Atrasts 23651 ieraksts
Track A
08.07.2013. 02.57 Saturs
of any symmetric Boolean function, addressing a question of \v{S}palek. Our final contribution is to reprove several Markov-type inequalities from approximation theory by constructing explicit dual solutions to natural linear programs. These inequalities underlie the proofs of many of the best-known approximate degree lower bounds, and have important uses throughout theoretical computer science. See this blog post by the authors for a discussion of details of the paper. Best student paper in Track A Radu Curticapean. Counting matchings of size k is #W[1]-hard Abstract: We prove #W[1]-hardness of the following parameterized counting problem: Given a simple undirected graph G and a parameter k, compute the number of matchings of size k in G. It is known from (Bläser, Curticapean 2012) that, given an edge-weighted graph G, computing a particular weighted sum over the matchings in G is #W[1]-hard. In the present paper, we exhibit a reduction that does not require weights
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