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“Biosan” provides generous support for studies of upcoming epidemiologists
05.03.2021. 15.56 Ziņa
In todaysCOVID-19 pandemic, it has become apparent, that more epidemiologists are needed in Latvia. They are professionals, who can plan and coordinate prophylactic and preventative measures. During this academic semester, University of Latvia(UL), for the first time, has enrolled new students in their new study program “Epidemiology and medicinal statistics”. On the other hand, patron “Biosan” has provided a generous support for the new professionals in this field and their research. At the UL faculty of medicine(FoM), for the past couple of years, intensive work has been carried out to create new masters level study program in the field of epidemiology and medicinal statistics. The study program has been granted a license and the first group of students has been enrolled in a year, where the world has been taken by a coronavirus pandemic. This global pandemic has shed light on the extreme necessity of professionals who can devisea methodology for conducting epidemiologic
A multilateral and multidisciplinary Erasmus agreement recently signed between all FORTHEM universities
09.03.2021. 13.28 Ziņa
The agreement will expand the possibilities for student, teacher and staff Erasmus exchange in a variety of fields between the alliance universities. Compared to the Erasmus agreements signed earlier between individual FORTHEM alliance universities, the newly endorsed multilateral agreement enables a considerably larger number of mobilities in a much wider range of fields to take place between the FORTHEM universities. Moreover, the agreement will enable students from the FORTHEM universities to take part in FORTHEM Campuses, jointly organized semester-long exchange programmes hosting campuses appointed on the basis of rotation, at the University of Burgundy in autumn 2021 and at the University of Latvia in spring 2022. A FORTHEM multilateral Erasmus agreement for the new Erasmus programme period from 2022 onwards will be signed later this year and will include an even wider array of study fields and many more exchange opportunities for students and staff of the FORTHEM alliance
26.11.2023. 22.52 Saturs | 375-386 | PDF Mature-Age Student’s Opportunities as aMatter of Social Inclusion in theHigher Education Inga Zeide 1 , Gunta Kalvāne 2 1 Liepaja University, Latvia 2 University of Latvia, Latvia Abstract. Digital revolution, pandemics, market-orientation, and massification in higher education, as well globalization– aworldwide challenge in economics, politics, societal structures, and health systems– completely changes the“ age landscape ” in universities. Over thelast 20 years, universities around theworld have seen anincrease in thenumber of non-traditional or mature-age students and are facing complex and challenging problems. In theliterature these “non-traditional” in terms of age students are called mature-age students (by some scholars also second chancers, independent students, adult learners). Social inclusion equation is highly complex concept, including variables as class, ethnicity, gender, age, subject of study, location
Choose success – study at the Faculty of Computing of the University of Latvia!
04.02.2021. 18.05 Ziņa
. The label is awarded to bachelor's and master's level study programmes that meet the standards set by the European Quality Label. Employers recommend studying computer science at the University of Latvia Every year the UL bachelor's study programme in computer science has been recognised as the most recommended study programme by employers in Latvia since 2017, In an annual survey conducted by the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia and the portal “”, employers value studies in the field of IT and recommend studying in ICT study programmes, but recognise the UL bachelor's study programme “Computer Science” as the best, not only among IT programmes, but also study programmes of all fields. Lecturers with doctoral degrees, education and experience obtained in world universities Several professors of the Faculty of Computing have obtained an education in foreign universities, for example, Prof. Andris Ambainis – the University of California, Berkeley, Prof. Leo Seļāvo
Dārgie kolēģi, mīļie LU HZF studenti!
11.09.2012. 11.27 Ziņa
Pagājusi pirmā septembra nedēļa – ievads jaunam studiju gadam un pārejas laiks – no sandalēm uz kurpēm, no zaļā uz brūnzaļo un iedzelteno dabā, no individuāli brīvāka sava laika plānojuma uz nodarbību grafiku... Mums fakultātē ir pat necerēti kupla jauno studentu kopa (686 pirmkursnieki). Skaidrs, ka humanitāro zinību jomai piekrišana nezūd, lai arī demogrāfiskajā un „aizbraukšanas” bedrē Latvija nu jau laikam iekāpusi. Skaidrs arī, ka nekur citur nav tik būtiski un vērtīgi studēt humanitārās zinātnes kā pašam savā valstī, jo pienesums humanitārās jomas attīstībai (arvien būdams visdažādākajos veidos starpnacionāls) pēc būtības visnepieciešamākais ir konkrētai nacionālai videi. Mums pirmo gadu ir savs fakultātes karogs (sk. foto). Cerams, šis simbols – Bābeles tornis no grāmatām / tekstiem un cilvēkiem – spēs vienot gan studentus, gan mācībspēkus un būs „savējo” zīme vēl ilgas un fakultātei kopumā studijās un zinātnē ražīgas desmitgades. Vismaz Aristoteļa svētku pustumsā Doma laukumā
Bachelor’s degree programme Cultural and Social Anthropology
25.04.2024. 15.10 Saturs
+ exchange program for studies or/and traineeship. More information: ERASMUS + study mobility ERASMUS + traineeship moblity Admission requirements General secondary high school diploma; English language proficiency. The average grade of the secondary education document in all subjects must be at least 6 (on a 10-point scale). Enrollment criteria (for students competing for the state-financed study place) 1. The grade in English (60%); 2. The grade in Mathematics (20%); 3. Grade point average (20%); 4. Additional points (10%) may be received for a grade in social studies. Please note! Only EU/EEA/Swiss citizens and EU long-term resident status holders can competefor a state-financed study place. As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview. More information: Autumn Intake (application start: 1 Nov 2023; studies start in Sept 2024) Full-time Contact person for questions about
20.10.2022. 18.42 Saturs
, contribute to the European neighbourhood policy and give us access to the francophone and hispanic world. ­ FORTHEM Glossary Civic Engagement Projects Projects accomplished by students from at least three FORTHEM universities. May include a third-party client. Students are supported with a project management courseand a grant worth 1000 EUR. For students :an opportunity to get international project experience, starting all the way from the planning and fund application stage. For universities and clients : an opportunity to commission international student groups towork for a project suitable to their interests. Read more from the FORTHEM Alliance website Digital Academy A sharedMoodleplatform between FORTHEM universities for cross-studying courses will be launched in September 2021. Both lecture classes and independent study coursesareoffered. For students : an opportunity to add international studies to the degree without travelling and/or long stays abroad. For faculties
Neiroķirurģijas Ziemas seminārs Igaunijā
11.02.2010. 12.39 Ziņa
Latvijas Universitātes Eksperimentālā ķirurģijas centra studenti, šā gada 4. decembrī apmeklēja neaizmirstamu neiroķirurģijas Ziemas semināru Tartu. Tikai ar Doc. Jura Puriņa gādību, neatlaidību un Latvijas Universitātes atbalstu, mēs – 21 students varējām gūt šo fantastisko un tik ļoti vērtīgo pieredzi un jaunas zināšanas neiroķirurģijā. Ziemas semināru organizēja Ludviga Puuseppa Igaunijas neirologu un neiroķirurgu asociācija. Seminārs norisinājās vienu dienu un bija sadalīts divās daļās. Interesanti, ka semināra daļas tika aizvadītas katra savā norises vietā. Pirmā semināra daļa norisinājās Tartu Universitātes klīnikā. Šajā daļā bija trīs fantastiskas lekcijas: Kā ārstēt zemu diferencētu gliomu ( Dilemmas in low grade glioma treatment ); Intraoperatīvā monitorēšana ( Intraoperative monitoring ); Fluorescence operācijās labi diferencētas gliomas ārstēšanai ( Fluorescence in surgery for high grade glioma ) . Visas augstākminētās lekcijas lasīja profesors Jan Jakob Mooij
Education @ Copenhagen
10.03.2023. 14.35 Saturs
University of Copenhagen offers aM.Sc. programme in Quantum Information Science. The programme that is offered jointly with the Technical University of Denmark will accept the first class of incoming students in September 2023. The programme has an interdisciplinary focus on the connections between Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics. The programme covers both the software and hardware aspects of quantum information and gives the students the opportunity to specialise within theory, experiments or technology. The programme is a part of the EU consortium DigiQ.
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