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Apply for internship in startup across Europe
05.12.2019. 18.56 Ziņa
Are you interested to experience what it takes to build a business? Would you like to do an internship in Spain, Greece, Finland or Luxembourg and gain insights into the startup world as well as share your skills and talents with promising startup companies? Make an impact and experience the enterprenurial world through practical internship in startups across Europe. Placement at a startup companyis an opportunity to explore your strengths and talents while performing meaningful tasks that support innovations and businesses of cutting edge technologies. Project POWER incubators and startups are keen to meet talented and motivated students willing to make a difference. Maybe you will be part a part of build the next “unicorn” startup. If you are searching for internship apply here . The project Placement Opportunities With Entrepreneurial Reach (POWER) aims to create modern, targeted and user-friendly ICT tools for effective placement management at European start-ups, allowing
A New Part C Course “Holocaust in Latvian Culture”
29.01.2020. 16.41 Ziņa
In spring semester 2020, the Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Latvia offers a new studies course “Holocaust in Latvian Culture.” During the course, the students will familiarise themselves with the reasons and the chronology of the Holocaust in Latvia and in the world, discuss the interaction between the modern communication environment and culture, as well as the viability of supranational stories in the space of a national memory. The course involves an excursion in the territory of the former Riga ghetto, a visit to the museum “Jews in Latvia” and the Žanis Lipke Memorial. A special lecture will be organised with the students from the USA (Florida Southern College) who will arrive in Riga within the framework of a cultural exchange programme. Lectures will take place in the main building of the University of Latvia, Rainis Boulevard 19, Room 240. Learn more and read full description of the course here. The course will be taught by Claims Conference University
JGU Mainz starts a FORTHEM/FIT FORTHEM roadshow
26.04.2021. 18.25 Ziņa
JGU Mainz starts a roadshow through the university to inform about the current state-of-performance in FORTHEM and the new FIT FORTHEM project! It's half-time in FORTHEM! For 1.5 years, the seven partner universities have been working on a lasting partnership, a real European University. Exchange and cooperation with non-academic partners are on the agenda, but also questions about joint research agendas and the shared use of human and infrastructural resources play a central role. Besides the main project funded by ERASMUS plus a new Horizon 2020 project – FIT FORTHEM, was obtained and kicked-off in January. This results in a wide range of opportunities and possibilities for participation for researchers, teachers, students and staff. Dr. Tanja Herrmann and Dr. Nicole Birkle from JGU international office and Research Services will present these to the JGU departments and other core committees and facilities together with researcher and students who are already involved. A roadshow
NSYSU initiates academic visits to Latvia and Lithuania to strengthen ties
28.10.2022. 18.14 Ziņa
. NSYSU students have gone to UL on the exchange, but no Latvian students have come to NSYSU over the years. On the research side, NSYSU's cooperation with the Institute of Solid State Physics at UL has been fruitful. The "Taiwan and Baltic National Physics Research Center" was jointly established in 2020 to work in solid-state physics research. More information
Klasiķi LU zinātniskajā saimē
17.06.2014. 20.15 Ziņa
Jaunajā "Alma Mater" numurā (2014. gada vasara) lasāms par jaunajiem un perspektīvajiem LU zinātniekiem, viņu vidū arī Klasiskās filoloģijas maģistra studiju programmas 2. kursa students Mārtiņš Laizāns. Žurnālu "Alma Mater" elektroniskā versijā var lasīt <link _blank external-link-new-window>šeit. </link>
Eligibility Criteria
30.01.2024. 15.05 Saturs
The University of Latvia’s Centre for European and Transition Studies (CETS) offers internships to university students (Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral) and recent graduates eager to gain working knowledge of the European Union and its external relations. In order to apply for an internship at CETS, you must fulfill the criteria outlined below: Educational Status : applicants must be enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent. Students pursuing higher education such as a Masters or Doctoral studies would be an asset; Educational Focus : applicants must be enrolled or have completed degrees in the following disciplines: International Relations, European Studies, Law, Media or Political Science. European Studies includes: EU law, politics, economics, and/or external relations: Languages : applicants must be thoroughly proficient in English. Having knowledge of other languages such as: French, Latvian, and/or Russian (or other languages) would be an asset.
08.12.2022. 22.40 Saturs | 242-252 | PDF The Effect of Students’ Self-Reported Information and Informatics Literacy on Financial Literacy and the Use of Online Payment Ivana Đurđević Babić 1 , Ivana Bestvina Bukvić 2 1 Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Education, Croatia, 2 Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Croatia Abstract. In today’s world, where almost everything takes place in the virtual world, information and informatics, as well as financial literacy are becoming increasingly important. Although most of the university students are considered to be sufficiently information and informatics literate, the Covid-19 pandemic has confirmed how necessary it is to possess the skills and knowledge related to these literacies in order to maintain quality of life by using new financial technologies and be effective in various spheres of life. This study investigated whether there is connection between
AS "Latvenergo" stipendiju konkurss 2022
20.09.2022. 18.42 Ziņa
AS "Latvenergo" izsludina stipendiju konkursu augstākās izglītības iestāžu studiju beidzējiem uz studiju noslēguma darbu izstrādes laiku, ja students raksta darbu par kādu Latvenergo aktuālu tēmu kopā ar Latvenergo konsultantu — gan paša piedāvātu,gan no sagatavoto tēmu saraksta. Paziņojums Tēmu saraksts Nolikums Plašāka informācija lasāma "Latvenergo" tīmekļa vietnē .
01.06.2023. 15.58 Saturs
in the project. Number of respondents – students – n-582. The author analyzed the impact of additional sports activities on students’ work ethic, learning achievements, physical fitness, etc. Data were processed using the Windows SPSS program. It is concluded that students improve their ability to concentrate and complete the learning process and their eating habits. In qualitative surveys– interviews with school management, it was found that this type of process is recommended for all educational institutions because the benefits are more than the negative factors. Keywords: Sport, education, health, kids, societies well-being In: To Be or Not to Be a Great Educator , 2022. Proceedings of ATEE Annual Conference Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2023. 985 p. Ed . L. Daniela ISBN 978-9934-36-019-0
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