satisfy this criterion, but you feel that those students have not been taught University-level physics courses, please contact the Head of the Academic Committee to find a fair solution. Current policy for composition of teams representing a country, subject to inclusion into the statues of EuPhO to be adopted in Riga: Each country can send only one team consisting of one team leader and up to five contestants; team can also include observers. It is the responsibility of the team leader to make sure that there is a transparent and fair nation-wide selection procedure of the contestants. If there is more than one person willing to act as a team leader of a certain country, they are advised to collaborate and make a single team. If they cannot reach such agreement, preference should be given to the team which has better nation-wide coverage of the team selection procedure. The trusted person in this regard is the most recent EuPhO team leader of that country; if it is the first participation
Eligibility requirements
15.01.2019. 14.42 Saturs
not satisfy this criterion, but you feel that those students have not been taught University-level physics courses, please contact the Head of the Academic Committee to find a fair solution. Current policy for composition of teams representing a country, subject to inclusion into the statues of EuPhO to be adopted in Riga: Each country can send only one team consisting of one team leader and up to five contestants; team can also include observers. It is the responsibility of the team leader to make sure that there is a transparent and fair nation-wide selection procedure of the contestants. If there is more than one person willing to act as a team leader of a certain country, they are advised to collaborate and make a single team. If they cannot reach such agreement, preference should be given to the team which has better nation-wide coverage of the team selection procedure. The trusted person in this regard is the most recent EuPhO team leader of that country; if it is the first participation
10.07.2019. 14.37 Saturs
grozījumiem 18.02.2019. 01.03.2019. grozījumi, atbilstoši IUB 20.02.2019. atzinumam. Nolikums ar 01.03.2019. grozījumiem Pielikums Nr.5ar 01.03.2019. grozījumiem Iepirkuma nolikums ar 21.03.2019. grozījumiem Pielikums Nr. 2 ar21.03.2019. grozījumiem Noslēguma ziņojums Līgums * Place for submission of bids: Electronical Procurement System's (the EPS) E-tenders subsystem administered by the State Regional Development Agency (the SRDA) that contracting authorities are obliged to use. In order to submit the bid in the EPS, prior registration is necessary and might take few days!!! More information about registration to EPS is available in the SRDA or the EPS webpage: . Please note that the SRDA is responsible authority for registration and use of this EPS. Therefore in case you need any assistance in the EPS, please contact the SRDA (e-mail: ).
Механика композитных материалов Т. 58, № 4. С. 715–734
05.01.2023. 14.25 Saturs
слоя и изучении смятия на разнонаправленных укладках. Ключевые слова: смятие, микромеханика вычислительная, композит с полимерной матрицей, соединения Поступила в редакцию 08.02.2022 Окончательный вариант поступил 04.04.2022 Перевод статьи на английском языке: Springer N. V. Turbin , R. D.Trifonov, and S. S. Kovtunov Simulation of crumpling in composite materials via computational micromechanics A method for studying the crumpling of unidirectional composite material based on the computational micromechanics is proposed. A micromechanical model is used to study the elasticity and strength of a unidirectional composite material in crumpling under a fastener. The model simulates the test results on a semi-sample with a hole of diameter 6 mm. The effect of contact friction and fiber defects on the elastic modulus of crumpling is shown on a model that takes into account only the geometric nonlinearity. On a model with elastic-plastic properties of the matrix, the formation features
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