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Contribution to rise of Fatherland and the University of Latvia
09.06.2020. 12.46 Ziņa
Eigits D. Timermanis has bequeathed land properties, the proceeds whereof are used to support Latvian students and young researchers. All these donors are united by their Latvian roots, however, a large part of their lives and careers has been spent abroad. Platinum Patron Kurt Hagen (1916–2000) Kurt Hagen , one of the most generous patrons of the University of Latvia, was born in Latvia, but moved to Hamburg, Germany, where he has been laid to rest. In 1999, he bequeathed all the property acquired during his lifetime in the amount of 2.4 million EUR to the UL Foundation with the aim of supporting gifted students in gaining experience by means of exchange studies at German universities. To date, t he support has been received by 8 University of Latvia students representing different fields of studies. Furthermore, in 2017, in appreciation of this contribution, the UL Foundation initiated creation of a symbolic environmental object at the UL Botanical Garden – a bench
News in Outreach
20.10.2021. 13.04 Ziņa
Now that we are heading towards the last year of the first funding period, the good news is that the impact of the pandemic on our daily lives is lessening slowly. It has to be noted that the pandemic has heavily affected our main Outreach activities, such as international internships in companies and schools, and international civic engagement projects: due to the mobility restrictions we all have suffered. We are noticing now that students are showing a greater interest in the aforementioned activities, supported by ERASMUS+ mobility funding; and some of them are funded directly by the alliance. Notably, the alliance has doubled the funds available for outreach projects of FORTHEM students and also covers the travelling expenses of at least one physical meeting of the student team undertaking these projects. In addition, more funding has also been made available for the international school internships, as some of them are planned to be shorter than 2 months and therefore cannot
Three rectors’ scholarship went to student of the University of Latvia
24.05.2021. 13.54 Ziņa
will be organised by the University of Latvia in the 2021/2022 academic year. All students who speak the languages of the three Baltic states are welcome to participate. More detailed information about the conditions and organisation of the competition can be found here . Those interested in learning the languages of the Baltic states can do that at the language courses of the University of Tartu College of Foreign Languages and Cultures.
Library of the Humanities
14.01.2014. 17.43 Saturs
about the Chinese and Japanese history, society, linguistics and literature, and Lithuanian literature reading room. At the Library of Humanities users can use a self-check system for taking and returning books. The Library provides united customer service of the Library of the University of Latvia. The building is located in the center of Riga, so it is easily accessible from all public transport stops. Students have free-of-charge access to local and international databases. (the list available at ) Access to the databases is provided both from the computers located at the UL and from those outside the UL computer network by using user names and passwords provided for every student of the UL.The Department of Contrastive Linguistics, Translation and Interpreting has its own collection of dictionaries and books that are available to the students in Room 421 at Visvalža 4a.The Department also publishes books and collections
27.11.2023. 09.41 Saturs | 230-243 | PDF Perception of theSchool Interior from theStudents’ and Teachers’ Perspective Renata Jukić, Sara Kakuk, Tihana Jelić Department for Pedagogy, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,University of Osijek, Croatia Abstract. A curriculum as aset of planned and implicit determinants that direct theeducational process according to thetasks and content derived from thegoal contains anessential characteristic, which is its hiddenness, i.e., implicitness. Thehidden curriculum is based on deep-rooted and often unconscious notions that theindividual carries with them, transmitting social norms and values. Theterm “school interior” refers to theterm “hidden curriculum” because it can also influence theprocess of upbringing and education with its organization and appearance. It shapes theenvironment where students and teachers spend their time every day and, because of this, many educational processes take place in it. Numerous studies
Culture Shock Workshops
20.09.2021. 19.17 Ziņa
to 29th October, and end on 30th November to 3rd December. We will communicate you your group and time slot until mid-October. Workshop structure Weekly hour-long meetings taking place online via Teams or Zoom. Free and open to all students from FORTHEM Alliance partner universities . Registration via an online form . Students registered for the workshops will receive a statement from the Faculty of Languages and Communication (UFR Langues et communication) confirming their participation. More information Contact: Watch the Culture Shock Workshops video directed by uB students
Topošo absolventu stāsti - vieglatlēts un LU EVF students Ronalds Arājs
07.06.2016. 17.12 Ziņa
Patlaban, kad vēl pilnā sparā rit studentu noslēguma darbu aizstāvēšanas un nav aiz kalniem izlaidumu laiks un vasaras uzņemšanas Latvijas augstskolās, piedāvājam interesantu un iedvesmojošu interviju ar sportistu, bijušo vieglatlētu Ronaldu Arāju, kurš ir ne tikai sasniedzis ievērojamus un augstus rezultātus kā sportists, bet turpina augt un pilnveidoties - gan caur savu ģimeni, gan darbā, gan studijās. "Neatslābstiet! Izdomājiet, ko gribiet studēt, un uz priekšu! Nelidinieties pa mākoņiem, neplānojiet izklaides, bet domājiet par savu nākotni! Tas noteikti atmaksāsies." - tāds ir Ronalda novēlējums visiem, kuri vēl domā vai un kur studēt. Maijā tikāmies ar Ronaldu LU Ekonomikas un vadības fakultātē - laikā, kad viņš vēl aktīvi raksta savu maģistra darbu, kuru tuvākajās jūnija dienās arī aizstāvēs, lai iegūtu sociālo zinātņu maģistra grādu vadības zinībās. Runājām par sportu, par sasniegumiem un grūtībām sportista karjerā, kā arī par personīgo izaugsmi, izglītības nozīmi un par
The University of Latvia participates in the networking event of the best education agents "NET24" in Warsaw
02.11.2022. 16.03 Ziņa
on October 28, in Warsaw, Poland, at the "Marriot" conference center. The event was attended by the invited 45 higher education institutions, including the University of Latvia, 64 educational agent agencies that have so far shown the best results of attracting students, 57 countries of the world were represented, gathering a total of 150 participants. The University of Latvia was represented at the event by Zane Svilāne, the head of the Student Recruitment Department of the University of Latvia, and Kitija Balcare, the communication manager of the Study Development and Governance Improvement Program of the University of Latvia. The University of Latvia participated in the "NET24: TOP 25 World's Best Agents" event with the aim of introducing educational agents from European, Asian and African countries to study opportunities for foreign students at the University of Latvia, including the newly created study programs. During the event, student attraction agents from countries
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