Atrasts 851 ieraksts
Brief overview of Canada – Latvia relations
21.09.2012. 16.28 Saturs
: aerospace, machinery, seafood, lumber) whereas imports were $431.7 million (top industries: petroleum, furniture, minerals, textiles). Both countries have a good potential to further extend their trade and economic co-operation. ACADEMIC RELATIONS Canada actively promotes scholarly links and develops fruitful contacts with Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The academic relations initiatives of the Embassy and its local Offices strive to increase awareness of Canada through the encouragement of Canadian Studies programmes in Baltic universities. The International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS) is a federation of national and multinational Canadian Studies associations to support research, education and publications in all fields of Canadian Studies in host countries. In the Baltic Sea region, Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Canadian Studies Associations have been functioning since 1992. The University of Latvia has a long standing co-operation with the University of Dalhausie
19.09.2022. 17.01 Saturs
2011_1_(78) ZINĀTNISKIE RAKSTI/SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES Guntis Zemītis. Meinarda izvēle Ikšķile – nejaušība vai likumsakarība?/Guntis Zemītis. Meinards’s Choice: Ikšķile – Coincidence or Causality? 5–18 Ēriks Jēkabsons. Latvija un Amerikas Savienotās Valstis: pirmie sakari 1918.–1919. gadā/Ēriks Jēkabsons. Latvia and the United States of America: the First Contacts in 1918–1919 19–47 Ainārs Lerhis. Latvijas valdības 1940. gada 17. maija ārkārtas pilnvaru jautājums/Ainārs Lerhis. An Issue of the Latvian Government’s Emergency Powers of 17 May 1940 48–79 Juris Pavlovičs. Okupācijas varu maiņa Latvijā – avoti, historiogrāfija, teorija/Juris Pavlovičs. Change of Occupying Powers in Latvia: Source Material, Historical Writings, Theory 80–90 Aija Jansone. Mākslinieku un daiļamatnieku kopas Lielbritānijā centieni saglabāt latvisko identitāti (1949–2006)/Aija Jansone. The Strivings by the Society of Latvian Artists and Applied Artists in England to Maintain Latvian Identity
Dr. Gerlinde Niehus public guest lecture "NATO agenda 2014", 27 November 2013
15.08.2020. 02.51 Ziņa
Continuing our cooperation with NATO Public Diplomacy Division, University of Latvia invites you to the public guest lecture about NATO Agenda 2014 NATO Public Diplomacy Division, Head of Engagements Section, Dr. Gerlinde Niehus public guest lecture “ NATO AGENDA 2014. TERMINATION OF THE OPERATION IN AFGHANISTAN. COOPERATION WITH THE EUROPEAN UNION ” (The lecture will be followed by discussions. L anguage – English ) November 27, 2013 (Wednesday), 18.00 University of Latvia, Faculty of Economica and Management, auditorium No. 322 Aspazijas blrvd. 5, Riga, Latvia The guest lecture is organized by Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (University of Latvia) and its partners. We kindly ask you to register for the guest lecture using this link . The invitation can be forwarded also to other interested persons. In case of any questions regarding the guest lecture, do not hesitate to contact representative of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the University of Latvia - Romans
Call for Company Internships 2020-2021
18.02.2021. 18.57 Ziņa
Did you know that you can work at a company located in another FORTHEM country? Or that you can peep as an intern into the activities of a lab or an office of another FORTHEM university? If not, please take a look at our internship offers and find out if any of them match your profile! Check the deadline of each offer you are interested in and apply for it if you are in time. Before applying for an offer, don't forget to read carefully through the call to get all the information you need about how you can apply and how your application will be checked, how you can contact us about funding and accommodation, and what documents you need to submit. This is a unique opportunity to get to know another country from a real-life perspective! On the other hand, as we are still in the middle of a global health crisis, you may be able to find a virtual internship through FORTHEM and thus gain insight into a foreign organisation from your home office.
Reminder: Call for Company Internships
22.06.2021. 13.26 Ziņa
Did you know that you can work at a company located in another FORTHEM country? Or that you can peep as an intern into the activities of a lab or an office of another FORTHEM university? If not, please take a look at our internship offers and find out if any of them match your profile! Check the deadline of the offer you are interested in and apply for it if you are in time. Before applying for an offer, don't forget to read carefully through the call to get all the information you need about how you can apply and how your application will be checked, how you can contact us about funding and accommodation, and what documents you need to submit. This is a unique opportunity to get to know another country from a real-life perspective! On the other hand, as we are still in a global health crisis, you may be able to find a virtual internship through FORTHEM and thus gain insight into a foreign organisation from your home office.
Special cases
07.07.2020. 20.20 Saturs
Students (non EU citizens) who have a residence permit issued in another Schengen country, do not need to apply for the long term (D-type) visa in Latvia and she/he is entitled to enter and reside in the Republic of Latvia for a period of up to 360 days within the period of validity of the referred temporary residence permit. N.B. Please remember that you need a valid residence permit issued by the Schengen country where you study/live, therefore, please, check its expiry date . If the residence permit will expire before you will leave Latvia, you need to prolong it before coming to Latvia. If you have any doubt please do not hesitate to contact Mobility Divisionof the University of Latvia.
How much does it cost to participate in the FORTHEM collective short-term mobilities?
11.10.2022. 14.13 Saturs
The participation in the programme is absolutely free for any student that is enrolled to one of FORTHEM partner universities during the application process and during the actual mobility. In addition, you will receive a scholarship to help cover the approximate costs of your travel, accommodation and living expenses while abroad. There are different types of scholarships for students participating to a short-term mobility: the FORTHEM scholarship and third-party scholarships . Each mobility programme specifies the type of scholarship it grants. Students are responsible for finding their own accommodation and meals, but the hosting university can help by providing links and resources. Any additional expenses are not covered by FORTHEM Alliance. For more information about funding you can contact the local FORTHEM office at your home university.
Information on Additional Restrictions to Curb Covid-19
17.03.2020. 11.46 Ziņa
in case of questions (email: Likewise, Latvian diplomatic and consular representations abroad are currently banned from issuing visas for short-term or long-term entry into Latvia. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be tasked with ensuring the circulation of information on the emergency measures in Latvia, as well as the evacuation of Latvian nationals. Border control at Latvia's borders with Lithuania and Estonia will not be resumed, but the organized movement of people will be stopped. Freight will not be interrupted. It is stipulated to suspend the on-site study process in all educational institutions and provide distance learning. All forms of on-site education outside the educational institutions, including the curriculum (training, competition and rehearsal) of all cultural and sports professional and interest education programmes, must be suspended. The University of Latvia is gradually transferring to remote studies, which will mainly be realized in the e
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