Atrasts 851 ieraksts
16.02.2022. 13.45 Ziņa
special attention to examples of interdisciplinary cooperation, such as UV’s SILKNOW or JYU’s DIALLS . In addition, experienced researchers and project leaders from all partner universities presented their actions and discussed their experiences of project development, capacity building and team management. We duly noted down (and posted on Twitter @FitForThem ) some key takeaway messages, including: setting up a successful consortium requires the involvement of experienced partners with complementary disciplinary expertise; a successful proposal always requires identifying stakeholders who will make use of the solutions and ensure tangible impact; our universities offer intra- and cross alliance contacts, labs and (soon) joint offices in order to increase the networking capacity of researchers; methodological challenges and comparative perspectives give the project an added value; co-created, action-oriented research models help not only to design excellent research
Laura Spanier: During my internship in Latvia and at the UL Foundation I acquired priceless experience
17.08.2020. 13.13 Ziņa
of philanthropy in the UL Foundation and gaining a starting point in improving her future career and strengthening Latvianness. “This time was a unique opportunity for me to enjoy summer while working. It must be said that this has been the best experience for me not only at work, but also in Latvia. It is a pity that I must leave, - my colleagues were the most understanding people with their jokes and advice,” says Laura. What did you acquire and learn during this month of internship in Latvia? Every day I had the opportunity to do something new, unknown, and I learned a lot from it. During the internship month, all the planned works were directed toward specific goals – to gain experience and support the activities of the University of Latvia Foundation. I have gained a good experience in working with spreadsheets, project creation, as well as translation. This internship has given me very useful skills for a lifetime. Not only now do I have a hands-on experience in all kinds of office work
LU CFI 2012/19/ERDF
10.05.2019. 01.24 Saturs
Contract price (VAT excluded), LVL Delivery of Hall Measurement System using Van Der Pauw method, with I-V Curve Plotting Capability and multiple measurements capabilities. CPV reference number: 38000000-5. 08.06. 2012. TED No.184296-2012 13/06/2012 23.07. 2012. 14.00 3 SIA „Labochema Latvija”, Dzērbenes street 27, Riga, LV-1006, Latvia Registration No.: LV40003925979 30.08. 2012. 1 month 19 100 Contact person: Janis Pinnis, Secretary of the Procurement Commission, tel.+371 67260545, fax: +371 67132778, e-mail: Tender Regulation:
LUCFI 2015/2
10.05.2019. 01.06 Saturs
(VAT excluded), EUR Research grade interchangeable triple – grading Czerny-Turner Spectrograph. Time of delivery as of the day entering into the Contract: 3 (three) months. CPV code: 38400000-9 Between 4 000 and 41999.99 09.02. 2015. 20.02. 2015. 10:00 1 UAB „Altechna” Reg.No.: 123542064, Mokslininku g. 6A, LT-08412, Vilnius, Lithuania 04.03.2015 3 (three) months 12 500.00 Contact person: Jānis Pinnis, telephone: +371 67260545, +371 29680881, fax: +371 67132778, e-mail: Text of the Invitation: Text of the Contract:
26.03.2019. 14.56 Saturs
. Latvian Consulate representative is helping in process of submitting documents for residence permit and visa and document legalisation from Latvian side. Note! If you are still studying in last semester and don’t have a diploma, you can apply with provisional results from your school. You will need to submit an obtained diploma afterwards. Note! Applicants, who submit documents for temporary residence permit after August 20 th , have to choose express examination of documents for 10 days. If the residence permit obtaining process continues longer than expected, LU makes a decision on the commencement of study options in this or next academic year. If you have questions regarding application procedure, academic or practical matters, feel free to contact us
Research, modelling and mathematical methodology improvement for atomic and continuous media physical processes
05.02.2020. 18.32 Saturs
of the school lie in the approach of interdisciplinary seminars and teleconferences. Research directions: Physical Didactics Condensed matter physics Laser physics and spectroscopy Medical physics Atom and molecular physics Optics Physics of heat processes and molecular physics Mechanics of liquids and gases Theoretical physics Astrophysics and fundamental astronomy Mechanics of polymer and composite materials Differential equations Geometry and topology Mathematical analysis and functional analysis Mathematical modelling Modern elementary mathematics and mathematical didactics Skaitliskā analīze Probability theory and mathematical statistics Discrete mathematics and mathematical informatics Contact Person of the Council Ms Andra Damberga
FORTHEM Labs for research, education and innovation
02.11.2022. 13.30 Saturs
and dynamic learning environments with the aim to encourage our students to become designers of innovative processes and develop future skills, such as analytical thinking, creativity and communication. They will serve as new and innovative interfaces between education, research and innovation. They will provide new tools for transferring research-based knowledge to society and transmitting the input, knowledge and ideas from society to universities. The outputs of the Labs will include new online teaching material for FORTHEM Digital Academy , new intensive courses, joint scientific publications and final reports of civic engagement projects. On the long run, the FORTHEM Alliance is working towards the establishment of collective PhD groups and joint degree programmes related to the seven topics. The FORTHEM Campus will be closely linked with the activities of all FORTHEM Labs . More information FORTHEM Labs: What are they, really? ContactMission Board Manager Päivikki
What Language Is Spoken in Diaspora? Dynamics of Situation in Language
21.12.2020. 15.54 Saturs
language, contact and migration of ethnic communities in the diaspora. Linguistic change in this diaspora is compared with language shifts during the “trimda” (exile), when a wave of similar number of Latvians fled Latvia during World War II, and native language retention within this ethnic community which has now entered the third generation. Quantitative data from various surveys of the diaspora and returning migrants provides an insight into the dynamics of language retention in both the adult diaspora community as well as in the second diaspora generation raised abroad. Interviews with diaspora community members add a qualitative in-depth look at the issues that concern this wave of emigrants including the challenges regarding retention of Latvian language in families with diverse linguistic backgrounds, opinions on the purpose of native language acquisition and maintenance and how it correlates with ethnic identity.
Validity and Reliability of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II: Latvian Version
03.11.2021. 21.53 Saturs
Validity and Reliability of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II: Latvian Version [PDF] I nese Sadauska, Aleksandrs Koļesovs University of Latvia, Latvia Abstract: The objective of this study was to assess the psychometric properties of the Latvian version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II), measuring psychological flexibility described as the ability to act according to chosen values while consciously being in contact with subjectively unpleasant present moment experiences. The scale provides a single score across 7 items. The original AAQ-II was translated to Latvian and then back to English. The Satisfaction with Life Scale, Flourishing Scale and Meaning in Life Questionnaire was applied for testing the convergent validity of the AAQ-II. Participants of the study were 191 people, ranged in age from 19 to 68 (159 women, mean age M =30.62, SD =9.50). Reliability analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis (EFA and CFA) of the scale were
UL Science Project Presentation in the Great Hall
30.11.2010. 14.41 Ziņa
and promote contribution in science. In 2009, 55000 applications were received from organizations around all Europe, and 9000 projects were accepted. Latvia in uptaking the financing is slightly over the average index; however, small and medium-sized enterprises of Latvia fall behind science organizations. The current Framework Programme is a continuation of former (5 th and 6 th ) programmes. The 7th Framework Programme for research and science development has been created to gain financing during the period of 2007 - 2013, therefore already in the first half of next year there will be discussions with the former project developers about improvements, which scientistists expect to see in the next 8th Framework Programme. The next Programme is planned for 2014. The leader of the National Contact Point, Arnolds Ubelis, awarded the UL Science Pro-rector Indrikis Muiznieks for organizing the Open Doors Day within the UL premises and promoting science, Science Pro-rector Leonid Ribickis of Riga
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